The files in this folder /MapTools/ are all Fortran 90 source code in MODULE structure. That is, they are not finished, stand-alone programs. Instead, they do necessary algebraic or graphical work in support of other applications, like my FiniteMap, NeoKineMap, Seismicity, OrbWin, etc. In a few cases, a routine will need to communicate with the user to obtain additional information. (An example: SUBROUTINE Prompter in Map_Tools.f90) Such communication is by ASCII text-mode interface, which should work approximately the same in all computer systems. Many of these codes produce output graphical files. They do so using the conventions of Adobe Illustrator, which you will need to purchase. I let Adobe take care of providing the operating-system-specific parts of the user interface for viewing, printing, exporting, and/or editing graphics. You will need these files if you try to modify and recompile any of the primary applications that refer to them. You may also find it useful to incorporate them into programs of your own. In Fortran 90, you do this with a statement like "USE Sphere" at the top of your program. You can then refer directly to subprograms and global variables within the module from your program. (In order to avoid accidentally overwriting important variable values within the modules, I have begun variable names in many modules with a short prefix, like "ai_" in Adobe_Illustrator.f90.) The total package of: Adobe_Illustrator.f90 Map_Projections.f90 Map_Tools.f90 Flat_Section.f90 gives you many of the map-related capabilities of GMT (Generic Mapping Tools), although not the 3-D data visualization tools. If you want to use spherical-geometry utilities without compiling-in all the map-related and graphics-related codes that come with them, a simple alternative is my MODULE Sphere.f90. MODULE Quaternion.f90, by Yan Kagan, performs rotations in 3-D. Additions in 2015: NOTE that I created upgraded versions of most of these modules in 2015. These new versions replace all REAL (4-byte) variables with REAL*8 (8-byte) variables--also known as DOUBLE PRECISION. A new prefix of "D" on both MODULE names and SUBROUTINE/FUNCTION names distinguishes these from the legacy versions. Thus, for example, the 2015 releases of FiniteMap and NeoKineMap were built using MODULES DAdobe_Illustrator, DMap_Projections, DMap_Tools, DIcosahedron, etc. N.B. The issue of whether floating-point variables use 32 or 64 bits is DISTINCT from the question of whether an operating system uses 32-bit or 64-bit addressing. Thus, these new REAL*8 "D" modules can run on old 32-bit versions of Windows (e.g., Windows XP) as well as on the newer versions. Best wishes, Peter Bird UCLA 2015.09.23