Some of my Windows executable files (with names ending in -Win32par.exe or -Win64par.exe, for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions, respectively) were compiled for parallel processing, with a potentially huge speed-up. One inconvenience comes along with this: Intel's redistributable dynamic link library (.DLL) file of the OpenMP (Message-Passing) library must be available for dynamic linking during program execution. The required DLL file is: libiomp5md.dll Even more confusingly, the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of this Intel .dll file have the same names! You can tell them apart by their file-sizes, however. The 32-bit versions have the following sizes: libiomp5md.dll 867 KB Here is the method I recommend for making this DLL file available: -->Place it in the same folder that holds the input data files for running my program, <---- -->OR in the same folder that holds the -Win32par.exe parallel executable file. <---- This method should work reliably, regardless of whether you start my program by: (a) Double-clicking the -Win32par.exe file in File Explorer (in which case, you would want to have the input data files and DLLs in the same folder), OR (b) Use a text-mode command prompt (as in old-school DOS and Linux) to navigate to the correct folder, and start the -Win32par.exe file by typing its name (in which case, you would want to have the input data files and DLLs in the same folder); OR (c) Use a Windows Shortcut file, in which case you will have to identify the folder containing the input data files (and the DLLs files) in the "Start In:" field of the dialog box called Properties (of the Shortcut file; right-click on its icon). There are several more sophisticated ways that this DLL MIGHT be provided: (d) If you really know what you are doing, you could "register" this DLL file in the Windows Registry file, by using Windows utility program Regsvr32.exe. However, be warned that more modern 64-bit versions of Windows contain two different variants of this program (with the same name!) which are used for registering 32-bit and 64-bit DLLs, respectively. You might use this method successfully today, but mess it up when you move on to a 64-bit computer in the future. If you mess this up you could damage your Registry and also the previous installations of other parallel programs. (e) If you really know what you are doing, you could place this DLL file in the PATH (one of the Windows "environment variables"). However, be warned that 64-bit Windows computers have two versions of PATH; one for 64-bit operations, and another for backward-compatibility 32-bit Windows on Windows or "WoW" installations and operations, so this can get confusing! Again, you might get this right today, but find that the "same" method causes trouble under future 64-bit version of Windows. Also, later installations of other programs may change your PATH(s). (That is why the PATH method is now deprecated, in favor of the registration method.) (f) Some day, I may learn enough to write a Windows "installer" program that takes care of installing these DLLs for you, and also makes sure that you have the correct EXE file (32-bit or 64-bit) for your computer. However, I am "not there yet" in terms of programming skills, and it is not a high priority for me to produce slick, pseudo-commercial installations. Good luck! Peter Bird, UCLA 2017.01.19