PROGRAM RetroMap2 ! ! (RetroMap, version 2, for use with version 2 of Restore) ! ! Graphical part of the RESTORE group of ! palinspastic and paleotectonic programs. ! Reads basemap (.dig) files in (lon,lat) format ! and/or gridded-data (.grd) files for display, ! finite-element-grid (.feg) files ! defining finite strains over time, nodal ! velocity (.vel) files, and various kinds of ! fault/paleomagnetic/stress data (.dat) files, ! with embedded histories of slip/movement/rotation, ! and creates .ai graphics files containing maps, ! in a choice of 10 different map projections. ! ! by Peter Bird ! Department of Earth and Space Sciences ! University of California ! Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567 ! ! (310) 825-1126 ! ! August, 1997 - June, 1999 ! !(c) Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 by ! Peter Bird and the Regents of the University of California. ! USE Adobe_Illustrator ! provided in separate file Adobe_Illustrator.f90 USE Map_Projections ! provided in separate file Map_Projections.f90 USE Map_Tools ! provided in separate file Map_Tools.f90 USE DFLIB, ArcQQ => Arc ! Using GETFILEINFOQQ, part of DFLIB of ! DIGITAL Visual Fortran which provides names of files ! matching spec.s like "F*.dig". Helps user select correct file. ! If no substitute is available on your system when you compile, ! just omit SUBROUTINE File_List (and any calls to it). ! ALSO using BEEPQQ to sound PC speaker when tasks are done; ! again, this can simply be omitted if there is no substitute. ! However, not using ellipse-drawing routine ARC; I have my own ! Arc function in module Map_Projections. So, it is renamed ArcQQ. !TYPES IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*1 :: c1, first_byte CHARACTER*1, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sense CHARACTER*3 :: c3, c3t1, c3t2 CHARACTER*3, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bitmap CHARACTER*5 :: c5 CHARACTER*6 :: c6 CHARACTER*8 :: number8 CHARACTER*10 :: string10 CHARACTER*12 :: element_scalar_units, grid_units, node_scalar_units CHARACTER*47 :: c47 CHARACTER*50 :: c50 CHARACTER*80 :: bottom_line_memo, cdat_file, cdat_pathfile, & & element_scalar_feg_file, element_scalar_feg_pathfile, & & fdat_file, fdat_pathfile, & & feg_file, feg_pathfile, & & grd1_file, grd1_pathfile, grd2_file, grd2_pathfile, & & line, & & lines_basemap_file, lines_basemap_pathfile, & & new_feg_file, new_feg_pathfile, & & node_scalar_feg_file, node_scalar_feg_pathfile, & & old_feg_file, old_feg_pathfile, & & path_in, path_out, pdat_file, pdat_pathfile, & & polygons_basemap_file, polygons_basemap_pathfile, & & sdat_file, sdat_pathfile, & & strain_feg_file, strain_feg_pathfile, & & stress_feg_file, stress_feg_pathfile, & & top_line_memo, traces_file, traces_pathfile, & & vel_file, vel_pathfile CHARACTER*132 :: bottom_line, top_line CHARACTER*132, DIMENSION(20) :: titles CHARACTER*134 :: c134, & & c_dat_format, c_dat_titles, & & f_dat_format, f_dat_titles, & & p_dat_format, p_dat_titles, & & s_dat_format, s_dat_titles INTEGER :: bitmap_color_mode, bitmap_height, bitmap_width, bitmap_shading_mode, & & cdat_count, choice, distance_method, & & element_scalar_method, element_scalar_zeromode, & & group, grd1_ncols, grd1_nrows, grd2_ncols, grd2_nrows, & & high_trace, & & i, i1, i2, iele, ios, irow, & & j, j1, j2, jcol, jp, jp1, & & k, l, l_, ln_area_method, lp, & & m, ma, mb, method, minutes, mosaic_count, & & n, na, nb, ncols, new_numel, nfl, node_scalar_choice, node_scalar_method, & & np1, nrows, nseg, numel, numnod, & & old_mosaic_count, old_numel, old_overlay_count, overlay_count, & & pdat_count, & & read_status, rotation_method, & & s_dat_count, strain_thinner, strainrate_mode012, stress_thinner, & & title_choice, title_count, trace_index, train_length, & & vector_thinner, velocity_method INTEGER, DIMENSION(10) :: mosaic_choice, overlay_choice INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: neighbor INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nodef INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nodes, new_nodes, old_nodes LOGICAL :: add_titles, bottom, cold_start, & & distance_km_lowblue, do_more_mosaics, do_more_overlays, & & do_mosaic, do_overlay, & & element_scalar_lowblue, & & e1h_partitioned, e2h_partitioned, err_partitioned, & & got_any_stars, got_stars, grd1_lonlat, grd2_lonlat, & & grid_lowblue, grd1_success, grd2_success, & & in_ok, latter_mosaic, ln_area_lowblue, lt, & & mated, more_ai, more_dat, more_dig, more_feg, more_grd, more_info, more_map, more_vel, & & neotec, node_scalar_lowblue, & & only_stressed, & & paleotec, plot_this, polygons, problem, & & restored, right, rotation_degrees_lowblue, & & shaded_relief, skip_0_contour, solid, success, suggest_logical, & & velocity_lowblue, virgin, visible LOGICAL(1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bitmap_success LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: faulting ! are any fault segments (cracks) active in this element? ! (1:numel = element index) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: selected LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: strained REAL, PARAMETER :: bottomlegend_gap_points = 14. REAL, PARAMETER :: cot_thrust_dip = 2.14451 ! 1./TAN(25.) REAL, PARAMETER :: cot_normal_dip = 0.46631 ! 1./TAN(65.) REAL, PARAMETER :: deg_per_rad = 180. / 3.141592654 REAL, PARAMETER :: rad_per_deg = 3.141592654 / 180. REAL, PARAMETER :: rightlegend_gap_points = 14. REAL, PARAMETER :: s_per_Ma = 1000000.*365.25*24.*60.*60. REAL, PARAMETER :: sec_per_year = 31557600. REAL :: above, add_radians, ahead_radians, allowance_Ma, & & anomaly, azim1h, azimuth_radians, & & below, big_diff, bitmap_color_highvalue, bitmap_color_lowvalue, & & bottomlegend_used_points, brightness, & & cross_radians, & & d_vsize_d_phi, d_vsize_d_theta, & & deg1h, del_az_for_90pc, dip_degrees, & & du_scale_km, du_scale_points, dv_scale_mma, dv_scale_points, & & distance_km_interval, distance_km_midvalue, & & e_end_lat, e_end_lon, element_scalar_interval, element_scalar_midvalue, & & equat, eps1h, eps2h, err, e1h, e2h, & & fin, fout, fx1, fx2, fy1, fy2, & & grd1_d_EW, grd1_d_lat, grd1_d_lon, grd1_d_x, grd1_d_y, grd1_x_max, grd1_x_min, grd1_y_max, grd1_y_min, & & grd2_d_EW, grd2_d_lat, grd2_d_lon, grd2_d_x, grd2_d_y, grd2_x_max, grd2_x_min, grd2_y_max, grd2_y_min, & & grd1_lat_max, grd1_lat_min, grd1_lon_max, grd1_lon_min, grd1_lon_range, & & grd2_lat_max, grd2_lat_min, grd2_lon_max, grd2_lon_min, grd2_lon_range, & & green_part, grid_interval, grid_midvalue, & & inner, intensity, & & km_model, km_now, km_sigma, km_was, & & lat, lever_points, ln_area_interval, ln_area_midvalue, & & log_stretch_rr, log_stretch_pp, log_stretch_tp, & & log_stretch_tt, log_stretch_1h, log_stretch_2h, lon, & & maximum, minimum, model, model_limit_Ma, multiplier, & & no_sigma_radius_points, no_sigma_width_points, node_radius_points, node_radius_radians, & & node_scalar_interval, node_scalar_midvalue, & & onesigma_radius_points, onesigma_width_points, & & overlap, overlap_star, overlap_Ma, overlap_threshold_Ma, outer, & & paleolatitude_factor, pdat_radius_points, pdat_width_points, plat, plon, & & R, radians, radius, rate, ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, ref_lns3_minus_lns1, & & relevance, rightlegend_used_points, RMS_slope, rotate_radians, & & rotation_degrees_interval, rotation_degrees_midvalue, r1t, r2t, & & s1, s2, s3, section_width_points, section_width_radians, sigma, & & slope, strain_diameter_points, strainrate_diameter_points, sum, & & s1_size_points, s1h_interp_points, s1h_azim_degrees, s1h_sigma_degrees, & & t, t_Ma, tt1_Ma, tt2_Ma, t1_Ma, t2_Ma, & & t1, t2, t3, t4, theta_, tick_azimuth, tick_points, & & twosigma_radius_points, twosigma_width_points, & & u1theta, u1phi, u2theta, u2phi, & & v_East_mps, v_mma, v_mma_datum, v_mma_model, & & v_mps, v_South_mps, value, velocity_Ma, & & v1E, v1E_mma, v2E, v2E_mma, v3E, v3E_mma, & & v1S, v1S_mma, v2S, v2S_mma, v3S, v3S_mma, & & velocity_interval, velocity_midvalue, vsize, & & w_end_lat, w_end_lon, wedge_radius_radians, & & x_max, x_meters, x_min, x_points, xap, xbp, xcp, xep, & & x0p, x1_points, x1p, x2_points, x2p, x3p, x4p, & & y_max, y_meters, y_min, y_points, yap, ybp, ycp, yep, & & y0p, y1_points, y1p, y2_points, y2p, y3p, y4p REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: e_uvec, omega_uvec, pole_uvec, & & uvec, uvec1, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, uvec_saved, & & w_uvec REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: eps_dot REAL, DIMENSION(3,2,2,2):: dG REAL, DIMENSION(3,2,2) :: G REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: a_ REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: bitmap_value REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: center REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: clockwise_anomaly_degrees REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: e3_minus_e1_persec REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: element_scalar REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: extension_km REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: fdip REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: grid1, grid2 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: log_stretch REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: node_scalar REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: new_node_uvec REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: node_uvec ! 3-component unit vector pointing from center of planet ! to a node position on the surface. Like all uvec's, uses ! coordinate axes x = (0E, 0N), y = (90E, 0N), z = (90N). !(1:3 = x,y,z; 1:numel = element index ) REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: old_node_uvec REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: paleolatitude_anomaly_degrees REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s_azim_now ! (integrated) azimuth of most compressive horizontal principal stress, ! in radians clockwise from North (in the reference frame ! used to define velocity boundary conditions) !(1:s_dat_count = paleostress site index) CHARACTER(5), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s_code ! master-map location memo for each paleostress datum ! (1:s_dat_count = paleostress index) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s_sigma_ ! standard deviation of azimuth of most compressive ! horizontal principal stress, in radians !(1:s_dat_count = paleostress site index) REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: s_site_now ! current location of paleostress site (integrated); ! Cartesian unit vector from Earth center: ! (1:3 = x,y,z; 1:2 = site,neighbor@azimuth_cw_from_N; ! 1:s_dat_count = paleostress site index) LOGICAL(1), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s_stage ! .TRUE. indicates that paleostress is valid anytime ! from s_t_max to s_t_min (not just SOME time) !(1:s_dat_count = paleostress site index) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s_t_max ! maximum age of paleostress, in s ! (1:s_dat_count = paleostress site index) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s_t_min ! minimum age of paleostress, in s ! (1:s_dat_count = paleostress site index) REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: segments REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: strain_table REAL, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: strainrate ! strain-rate of finite element, in /s. ! It may or may not include fault-related strain-rate, ! depending on value of "choice": 8, 9, or 10. ! (1:3 = theta-theta or N-S, theta-phi or SE, phi-phi or E-W; ! 1:numel = element index) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s1h_known ! was Restore able to interpolate a sigma1h direction for this ! element, with 90%-confidence range of <= +-45 degrees? ! (1:numel = element index) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s1h_azim_radians ! sigm1h azimuth (clockwise from North) in radians, as interpolated ! by Restore (if possible; see s1h_known). ! (1:numel = element index) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: s1h_sigma_radians ! standard deviation of sigm1h, in radians interpolated ! by Restore (if possible; see s1h_known). ! (1:numel = element index) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: trace_km, trace_mma, vsize_mma ! properties of fault traces, indexed by number (e.g., 1034 in F1034N) REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: train ! train = temporary 1-D array for sending values to Histogram REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vw !========================================================== !GPBgo WRITE (*,"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &//' RetroMap2'& &/' (version 2, for use with version 2 of Restore)'& &//' This is the graphics part of the Restore package of paleotectonic'& &/' and palinspastic programs.'& &//' INPUT files may include:'& &/' * (model .ai file; always required);'& &/' * .dig files (digitised basemaps);'& &/' * .grd files (gridded datasets);'& &/' * .feg files (finite element grids);'& &/' * .vel files (velocities of nodes);'& &/' * .dat files (fault-slip, paleomagnetic, and stress data files);'& &//' OUTPUT FILES ARE MAPS OF PRESENT OR PAST STRUCTURE AND TECTONICS,'& &/' in a choice of 10 different map projections!'& &/' They have .ai extensions and are intended to be read by Adobe'& &/' Illustrator 7 for Windows NT, Windows 95, or MacOS; or by Adobe'& &/' Illustrator 4 for Windows 3.1. In AI they can be edited and'& &/' annotated before they are printed on a wide variety of devices.'& &//' by Peter Bird, UCLA, 16 July 1999'& &/' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about input and output files?',.FALSE.,more_info) IF (more_info) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about .ai files?',.TRUE.,more_ai) IF (more_ai) THEN WRITE (*,& &"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' About .ai Files'& &//' The .ai files created by this program can be read by:'& &/' * Adobe Illustrator 7 for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000; or MacOS'& &/' * Adobe Illustrator 4 for Windows 3.1'& &/' (except that AI4 cannot read files with embedded bitmaps).'& &//' In Adobe Illustrator you can view, edit, annotate, and print the maps.'& &//' A model .ai file is needed to provide the boiler-plate PostScript'& &/' header that all .ai files carry. Therefore, file'& &/' must be in a location accessible by this program. You will have'& &/' a chance to specify the path if it is not in your current directory.'& &//' All .ai files are transmitted (e.g., by FTP over the Internet) as'& &/' ASCII, not as binary. This is because different computer systems'& &/' have different ways of marking the end of a line.'& &/' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_ai CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about .dig files?',.TRUE.,more_dig) IF (more_dig) THEN WRITE (*,& &"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' About .dig Files'& &/' The box below contains the first 12 lines of a typical .dig file.'& &/' ----------------------------- Notice:'& &/' |F0469N | <- a title line'& &/' | -1.05875E+02,+3.87835E+01 | <- 1st (lon,lat) pair in segment'& &/' | -1.05849E+02,+3.87731E+01 |'& &/' | -1.05826E+02,+3.87534E+01 |'& &/' | -1.05801E+02,+3.87355E+01 | <-(segment can have any number of'& &/' | -1.05777E+02,+3.87195E+01 | points)'& &/' | -1.05769E+02,+3.87104E+01 |<- last (lon,lat) pair in segment'& &/' |*** END OF SEGMENT *** |<- standard end record (required)'& &/' |F0453N |<- title of next segment (optional)'& &/' | -1.05023E+02,+3.76613E+01 |'& &/' | -1.05040E+02,+3.76794E+01 |'& &/' | -1.05050E+02,+3.76995E+01 | et cetera, et cetera......'& &/' -----------------------------'& &/' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_dig IF (more_dig) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about .dig files?',.TRUE.,more_dig) IF (more_dig) THEN WRITE (*,"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' More About .dig Files'& &/' File-naming convention: Those .dig files containing fault traces'& &/' MUST have a filename beginning with F (or f). Other .dig files'& &/' with any other kind of basemap feature are NOT ALLOWED to begin'& &/' with F (or f).'& &//' Titles of segments: Optional for .dig files used as basemaps; but,'& &/' .dig files containing fault traces have a special convention:'& &/' title line F0408N indicates Fault #0408 (which index ties to'& &/' the Faults.dat file(s)) which is a Normal fault, for example.'& &/' Where titles are optional, multiple title lines are permitted.'& &/' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_dig IF (more_dig) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about .dig files?',.TRUE.,more_dig) IF (more_dig) THEN WRITE (*,"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' More About .dig Files'& &/' Number formats: Column 1 blank. Column 2 holds sign. Columns 3-13'& &/' hold the first real number, preferably in scientific notation.'& &/' Column 14 is a comma. Column 15 is a sign. Columns 16-26 hold'& &/' the second real number. To write such data from a FORTRAN program,'& &/' use FORMAT(1X,SP,1P,E12.5,'','',E12.5).'& &/' (lon,lat) data has longitude before latitude in each pair. Units are'& &/' degrees (e.g., 24 degrees 17 minutes 5 seconds -> 24.2847 degrees).'& &/' East longitude is +, West is -. North latitude is +, South is -.'& &/' (x,y) data can be in units of meters, kilometers, centimeters, miles,'& &/' or feet. However, it MUST give the actual sizes of features on'& &/' the planet, NOT their reduced sizes on some map! Any origin and'& &/' any orientation of the (x,y) system is permissible, as long as'& &/' the +y axis is 90 degrees counterclockwise from the +x axis.'& &/' NOTE that (x,y) data must be converted to (lon,lat) by Projector'& &/' before it can be read and used by this program, RetroMap2.'& &/' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_dig CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want information about .grd files?',.TRUE.,more_grd) IF (more_grd) THEN WRITE (*,& &"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' About Gridded Data (.grd) Files'& &//' These files contain scalar data values on a regular rectangular grid,'& &/' in (lon,lat) space.'& &//' Such data may be added to maps, although it is not used in computing'& &/' or in scoring finite-element models.'& &//' The first line has 3 numbers: lon_min, d_lon, lon_max;'& &/' the 2nd also has 3 numbers: lat_min, d_lat, lat_max.'& &/' Following lines give the gridded data in text order, i.e., beginning'& &/' with the NW corner, going W->E along the North row, then W->E '& &/' along the 2nd row, etc. The number and position of line breaks'& &/' is not important in this part of the file.'& &//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_grd CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about .feg files?',.TRUE.,more_feg) IF (more_feg) THEN WRITE (*,& &"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' About Finite Element Grid (.feg) Files'& &//' Finite element grids are composed of 3-node spherical triangles'& &/' (Kong & Bird, 1995) and are created and edited by program'& &/' ORBWEAVE. A .feg file contains nodal locations and nodal data'& &/' (mu_, the uncertainty in nominally zero strain-rates, in 1/s).'& &/' They also contain topological connections of the nodes to form'& &/' elements.'& &//' Program RESTORE deforms these over time, thus creating many similar'& &/' .feg files, distinguished by small differences in their names:'& &/' Example: in file WUS10150.feg,'& &/' WUS (characters 1-3) identifies the Restoration project.'& &/' 1 (character 4) identifies a group with the same topology'& &/' 01 (characters 5-6) identifies iteration #1'& &/' 50 (characters 7-8) identifies the restoration time: 50 Ma.'& &/' When hand-editing is needed due to excess strain, WUS10150.feg'& &/' is edited to produce WUS2.feg. This will then be run and'& &/' deformed to WUS20155.feg, etc. It is meaningless to compute'& &/' strain by comparing two grids of different topology!'& &//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_feg CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about .vel files?',.TRUE.,more_vel) IF (more_vel) THEN WRITE (*,& &"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' About Velocity (.vel) Files'& &//' These files contain velocities of nodes. The first 3 lines'& &/' contain comments with the geologic age, iteration number, date'& &/' of computation, and the .feg grid files that velocities refer to.'& &//' Later lines contain the velocity components v_theta (South) and'& &/' v_phi (East), in meters/second.'& &//' Velocity is always expressed as the movement from old --> young,'& &/' just as it is today, in neotectonic modeling.'& &//' All the rules described above for naming .feg files also apply to'& &/' these .vel files.'& &//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_vel CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about .dat files?',.TRUE.,more_dat) IF (more_dat) THEN WRITE (*,& &"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' About Paleotectonic Data (.dat) Files'& &//' These files contain very detailed and dense information about fault'& &/' offsets, paleomagnetic latitude changes and vertical-axis'& &/' rotations, paleostress indicators, and strain in balanced cross-'& &/' sections.'& &//' For a complete definition of the entries, see extensive comments'& &/' at the beginning of Restore.f90.'& &//' As RESTORE runs, it adds computed rate histories in additional'& &/' lines intervening between the original data.'& &//' All the rules described above for naming .feg files also apply to'& &/' these .vel files. There is one additional rule: initial letter'& &/' C = balanced Cross-sections, F = Fault offsets, P = Paleomagnetism,'& &/' and S = paleoStress.'& &//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") END IF ! more_dat CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want more information about map projections?',.TRUE.,more_map) IF (more_map) THEN WRITE (*,& &"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' About Map Projections'& &//' John Parr Snyder (1983) Map projections used by the U.S. Geological'& &/' Survey, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin, volume 1532.'& &//' G. B. Newton (1985) Computer programs for common map projections,'& &/' U.S. Geological Survey Publication, B-1642, 33 pages.'& &//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line END IF ! more_map END IF ! more_info !-------------------------(end of Introduction)---------------------- ! ! Basic structure of RetroMap2 is similar to Prompter of Map_Tools: ! (1) Look for memory file RetroMap2.ini in current directory. ! Read in choices made in last use of program. ! If file not found, initialize with defaults. ! (2) Define paths (directories) for input and output. ! (3) Call Prompter to get page and projection parameters. ! (4) Ask user what elements are desired in the plot. ! For each element, prompt for necessary files, contour ! intervals, etc. UNLIKE Prompter, RetroMap2 executes ! these requests immediately, so that error messages ! will be more understandable. ! (5) After closing the plot, save RetroMap2.ini with record ! of all the selections made. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !GPBmemory OPEN (UNIT = 11, FILE = 'RetroMap2.ini', STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios == 0) THEN ! RetroMap2.ini was found problem = .FALSE. ! may change below READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) path_in problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) path_out problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) old_mosaic_count problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) mosaic_choice ! whole array problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) polygons_basemap_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) grd1_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) grd2_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) bitmap_color_mode problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) shaded_relief problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) bitmap_shading_mode problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) intensity problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) grid_units problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) grid_interval problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) grid_midvalue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) grid_lowblue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) skip_0_contour problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) element_scalar_method problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) element_scalar_feg_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) element_scalar_units problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) element_scalar_interval problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) element_scalar_midvalue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) element_scalar_lowblue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) element_scalar_zeromode problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) node_scalar_feg_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) node_scalar_method problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) node_scalar_choice problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) node_scalar_units problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) node_scalar_interval problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) node_scalar_midvalue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) node_scalar_lowblue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) feg_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) velocity_method problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) velocity_interval problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) velocity_midvalue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) velocity_lowblue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) old_feg_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) new_feg_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) distance_method problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) distance_km_interval problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) distance_km_midvalue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) distance_km_lowblue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) rotation_method problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) rotation_degrees_interval problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) rotation_degrees_midvalue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) rotation_degrees_lowblue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) ln_area_method problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) ln_area_interval problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) ln_area_midvalue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) ln_area_lowblue problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) old_overlay_count problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) overlay_choice ! whole array problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) lines_basemap_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) traces_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) tick_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) node_radius_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) vel_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) velocity_Ma problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) vector_thinner problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) fdat_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) t_Ma problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) dv_scale_mma problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) dv_scale_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) du_scale_km problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) du_scale_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) pdat_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) paleolatitude_factor problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) sdat_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) t1_Ma problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) t2_Ma problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) s1_size_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) stress_feg_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) s1h_interp_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) stress_thinner problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) only_stressed problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) strain_feg_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) R problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) strainrate_mode012 problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) ref_e3_minus_e1_persec problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) strainrate_diameter_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) strain_thinner problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) ref_lns3_minus_lns1 problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) strain_diameter_points problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) cdat_file problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) model_limit_Ma problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11, *,IOSTAT=ios) minutes problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) top_line_memo problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) READ (11,"(A)",IOSTAT=ios) bottom_line_memo problem = problem.OR.(ios /= 0) CLOSE(11) IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Bad data, bad format, or missing lines in RetroMap2.ini.')") WRITE (*,"( ' The easiest way to recover from this is to:')") WRITE (*,"( ' (1) Print out RetroMap2.ini')") WRITE (*,"( ' (2) Delete RetroMap2.ini')") WRITE (*,"( ' (3) Restart RetroMap2, and enter your choices manually.')") WRITE (*,"( ' Press [Enter] when ready...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") c1 STOP ' ' END IF ELSE ! no .ini file; use defaults CLOSE (11, IOSTAT = ios) ! just to be sure path_in = ' ' path_out = ' ' old_mosaic_count = 0 mosaic_choice = 1 ! whole array polygons_basemap_file = ' ' grd1_file = ' ' grd2_file = ' ' bitmap_color_mode = 1 shaded_relief = .TRUE. bitmap_shading_mode = 1 intensity = 1.0 grid_units = 'm' grid_interval = 0. grid_midvalue = 0. grid_lowblue = .TRUE. skip_0_contour = .FALSE. element_scalar_method = 1 element_scalar_feg_file = ' ' element_scalar_units = ' ' element_scalar_interval = 0. element_scalar_midvalue = 0. element_scalar_lowblue = .TRUE. element_scalar_zeromode = 0 node_scalar_feg_file = ' ' node_scalar_method = 1 node_scalar_choice = 1 node_scalar_units = ' ' node_scalar_interval = 0. node_scalar_midvalue = 0. node_scalar_lowblue = .TRUE. feg_file = ' ' velocity_method = 1 velocity_interval = 0. velocity_midvalue = 0. velocity_lowblue = .TRUE. old_feg_file = ' ' new_feg_file = ' ' distance_method = 1 distance_km_interval = 20.0 distance_km_midvalue = 100.0 distance_km_lowblue = .TRUE. rotation_method = 1 rotation_degrees_interval = 5.0 rotation_degrees_midvalue = 50.0 rotation_degrees_lowblue = .TRUE. ln_area_method = 1 ln_area_interval = 0.2 ln_area_midvalue = 0.0 ln_area_lowblue = .TRUE. old_overlay_count = 1 overlay_choice = 0 ! whole array overlay_choice(1) = 1 lines_basemap_file = ' ' traces_file = ' ' tick_points = 5.0 node_radius_points = 3.0 vel_file = ' ' velocity_Ma = 10.0 vector_thinner = 1 fdat_file = ' ' dv_scale_mma = 35.0 dv_scale_points = 24.0 du_scale_km = 300.0 du_scale_points = 30.0 pdat_file = ' ' paleolatitude_factor = 1.0 sdat_file = ' ' t1_Ma = 0.0 t2_Ma = 0.0 s1_size_points = 24.0 stress_feg_file = ' ' s1h_interp_points = 18.0 stress_thinner = 1 only_stressed = .FALSE. strain_feg_file = ' ' R = 6371000. strainrate_mode012 = 2 ref_e3_minus_e1_persec = 5.E-17 strainrate_diameter_points = 20. strain_thinner = 1 ref_lns3_minus_lns1 = 0.0 strain_diameter_points = 20. cdat_file = ' ' minutes = 120 top_line_memo = ' ' bottom_line_memo = ' ' END IF ! .ini file, or defaults? !-------------------------(Define Paths)----------------------------- WRITE (*,"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' Setting PATHS to Input and Output Files'& &//' RetroMap2 stores its memory in RetroMap2.ini and Map_Tools.ini,'& &/' which are placed in the current directory when RetroMap2 is run.'& &/' Normally, this should be the directory holding RetroMap2.exe.'& &/' This is also the simplest place to keep'& &//' However, it is usually good practice to keep the many input files'& &/' and output (graphics) files separate in their own directories.'& &//' When entering the paths below, you may include computer and drive'& &/' identifiers according to the conventions of your system.'& &/' Under Windows, paths should end in ''\''.'& &/' Under Unix, paths should end in ''/''.'& &//' PLEASE TYPE PATH NAMES CAREFULLY; there is no way to validate or'& &/' correct them using standard Fortran 90; errors will crash'& &/' RetroMap2 (at least)!'& &/' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") CALL Prompt_for_String('What is the path for your input files?',path_in,path_in) path_in = ADJUSTL(path_in) CALL Prompt_for_String('What is the path for your output (.ai graphics) file?',path_out,path_out) path_out = ADJUSTL(path_out) WRITE (*,"(' IT WILL NOT BE NECESSARY TO TYPE THESE PATHS AGAIN!')") !-------------------------(end of defining paths)-------------------- CALL Prompter (xy_mode = .FALSE., lonlat_mode = .TRUE., path_out = path_out) !NOTE: Prompter opens, begins new graphics file. ! At this stage, we are ready to write on the page! !-------------------------- MOSAICS ------------------------------ !----- (layers of shaded/colored polygons; mostly opaque) -------- mosaic_count = 0 ! counts number of mosaics in this map latter_mosaic = .FALSE. ! until one has been plotted, below title_count = 0 ! collects possible titles from input files bottomlegend_used_points = 0. ! records filling of bottom legend, from left rightlegend_used_points = 0. ! records filling of right legend, from top !GPBmosaics 1000 WRITE(*,"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' MOSAIC (colored-area) LAYERS AVAILABLE:')") WRITE (*,"(' 1 :: digitised basemap (polygons type)')") WRITE (*,"(' 2 :: colored/shaded bitmap from gridded data')") WRITE (*,"(' 3 :: contour map from gridded data')") WRITE (*,"(' 4 :: discontinuous scalar from .feg (one value per element)')") WRITE (*,"(' 5 :: continuous scalar from .feg (one value per node)')") WRITE (*,"(' 6 :: magnitude of continuous velocity field')") WRITE (*,"(' 7 :: amount of displacement')") WRITE (*,"(' 8 :: vertical-axis rotation')") WRITE (*,"(' 9 :: natural dilatation = ln[area/(former area)]')") WRITE (*,"(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") suggest_logical = old_mosaic_count > mosaic_count IF (mosaic_count == 0) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want one (or more) of these mosaics?',suggest_logical,do_mosaic) IF (do_mosaic) THEN mosaic_count = mosaic_count + 1 choice = mosaic_choice(mosaic_count) CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Which mosaic type should be added?',choice,choice) IF ((choice < 1).OR.(choice > 9)) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Please select an integer from the list!')") WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 1000 ELSE mosaic_choice(mosaic_count) = choice ! for memory END IF ! illegal or legal choice SELECT CASE (choice) CASE (1) ! basemap (polygons type) 1010 CALL File_List(basemap = .TRUE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file should be plotted?',polygons_basemap_file,polygons_basemap_file) polygons_basemap_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(polygons_basemap_file) ! gray rectangle for seas goes behind all continental polygons CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') CALL New_L12_Path (1, ai_window_x1_points, ai_window_y1_points) CALL Line_To_L12 (ai_window_x2_points, ai_window_y1_points) CALL Line_To_L12 (ai_window_x2_points, ai_window_y2_points) CALL Line_To_L12 (ai_window_x1_points, ai_window_y2_points) CALL Line_To_L12 (ai_window_x1_points, ai_window_y1_points) CALL End_L12_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .FALSE., & & fill = .TRUE.) ! continental polygons are foreground line, background fill CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color (color_name = 'foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') WRITE (*,"(/' Working on basemap....')") polygons = .TRUE. CALL Plot_Dig (7, polygons_basemap_pathfile, polygons, 21, in_ok) IF (.not.in_ok) GOTO 1010 WRITE (*,"('+Working on basemap....DONE.')") ! possible plot titles: filename, and first 3 lines CALL Add_Title(polygons_basemap_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = polygons_basemap_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') DO i = 1, 3 READ (21,"(A)") line READ (line, *, IOSTAT = ios) lon, lat IF (ios /= 0) THEN ! got possible title CALL Add_Title(line) END IF END DO CLOSE (21) CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of basemap mosaic CASE (2) ! colored/shaded bitmap from gridded dataset(s) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want shaded relief?',shaded_relief,shaded_relief) IF (shaded_relief) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' -------------------------------------------------------')") WRITE (*,"( ' Source of Shaded Relief:')") WRITE (*,"( ' 1 = same dataset as that used to assign colors')") WRITE (*,"( ' 2 = a different dataset (usually a topographic DEM)')") WRITE (*,"( ' -------------------------------------------------------')") 1020 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Bitmap shading mode (1 or 2)?',bitmap_shading_mode,bitmap_shading_mode) IF ((bitmap_shading_mode < 1).OR.(bitmap_shading_mode > 2)) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Please select 1 or 2')") GOTO 1020 END IF ELSE bitmap_shading_mode = 1 ! only one dataset END IF ELSE ! gray-scale image shaded_relief = .TRUE. bitmap_shading_mode = 1 ! only one dataset END IF 1021 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .TRUE. , & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) IF (bitmap_shading_mode == 1) THEN CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file should be displayed?',grd1_file,grd1_file) grd2_file = grd1_file ELSE ! bitmap_shading_mode = 2; two .grd files CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file will determine the colors?',grd1_file,grd1_file) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file will be overlain with shaded relief?',grd2_file,grd2_file) END IF grd1_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(grd1_file) grd2_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(grd2_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = grd1_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (bitmap_shading_mode == 1) THEN WRITE(*,"(/' Here are the first 5 lines of the file:' & &/' ----------------------------------------')") ELSE ! bitmap_shading_mode = 2; two .grd files WRITE(*,"(/' Here are the first 5 lines of the file to be colored:' & &/' -----------------------------------------------------')") END IF DO i = 1, 5 READ (21,"(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line(1:79)) END DO WRITE(*,"(' -----------------------------------------------------')") CLOSE (21) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Is this grid defined in (lon,lat) coordinates?',.TRUE.,grd1_lonlat) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = grd1_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios) problem = (ios /= 0) IF (grd1_lonlat) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_lon_min, grd1_d_lon, grd1_lon_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) IF (ABS(grd1_lon_max - grd1_lon_min - 360.0) < 0.01) THEN grd1_lon_range = 360.0 ELSE grd1_lon_range = Easting(grd1_lon_max - grd1_lon_min) END IF READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_lat_min, grd1_d_lat, grd1_lat_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd1_ncols = 1 + NINT((grd1_lon_max - grd1_lon_min) / grd1_d_lon) grd1_nrows = 1 + NINT((grd1_lat_max - grd1_lat_min) / grd1_d_lat) ELSE ! (x,y) format READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_x_min, grd1_d_x, grd1_x_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd1_x_min = grd1_x_min * mt_meters_per_user grd1_d_x = grd1_d_x * mt_meters_per_user grd1_x_max = grd1_x_max * mt_meters_per_user READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_y_min, grd1_d_y, grd1_y_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd1_y_min = grd1_y_min * mt_meters_per_user grd1_d_y = grd1_d_y * mt_meters_per_user grd1_y_max = grd1_y_max * mt_meters_per_user grd1_ncols = 1 + NINT((grd1_x_max - grd1_x_min) / grd1_d_x) grd1_nrows = 1 + NINT((grd1_y_max - grd1_y_min) / grd1_d_y) END IF problem = problem .OR. (grd1_nrows < 2) .OR. (grd1_ncols < 2) ALLOCATE ( grid1(grd1_nrows, grd1_ncols) ) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ((grid1(i,j), j = 1, grd1_ncols), i = 1, grd1_nrows) problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) CLOSE (21) IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: ',A' defective in structure or truncated.')") TRIM(grd1_file) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line DEALLOCATE ( grid1 ) GOTO 1021 END IF CALL Add_Title(grd1_file) train_length = grd1_nrows * grd1_ncols ALLOCATE ( train(train_length) ) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of VISIBLE values:' )") k = 0 ! will count visible (in map window) grid points DO irow = 1, grd1_nrows ! top to bottom DO jcol = 1, grd1_ncols ! left to right !decide whether this point is visible in the window IF (grd1_lonlat) THEN lon = grd1_lon_min + (jcol - 1) * grd1_d_lon lat = grd1_lat_max - (irow - 1) * grd1_d_lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec) CALL Project (uvec = uvec, x = x_meters, y = y_meters) ! but no 'guide =' ELSE ! xy data grid x_meters = grd1_x_min + (jcol - 1) * grd1_d_x y_meters = grd1_y_max - (irow - 1) * grd1_d_y END IF ! lonlat, or simple xy CALL Meters_2_Points (x_meters,y_meters, x_points,y_points) c1 = In_Window (x_points, y_points) visible = (c1 == 'I').OR.(c1 == 'B') ! Inside, or Border IF (visible) THEN k = k + 1 train(k) = grid1(irow,jcol) END IF ! visible END DO ! columns of gridded data END DO ! rows of gridded data CALL Histogram (train, k, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) DEALLOCATE ( train ) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_String('What are the units of these values?',TRIM(ADJUSTL(grid_units)),grid_units) 1022 WRITE (*,"(/' How shall the bitmap be colored?')") WRITE (*,"( ' mode 1: Munsell: smooth spectrum')") WRITE (*,"( ' mode 2: Kansas: 44-color scale of atlas-type colors')") WRITE (*,"( ' mode 3: UNAVCO: 20-color absolute scale (only for topography in m)')") WRITE (*,"( ' mode 4: AI: ',I2,'-color discrete scale, based on contour interval')") ai_spectrum_count WRITE (*,"( ' -------------------------------------------------------')") CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Which coloring mode?',bitmap_color_mode,bitmap_color_mode) IF ((bitmap_color_mode < 1).OR.(bitmap_color_mode > 4)) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Select mode index from list!' )") GOTO 1022 END IF bitmap_color_lowvalue = minimum bitmap_color_highvalue = maximum IF (bitmap_color_mode <= 2) THEN ! need to pin down ends of spectrum 1023 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What (low) value anchors the blue end of the spectrum?',bitmap_color_lowvalue,bitmap_color_lowvalue) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What (high) value anchors the red end of the spectrum?',bitmap_color_highvalue,bitmap_color_highvalue) IF (bitmap_color_highvalue <= bitmap_color_lowvalue) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Red value must exceed blue value!' )") GOTO 1023 END IF ! bad range ELSE IF (bitmap_color_mode == 4) THEN IF (grid_interval == 0.0) THEN grid_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count grid_midvalue = (maximum + minimum)/2. END IF 1024 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',grid_interval,grid_interval) IF (grid_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") grid_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1024 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What value should fall at mid-spectrum?',grid_midvalue,grid_midvalue) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should low values be colored blue (versus red)?',grid_lowblue,grid_lowblue) END IF ! bitmap_color_mode = 1,2 versus 4 END IF ! ai_using_color, or not IF (shaded_relief) THEN ! get topography data into grid2: IF (bitmap_shading_mode == 1) THEN ! grid2 == grid1 grd2_lonlat = grd1_lonlat grd2_lon_min = grd1_lon_min grd2_d_lon = grd1_d_lon grd2_lon_max = grd1_lon_max grd2_lon_range = grd1_lon_range grd2_lat_min = grd1_lat_min grd2_d_lat = grd1_d_lat grd2_lat_max = grd1_lat_max grd2_x_min = grd1_x_min grd2_d_x = grd1_d_x grd2_x_max = grd1_x_max grd2_y_min = grd1_y_min grd2_d_y = grd1_d_y grd2_y_max = grd1_y_max grd2_nrows = grd1_nrows grd2_ncols = grd1_ncols ALLOCATE ( grid2( grd2_nrows, grd2_ncols) ) grid2 = grid1 ! whole array copy ELSE ! bitmap_shading_mode == 2; read grid2 WRITE(*,"(/' Here are the first 5 lines of the file with the shaded relief:' & &/' --------------------------------------------------------------')") OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = grd2_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') DO i = 1, 5 READ (21,"(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line(1:79)) END DO WRITE(*,"(' --------------------------------------------------------------')") CLOSE (21) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Is this grid defined in (lon,lat) coordinates?',.TRUE.,grd2_lonlat) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = grd2_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios) problem = (ios /= 0) IF (grd2_lonlat) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd2_lon_min, grd2_d_lon, grd2_lon_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) IF (ABS(grd2_lon_max - grd2_lon_min - 360.0) < 0.01) THEN grd2_lon_range = 360.0 ELSE grd2_lon_range = Easting(grd2_lon_max - grd2_lon_min) END IF READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd2_lat_min, grd2_d_lat, grd2_lat_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd2_ncols = 1 + NINT((grd2_lon_max - grd2_lon_min) / grd2_d_lon) grd2_nrows = 1 + NINT((grd2_lat_max - grd2_lat_min) / grd2_d_lat) ELSE ! (x,y) format READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd2_x_min, grd2_d_x, grd2_x_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd2_x_min = grd2_x_min * mt_meters_per_user grd2_d_x = grd2_d_x * mt_meters_per_user grd2_x_max = grd2_x_max * mt_meters_per_user READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd2_y_min, grd2_d_y, grd2_y_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd2_y_min = grd2_y_min * mt_meters_per_user grd2_d_y = grd2_d_y * mt_meters_per_user grd2_y_max = grd2_y_max * mt_meters_per_user grd2_ncols = 1 + NINT((grd2_x_max - grd2_x_min) / grd2_d_x) grd2_nrows = 1 + NINT((grd2_y_max - grd2_y_min) / grd2_d_y) END IF problem = problem .OR. (grd2_nrows < 2) .OR. (grd2_ncols < 2) train_length = grd2_nrows * grd2_ncols ALLOCATE ( grid2(grd2_nrows, grd2_ncols) ) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ((grid2(i,j), j = 1, grd2_ncols), i = 1, grd2_nrows) problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) CLOSE (21) IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: ',A' defective in structure or truncated.')") TRIM(grd2_file) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line DEALLOCATE ( grid2 ) GOTO 1021 END IF ! problem with grd2 END IF ! bitmap_shading_mode 1 or 2 CALL Prompt_for_Real('Relative intensity of oblique lighting?',intensity,intensity) ! find RMS E-W slope IF (grd2_lonlat) THEN grd2_d_EW = grd2_d_lon ELSE grd2_d_EW = grd2_d_x END IF sum = 0.0 DO irow = 1, grd2_nrows DO jcol = 2, grd2_ncols sum = sum + ((grid2(irow,jcol) - grid2(irow,jcol-1)) / grd2_d_EW)**2 END DO ! jcol END DO ! irow RMS_slope = SQRT(sum / train_length) IF (RMS_slope == 0.0) RMS_slope = 1.0 ! prevent /0.0 END IF ! shaded_relief bitmap_width = ai_window_x2_points - ai_window_x1_points ! suggest one column/point bitmap_height = ai_window_y2_points - ai_window_y1_points ! suggest one row/point 1025 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('How many columns of pixels in bitmap?',bitmap_width,bitmap_width) IF (bitmap_width < 2) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Bitmap_width must be >= 2')") GOTO 1025 END IF 1026 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('How many rows of pixels in bitmap?',bitmap_height,bitmap_height) IF (bitmap_height < 2) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Bitmap_height must be >= 2')") GOTO 1026 END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on bitmap from gridded dataset(s)....')") ALLOCATE ( bitmap(bitmap_height,bitmap_width) ) DO irow = 1, bitmap_height ! top to bottom fy1 = (irow-0.5) / bitmap_height fy2 = 1.00 - fy1 y_points = ai_window_y1_points * fy1 + ai_window_y2_points * fy2 DO jcol = 1, bitmap_width ! left to right fx2 = (jcol-0.5) / bitmap_width fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 x_points = ai_window_x1_points * fx1 + ai_window_x2_points * fx2 CALL Points_2_Meters (x_points,y_points, x_meters,y_meters) !Get "value" (basis for color of pixel) from grid1: !Note: Even if .NOT.ai_using_color, we will need i1, i2, j1, j2, etc. IF (bitmap_shading_mode == 1) IF (ai_using_color.OR.(bitmap_shading_mode == 1)) THEN IF (grd1_lonlat) THEN ! must undo map projection CALL Reject (x_meters,y_meters, success, uvec) IF (success) THEN ! rejection worked CALL Uvec_2_LonLat (uvec, lon, lat) !define grd1_success as falling within grid1 grd1_success = (lat >= grd1_lat_min).AND. & & (lat <= grd1_lat_max).AND. & & (Easting(lon - grd1_lon_min) <= grd1_lon_range) !note: insensitive to longitude cycle IF (grd1_success) THEN i1 = 1 + (grd1_lat_max - lat) / grd1_d_lat i1 = MAX(1,MIN(i1,grd1_nrows-1)) i2 = i1 + 1 fy2 = ((grd1_lat_max - lat) / grd1_d_lat) - i1 + 1.0 fy1 = 1.00 - fy2 j1 = 1 + Easting(lon - grd1_lon_min) / grd1_d_lon j1 = MAX(1,MIN(j1,grd1_ncols-1)) j2 = j1 + 1 fx2 = (Easting(lon - grd1_lon_min) / grd1_d_lon) - j1 + 1.0 fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 above = fx1 * grid1(i1,j1) + fx2 * grid1(i1,j2) below = fx1 * grid1(i2,j1) + fx2 * grid1(i2,j2) value = fy1 * above + fy2 * below END IF ! point inside lon/lat grid1 END IF ! rejection worked ELSE ! gridded data is on a x,y grid1 already grd1_success = (x_meters >= grd1_x_min).AND. & & (x_meters <= grd1_x_max).AND. & & (y_meters >= grd1_y_min).AND. & & (y_meters <= grd1_y_max) IF (grd1_success) THEN i1 = 1 + (grd1_y_max - y_meters) / grd1_d_y i1 = MAX(1,MIN(i1,grd1_nrows-1)) i2 = i1 + 1 fy2 = ((grd1_y_max - y_meters) / grd1_d_y) - i1 + 1.0 fy1 = 1.00 - fy2 j1 = 1 + (x_meters - grd1_x_min) / grd1_d_x j1 = MAX(1,MIN(j1,grd1_ncols-1)) j2 = j1 + 1 fx2 = ((x_meters - grd1_x_min) / grd1_d_x) - j1 + 1.0 fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 above = fx1 * grid1(i1,j1) + fx2 * grid1(i1,j2) below = fx1 * grid1(i2,j1) + fx2 * grid1(i2,j2) value = fy1 * above + fy2 * below END IF ! point within x/y grid1 END IF ! need to undo map projection or not for grid1 ELSE ! neither ai_using_color, nor (bitmap_shading_mode == 1) grd1_success = .FALSE. value = 0.0 ! should not be used END IF ! finding i1, i2, j1, j2,,, value in grid1, or not !Finished getting "value" and i1, i2, j1, j2, ... (if possible) !Get "brightness" (basis for brightness of pixel) from grid2??? IF (shaded_relief) THEN IF (bitmap_shading_mode == 1) THEN grd2_success = grd1_success !and fx2, fy2, i1, i2, ... will be reused ELSE ! must find place in grid2! !must recompute fx1, fx2, fy1, fy2, i1, i2, j1, j2 for different grid IF (grd2_lonlat) THEN IF (success) THEN ! lon, lat still valid !define grd2_success as falling within grid2 grd2_success = (lat >= grd2_lat_min).AND. & & (lat <= grd2_lat_max).AND. & & (Easting(lon - grd2_lon_min) <= grd2_lon_range) !note: insensitive to longitude cycle IF (grd2_success) THEN i1 = 1 + (grd2_lat_max - lat) / grd2_d_lat i1 = MAX(1,MIN(i1,grd2_nrows-1)) i2 = i1 + 1 fy2 = ((grd2_lat_max - lat) / grd2_d_lat) - i1 + 1.0 fy1 = 1.00 - fy2 j1 = 1 + Easting(lon - grd2_lon_min) / grd2_d_lon j1 = MAX(1,MIN(j1,grd2_ncols-1)) j2 = j1 + 1 fx2 = (Easting(lon - grd2_lon_min) / grd2_d_lon) - j1 + 1.0 fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 END IF ! point in grid2 ELSE ! Rejection failed; lon, lat undefined grd2_success = .FALSE. END IF ! successful Rejection or not ELSE ! .NOT.grd2_lonlat; grid2 is x,y grd2_success = (x_meters >= grd2_x_min).AND. & & (x_meters <= grd2_x_max).AND. & & (y_meters >= grd2_y_min).AND. & & (y_meters <= grd2_y_max) IF (grd2_success) THEN i1 = 1 + (grd2_y_max - y_meters) / grd2_d_y i1 = MAX(1,MIN(i1,grd2_nrows-1)) i2 = i1 + 1 fy2 = ((grd2_y_max - y_meters) / grd2_d_y) - i1 + 1.0 fy1 = 1.00 - fy2 j1 = 1 + (x_meters - grd2_x_min) / grd2_d_x j1 = MAX(1,MIN(j1,grd2_ncols-1)) j2 = j1 + 1 fx2 = ((x_meters - grd2_x_min) / grd2_d_x) - j1 + 1.0 fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 END IF ! point within x/y grid2 END IF ! grd2_lonlat, or not END IF ! shaded relief grid2 has different framework IF (grd2_success) THEN ! can compute brightness !Compute E-W slope in a way that gives a !result that is piecewise-linear in the E-W direction: fout = ABS(fx2 - 0.5) ! fraction for adjacent cell fin = 1.00 - fout ! fraction for the cell we're in inner = (grid2(i1,j2) - grid2(i1,j1)) / grd2_d_EW IF (fx2 > 0.5) THEN IF (j2 < grd2_ncols) THEN ! normal case outer = (grid2(i1,j2+1) - grid2(i1,j1+1)) / grd2_d_EW ELSE ! at right edge of grid outer = inner END IF ELSE ! fx2 < 0.5 IF (j1 > 1) THEN ! normal case outer = (grid2(i1,j2-1) - grid2(i1,j1-1)) / grd2_d_EW ELSE ! at left edge of grid outer = inner END IF END IF above = fin * inner + fout * outer !Repeat for row below the point: inner = (grid2(i2,j2) - grid2(i2,j1)) / grd2_d_EW IF (fx2 > 0.5) THEN IF (j2 < grd2_ncols) THEN ! normal case outer = (grid2(i2,j2+1) - grid2(i2,j1+1)) / grd2_d_EW ELSE ! at right edge of grid outer = inner END IF ELSE ! fx2 < 0.5 IF (j1 > 1) THEN ! normal case outer = (grid2(i2,j2-1) - grid2(i2,j1-1)) / grd2_d_EW ELSE ! at left edge of grid outer = inner END IF END IF below = fin * inner + fout * outer !Line below makes slope piecewise-linear in N-S direction: slope = fy1 * above + fy2 * below brightness = 1.0 + 0.5 * intensity * slope / RMS_slope brightness = MAX(0.0, MIN(2.0, brightness)) ELSE ! .NOT. dot2_success; so, point was not in grid2 brightness = 1.0 END IF ! point was in grid2 or not ELSE ! no shaded relief wanted brightness = 1.0 END IF ! shaded relief, or not !End of lookup (value and brightness); now use them! IF (ai_using_color.AND.grd1_success) THEN ! have "value" IF (bitmap_color_mode == 1) THEN ! Munsell: smooth spectrum t = (value - bitmap_color_lowvalue) / (bitmap_color_highvalue - bitmap_color_lowvalue) c3 = RGB_Munsell(warmth = t, brightness = brightness) ELSE IF (bitmap_color_mode == 2) THEN ! Kansas: 44-color atlas-type scale t = (value - bitmap_color_lowvalue) / (bitmap_color_highvalue - bitmap_color_lowvalue) c3 = RGB_Kansas(warmth = t, brightness = brightness) ELSE IF (bitmap_color_mode == 3) THEN ! UNAVCO: absolute elevation scale c3 = RGB_UNAVCO(elevation_meters = value, brightness = brightness) ELSE IF (bitmap_color_mode == 4) THEN ! AI: ai_spectrum, with contour interval c3 = RGB_AI(value = value, contour_interval = grid_interval, & & midspectrum_value = grid_midvalue, low_is_blue = grid_lowblue, & & brightness = brightness) END IF ! bitmap_color_mode selection bitmap(irow,jcol) = c3 ELSE IF (grd2_success) THEN ! b/w; gray depends only on slope k = brightness * 127.5 k = MAX(0,MIN(255,k)) bitmap(irow,jcol) = CHAR(k)//CHAR(k)//CHAR(k) ELSE ! fill in with background IF (ai_black_background) THEN ! slide copy bitmap(irow,jcol) = CHAR(0)//CHAR(0)//CHAR(0) ELSE ! white background (paper print) bitmap(irow,jcol) = CHAR(255)//CHAR(255)//CHAR(255) END IF END IF ! color, grey-scale, or background END DO ! jcol, left to right WRITE (*,"('+Working on bitmap from gridded dataset(s)....',I6,' rows done')") irow END DO ! irow, top to bottom WRITE (*,"('+Working on bitmap from gridded dataset(s)....Writing to .ai ')") CALL Bitmap_on_L1 (bitmap, ai_window_x1_points, ai_window_x2_points, & & ai_window_y1_points, ai_window_y2_points) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_BottomLegend (minimum, maximum, ADJUSTL(grid_units), bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & grid_interval, grid_midvalue, grid_lowblue) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_RightLegend (minimum, maximum, ADJUSTL(grid_units), bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & grid_interval, grid_midvalue, grid_lowblue) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! END IF ! ai_using_color --> want spectrum in legend WRITE (*,"('+Working on bitmap from gridded dataset(s)....DONE. ')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! deallocate by LIFO method: DEALLOCATE ( bitmap ) IF (ALLOCATED(grid2)) DEALLOCATE ( grid2 ) DEALLOCATE ( grid1 ) ! end of colored/shaded bitmap from gridded dataset(s) CASE (3) ! contour map from gridded data 1030 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .TRUE. , & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file should be contoured?',grd1_file,grd1_file) grd1_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(grd1_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = grd1_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') WRITE(*,"(' Here are the first 5 lines of the file:' & &/' ----------------------------------------')") DO i = 1, 5 READ (21,"(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line(1:79)) END DO WRITE(*,"(' ----------------------------------------')") CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Is this grid defined in (lon,lat) coordinates?',.TRUE.,grd1_lonlat) CLOSE (21) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = grd1_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') problem = (ios /= 0) IF (grd1_lonlat) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_lon_min, grd1_d_lon, grd1_lon_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_lat_min, grd1_d_lat, grd1_lat_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd1_ncols = 1 + NINT((grd1_lon_max - grd1_lon_min) / grd1_d_lon) grd1_nrows = 1 + NINT((grd1_lat_max - grd1_lat_min) / grd1_d_lat) ELSE ! (x,y) format READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_x_min, grd1_d_x, grd1_x_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) grd1_y_min, grd1_d_y, grd1_y_max problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) grd1_ncols = 1 + NINT((grd1_x_max - grd1_x_min) / grd1_d_x) grd1_nrows = 1 + NINT((grd1_y_max - grd1_y_min) / grd1_d_y) END IF problem = problem .OR. (grd1_nrows < 2) .OR. (grd1_ncols < 2) ALLOCATE ( grid1(grd1_nrows, grd1_ncols) ) train_length = grd1_nrows * grd1_ncols ALLOCATE ( train(train_length) ) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ((grid1(i,j), j = 1, grd1_ncols), i = 1, grd1_nrows) problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) CLOSE (21) IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File defective in structure or truncated.')") WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line DEALLOCATE (grid1, train) GOTO 1030 END IF CALL Add_Title(grd1_file) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of gridded values:' )") k = 0 DO i = 1, grd1_nrows DO j = 1, grd1_ncols k = k + 1 train(k) = grid1(i,j) END DO END DO CALL Histogram (train, train_length, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) CALL Prompt_for_String('What are the units of these values?',TRIM(ADJUSTL(grid_units)),grid_units) IF (grid_interval == 0.0) THEN grid_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count grid_midvalue = (maximum + minimum)/2. END IF 1031 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',grid_interval,grid_interval) IF (grid_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") grid_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1031 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What value should fall at mid-spectrum?',grid_midvalue,grid_midvalue) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should low values be colored blue (versus red)?',grid_lowblue,grid_lowblue) ELSE CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should low values be shaded darkly (versus lightly)?',grid_lowblue,grid_lowblue) END IF WRITE (*,"(/' If the data is elevation/bathymetry, and you plan to plot the coastline')") WRITE (*,"(' as a separate map element, the zero contour may be redundant (& less accurate)!')") CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should the 0 contour line be omitted?',skip_0_contour,skip_0_contour) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on gridded data....')") DO group = 1, 2 IF (group == 2) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) !note that contouring routine will set line colors CALL Begin_Group IF (grd1_lonlat) THEN DO i = 1, grd1_nrows-1 DO j = 1, grd1_ncols-1 ! NW triangle: lon = grd1_lon_min + (j-1)*grd1_d_lon lat = grd1_lat_max - (i-1)*grd1_d_lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(lon, lat, uvec1) lat = lat - grd1_d_lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(lon, lat, uvec2) lon = lon + grd1_d_lon lat = lat + grd1_d_lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(lon, lat, uvec3) CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_on_Sphere & &(uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & f1 = grid1(i,j), & & f2 = grid1(i+1,j), & & f3 = grid1(i,j+1), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = grid_interval, & & midspectrum_value = grid_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = grid_lowblue, group = group, & & skip_0_contour = skip_0_contour) ! SE triangle uvec(1:3) = uvec2(1:3) uvec2(1:3) = uvec3(1:3) uvec3(1:3) = uvec(1:3) lat = lat - grd1_d_lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(lon, lat, uvec1) CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_on_Sphere & &(uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & f1 = grid1(i+1,j+1), & & f2 = grid1(i,j+1), & & f3 = grid1(i+1,j), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = grid_interval, & & midspectrum_value = grid_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = grid_lowblue, group = group, & & skip_0_contour = skip_0_contour) END DO ! j=1, grd1_ncols-1 END DO ! i = 1, grd1_nrows-1 ELSE ! data are in (x,y) format t = mt_meters_per_user ! (abbreviation) DO i = 1, grd1_nrows-1 DO j = 1, grd1_ncols-1 !upper left triangle CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_in_Plane & &(x1 = t*(grd1_x_min+grd1_d_x*(j-1)), & & y1 = t*(grd1_y_max-grd1_d_y*(i-1)), & & x2 = t*(grd1_x_min+grd1_d_x*(j-1)), & & y2 = t*(grd1_y_max-grd1_d_y*(i)), & & x3 = t*(grd1_x_min+grd1_d_x*(j)), & & y3 = t*(grd1_y_max-grd1_d_y*(i-1)), & & f1 = grid1(i,j), & & f2 = grid1(i+1,j), & & f3 = grid1(i,j+1), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = grid_interval, & & midspectrum_value = grid_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = grid_lowblue, group = group, & & skip_0_contour = skip_0_contour) ! lower right triangle CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_in_Plane & &(x1 = t*(grd1_x_min+grd1_d_x*(j)), & & y1 = t*(grd1_y_max-grd1_d_y*(i)), & & x2 = t*(grd1_x_min+grd1_d_x*(j)), & & y2 = t*(grd1_y_max-grd1_d_y*(i-1)), & & x3 = t*(grd1_x_min+grd1_d_x*(j-1)), & & y3 = t*(grd1_y_max-grd1_d_y*(i)), & & f1 = grid1(i+1,j+1), & & f2 = grid1(i,j+1), & & f3 = grid1(i+1,j), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = grid_interval, & & midspectrum_value = grid_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = grid_lowblue, group = group, & & skip_0_contour = skip_0_contour) END DO ! j=1, ncols-1 END DO ! i = 1, nrows-1 END IF ! lonlat, or (x,y) CALL End_Group ! END DO ! group = 1, 2 CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Bar_in_BottomLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = grid_interval, & & midspectrum_value =grid_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = grid_lowblue, & & units = ADJUSTL(grid_units)) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Bar_in_RightLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = grid_interval, & & midspectrum_value =grid_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = grid_lowblue, & & units = ADJUSTL(grid_units)) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! WRITE (*,"('+Working on gridded data....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) DEALLOCATE ( grid1 ) DEALLOCATE ( train ) ! end of contour map from gridded data CASE (4) ! discontinuous scalar (one value per element) CALL Group_or_Bitmap (latter_mosaic, element_scalar_method, bitmap_height, bitmap_width) 1040 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which .feg file defines the elements?',element_scalar_feg_file,element_scalar_feg_file) element_scalar_feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(element_scalar_feg_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = element_scalar_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') problem = (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ! title line problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numnod problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) .OR. (j /= i) CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numel problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( nodes(3,numel) ) ALLOCATE ( element_scalar(numel) ) DO i = 1, numel READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i), & & element_scalar(i) problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) END DO ! i = 1, numel IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Necessary information absent or defective in this file.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 1040 END IF CLOSE (21) CALL Add_Title(element_scalar_feg_file) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of non-zero element values:' )") CALL Histogram (element_scalar, numel, .TRUE., maximum, minimum) CALL Prompt_for_String('What are the units of these numbers?',element_scalar_units,element_scalar_units) IF (element_scalar_method == 1) THEN ! group of colored/shaded polygons IF (element_scalar_interval == 0.0) THEN element_scalar_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count element_scalar_midvalue = (maximum + minimum)/2. END IF 1041 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',element_scalar_interval,element_scalar_interval) IF (element_scalar_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") element_scalar_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1041 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What value should fall at mid-spectrum?',element_scalar_midvalue,element_scalar_midvalue) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should low values be colored blue (versus red)?',element_scalar_lowblue,element_scalar_lowblue) ELSE CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should low values be shaded darkly (versus lightly)?',element_scalar_lowblue,element_scalar_lowblue) END IF WRITE (*,*) WRITE (*,"(' Non-zero values that lie exactly on a contour')") WRITE (*,"(' (color boundary) are always nudged toward zero')") WRITE (*,"(' in order to assign a color to them.')") WRITE (*,"(' -----------------------------------------------')") WRITE (*,"(' What shall be done with zero values?')") WRITE (*,"(' mode 1 :: round up to the 1st positive color')") WRITE (*,"(' mode 0 :: do not plot this triangle')") WRITE (*,"(' mode -1 :: round down to the 1st negative color')") WRITE (*,"(' ------------------------------------------------')") 1042 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Which mode do you want?',element_scalar_zeromode,element_scalar_zeromode) IF ((element_scalar_zeromode < -1).OR.(element_scalar_zeromode > 1)) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Select mode in legal range.')") GOTO 1042 element_scalar_zeromode = 0 END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on discontinuous scalar (one value per element)....')") CALL Begin_Group ! of colored/shaded triangles DO i = 1, numel t = element_scalar(i) IF (t == 0.0) THEN SELECT CASE (element_scalar_zeromode) CASE (1) ! round up t = 0.001 * element_scalar_interval plot_this = .TRUE. CASE (0) ! do not plot plot_this = .FALSE. CASE (-1) ! round down t = -0.001 * element_scalar_interval plot_this = .TRUE. END SELECT ELSE ! non-zero value plot_this = .TRUE. IF (MOD(t, element_scalar_interval) == 0.0) THEN ! Color is undefined for t = n * element_scalar_interval, ! so nudge the value toward zero: IF (t > 0.0) THEN t = t - 0.001* element_scalar_interval ELSE ! t < 0.0 t = t + 0.001 * element_scalar_interval END IF ! t positive or negative END IF ! t lies exactly on a contour level (color undefined!) END IF ! zero or non-zero value uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(1,i)) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(2,i)) uvec3(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(3,i)) IF (plot_this) CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_on_Sphere & &(uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & f1 = t, f2 = t, f3 = t, & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = element_scalar_interval, & & midspectrum_value = element_scalar_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = element_scalar_lowblue, group = 1) END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group ! of colored/shaded triangles CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Bar_in_BottomLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = element_scalar_interval, & & midspectrum_value =element_scalar_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = element_scalar_lowblue, & & units = element_scalar_units) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Bar_in_RightLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = element_scalar_interval, & & midspectrum_value =element_scalar_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = element_scalar_lowblue, & & units = element_scalar_units) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! WRITE (*,"('+Working on discontinuous scalar (one value per element)....DONE.')") ELSE ! element_scalar_method == 2 ALLOCATE ( a_(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( center(3, numel) ) ALLOCATE ( neighbor(3, numel) ) CALL Learn_Spherical_Triangles (numel, nodes, node_uvec, .TRUE., & & a_, center, neighbor) WRITE (*,"(' Collecting data for bitmap....')") ALLOCATE ( bitmap_success(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) ALLOCATE ( bitmap_value(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) DO irow = 1, bitmap_height ! top to bottom cold_start = .TRUE. fy1 = (irow-0.5) / bitmap_height fy2 = 1.00 - fy1 y_points = ai_window_y1_points * fy1 + ai_window_y2_points * fy2 DO jcol = 1, bitmap_width ! left to right fx2 = (jcol-0.5) / bitmap_width fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 x_points = ai_window_x1_points * fx1 + ai_window_x2_points * fx2 CALL Points_2_Meters (x_points,y_points, x_meters,y_meters) CALL Reject (x_meters,y_meters, success, uvec) CALL Which_Spherical_Triangle (uvec, cold_start, & & numel, nodes, node_uvec, center, a_, neighbor, & & success, iele, s1, s2, s3) IF (success) THEN bitmap_value(irow,jcol) = element_scalar(iele) bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .TRUE. ELSE bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .FALSE. END IF cold_start = .NOT. success END DO ! jcol, left to right WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....',I5,' rows done')") irow END DO ! irow, top to bottom WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....DONE ')") CALL Bumpy_Bitmap (bitmap_height, bitmap_width, bitmap_success, bitmap_value, & & element_scalar_units, minimum, maximum, & & bitmap_color_mode, element_scalar_interval, element_scalar_midvalue, element_scalar_lowblue, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, & & shaded_relief, path_in, grd2_file, intensity) DEALLOCATE (bitmap_value, bitmap_success) ! in LIFO order DEALLOCATE ( neighbor, & & center, & & a_ ) ! in LIFO order CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_BottomLegend (minimum, maximum, element_scalar_units, bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & element_scalar_interval, element_scalar_midvalue, element_scalar_lowblue) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_RightLegend (minimum, maximum, element_scalar_units, bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & element_scalar_interval, element_scalar_midvalue, element_scalar_lowblue) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! END IF ! element_scalar_method = 1 or 2 CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) DEALLOCATE ( element_scalar, & & node_uvec, & & nodes) ! end of discontinuous scalar (one value per element) CASE (5) ! continuous scalar (one value per node) CALL Group_or_Bitmap (latter_mosaic, node_scalar_method, bitmap_height, bitmap_width) 1050 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which .feg file defines the nodes and elements?',node_scalar_feg_file,node_scalar_feg_file) node_scalar_feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(node_scalar_feg_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = node_scalar_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') problem = (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ! title line problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numnod problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) WRITE (*,"(/' Here are the records for the first 5 nodes:')") DO i = 1, 5 READ (21,"(A)") line WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line) END DO ! i = 1, 5 nodal lines CLOSE(21) IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Necessary information absent or defective in this file.')") WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 1050 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Integer('How many positions AFTER the latitude is the scalar field that you want to plot?',node_scalar_choice,node_scalar_choice) IF ((node_scalar_choice < 1).OR.(node_scalar_choice > 5)) GOTO 1050 !open .feg again to record nodal values (and element definitions) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = node_scalar_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') problem = (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ! title line problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numnod problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( node_uvec(3,numnod) ) ALLOCATE ( node_scalar(numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod IF (node_scalar_choice == 1) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat, node_scalar(i) ELSE IF (node_scalar_choice == 2) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat, t1, node_scalar(i) ELSE IF (node_scalar_choice == 3) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat, t1, t2, node_scalar(i) ELSE IF (node_scalar_choice == 4) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat, t1, t2, t3, node_scalar(i) ELSE IF (node_scalar_choice == 5) THEN READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat, t1, t2, t3, t4, node_scalar(i) END IF ! node_scalar_choice = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) .OR. (j /= i) CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numel problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( nodes(3,numel) ) DO i = 1, numel READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i) problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) END DO ! i = 1, numel IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Necessary information absent or defective in this file.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 1050 END IF CLOSE (21) CALL Add_Title(node_scalar_feg_file) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of nodal values:' )") CALL Histogram (node_scalar, numnod, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) CALL Prompt_for_String('What are the units of these numbers?',node_scalar_units,node_scalar_units) IF (node_scalar_method == 1) THEN ! group of colored/shaded polygons IF (node_scalar_interval == 0.0) THEN node_scalar_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count node_scalar_midvalue = (maximum + minimum)/2. END IF 1051 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',node_scalar_interval,node_scalar_interval) IF (node_scalar_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") node_scalar_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1051 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What value should fall at mid-spectrum?',node_scalar_midvalue,node_scalar_midvalue) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should low values be colored blue (versus red)?',node_scalar_lowblue,node_scalar_lowblue) ELSE CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should low values be shaded darkly (versus lightly)?',node_scalar_lowblue,node_scalar_lowblue) END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on continuous scalar (one value per node)....')") DO group = 1, 2 CALL Begin_Group IF (group == 2) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) !note that contouring routine will set line colors DO i = 1, numel uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(1,i)) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(2,i)) uvec3(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(3,i)) CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_on_Sphere & &(uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & f1 = node_scalar(nodes(1,i)), & & f2 = node_scalar(nodes(2,i)), & & f3 = node_scalar(nodes(3,i)), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = node_scalar_interval, & & midspectrum_value = node_scalar_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = node_scalar_lowblue, group = group) END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group END DO ! group = 1, 2 CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Bar_in_BottomLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = node_scalar_interval, & & midspectrum_value =node_scalar_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = node_scalar_lowblue, & & units = node_scalar_units) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Bar_in_RightLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = node_scalar_interval, & & midspectrum_value =node_scalar_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = node_scalar_lowblue, & & units = node_scalar_units) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! WRITE (*,"('+Working on continuous scalar (one value per node)....DONE.')") ELSE ! node_scalar_method == 2 ALLOCATE ( a_(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( center(3, numel) ) ALLOCATE ( neighbor(3, numel) ) CALL Learn_Spherical_Triangles (numel, nodes, node_uvec, .TRUE., & & a_, center, neighbor) WRITE (*,"(' Collecting data for bitmap....')") ALLOCATE ( bitmap_success(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) ALLOCATE ( bitmap_value(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) DO irow = 1, bitmap_height ! top to bottom cold_start = .TRUE. fy1 = (irow-0.5) / bitmap_height fy2 = 1.00 - fy1 y_points = ai_window_y1_points * fy1 + ai_window_y2_points * fy2 DO jcol = 1, bitmap_width ! left to right fx2 = (jcol-0.5) / bitmap_width fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 x_points = ai_window_x1_points * fx1 + ai_window_x2_points * fx2 CALL Points_2_Meters (x_points,y_points, x_meters,y_meters) CALL Reject (x_meters,y_meters, success, uvec) CALL Which_Spherical_Triangle (uvec, cold_start, & & numel, nodes, node_uvec, center, a_, neighbor, & & success, iele, s1, s2, s3) IF (success) THEN bitmap_value(irow,jcol) = node_scalar(nodes(1,iele)) * s1 + & & node_scalar(nodes(2,iele)) * s2 + & & node_scalar(nodes(3,iele)) * s3 bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .TRUE. ELSE bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .FALSE. END IF cold_start = .NOT. success END DO ! jcol, left to right WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....',I5,' rows done')") irow END DO ! irow, top to bottom WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....DONE ')") CALL Bumpy_Bitmap (bitmap_height, bitmap_width, bitmap_success, bitmap_value, & & node_scalar_units, minimum, maximum, & & bitmap_color_mode, node_scalar_interval, node_scalar_midvalue, node_scalar_lowblue, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, & & shaded_relief, path_in, grd2_file, intensity) DEALLOCATE (bitmap_value, bitmap_success) ! in LIFO order DEALLOCATE ( neighbor, & & center, & & a_ ) ! in LIFO order CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_BottomLegend (minimum, maximum, node_scalar_units, bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & node_scalar_interval, node_scalar_midvalue, node_scalar_lowblue) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_RightLegend (minimum, maximum, node_scalar_units, bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & node_scalar_interval, node_scalar_midvalue, node_scalar_lowblue) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! END IF ! node_scalar_method = 1 or 2 CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) DEALLOCATE ( node_scalar, & & node_uvec, & & nodes) ! end of continuous scalar (one value per node) CASE (6) ! magnitude of continuous velocity field CALL Group_or_Bitmap (latter_mosaic, velocity_method, bitmap_height, bitmap_width) 1060 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which grid was used to compute velocities?',feg_file,feg_file) feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(feg_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 1060 END IF READ (21,*) ! title READ (21,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( node_uvec(3,numnod) ) ALLOCATE ( vw(2*numnod) ) ALLOCATE ( vsize_mma(numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) numel ALLOCATE ( nodes(3,numel) ) DO i = 1, numel READ (21,*) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i) END DO ! i = 1, numel CLOSE(21) 1061 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .TRUE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which velocity file should be plotted?',vel_file,vel_file) vel_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(vel_file) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = vel_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (22) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 1061 END IF DO i = 1, 3 READ (22,"(A)") line CALL Add_Title(line) END DO ! first 3 lines of velocity file READ (22,*) (vw(i), i = 1, (2*numnod)) !this read method should work with either SHELLS or RESTORE format DO i = 1, numnod v_South_mps = vw(2*i-1) v_East_mps = vw(2*i) vsize_mma(i) = 1000. * sec_per_year * SQRT(v_South_mps**2 + v_East_mps**2) END DO ! i = 1, numnod CLOSE(22) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of velocities (in mm/a):')") CALL Histogram (vsize_mma, numnod, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) IF (velocity_method == 1) THEN ! group of colored/shaded polygons IF (velocity_interval == 0.0) THEN velocity_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count velocity_midvalue = (maximum + minimum)/2. END IF 1062 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',velocity_interval,velocity_interval) IF (velocity_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") velocity_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1062 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What value should fall at mid-spectrum?',velocity_midvalue,velocity_midvalue) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should slow areas be colored blue (versus red)?',velocity_lowblue,velocity_lowblue) ELSE CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should slow areas be shaded darkly (versus lightly)?',velocity_lowblue,velocity_lowblue) END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on magnitude of continuous velocity field....')") DO group = 1, 2 CALL Begin_Group IF (group == 2) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) !note that contouring routine will set line colors DO i = 1, numel uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(1,i)) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(2,i)) uvec3(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(3,i)) v1S_mma = 1000. * sec_per_year * vw(2*nodes(1,i)-1) v2S_mma = 1000. * sec_per_year * vw(2*nodes(2,i)-1) v3S_mma = 1000. * sec_per_year * vw(2*nodes(3,i)-1) v1E_mma = 1000. * sec_per_year * vw(2*nodes(1,i)) v2E_mma = 1000. * sec_per_year * vw(2*nodes(2,i)) v3E_mma = 1000. * sec_per_year * vw(2*nodes(3,i)) CALL Contour_3Node_Sphere_Velocity( & & uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & v1t = v1S_mma, v1p = V1E_mma, & & v2t = v2S_mma, v2p = V2E_mma, & & v3t = v3S_mma, v3p = V3E_mma, & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = velocity_interval, & & midspectrum_value = velocity_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = velocity_lowblue, group = group) END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group END DO ! group = 1, 2 CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Bar_in_BottomLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = velocity_interval, & & midspectrum_value = velocity_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = velocity_lowblue, & & units = 'mm/a') bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Bar_in_RightLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = velocity_interval, & & midspectrum_value =velocity_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = velocity_lowblue, & & units = 'mm/a') rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! WRITE (*,"('+Working on magnitude of continuous velocity field....DONE.')") ELSE ! velocity_method == 2 ALLOCATE ( a_(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( center(3, numel) ) ALLOCATE ( neighbor(3, numel) ) CALL Learn_Spherical_Triangles (numel, nodes, node_uvec, .TRUE., & & a_, center, neighbor) WRITE (*,"(' Collecting data for bitmap....')") ALLOCATE ( bitmap_success(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) ALLOCATE ( bitmap_value(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) DO irow = 1, bitmap_height ! top to bottom cold_start = .TRUE. fy1 = (irow-0.5) / bitmap_height fy2 = 1.00 - fy1 y_points = ai_window_y1_points * fy1 + ai_window_y2_points * fy2 DO jcol = 1, bitmap_width ! left to right fx2 = (jcol-0.5) / bitmap_width fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 x_points = ai_window_x1_points * fx1 + ai_window_x2_points * fx2 CALL Points_2_Meters (x_points,y_points, x_meters,y_meters) CALL Reject (x_meters,y_meters, success, uvec) CALL Which_Spherical_Triangle (uvec, cold_start, & & numel, nodes, node_uvec, center, a_, neighbor, & & success, iele, s1, s2, s3) IF (success) THEN uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(1,iele)) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(2,iele)) uvec3(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(3,iele)) v1S = vw(2*nodes(1,iele)-1) v2S = vw(2*nodes(2,iele)-1) v3S = vw(2*nodes(3,iele)-1) v1E = vw(2*nodes(1,iele)) v2E = vw(2*nodes(2,iele)) v3E = vw(2*nodes(3,iele)) CALL Velocity_Size_in_3Node_Sphere & & (iele, uvec1, uvec2, uvec3, & ! element input & v1S,v1E, v2S,v2E, v3S,v3E, & ! nodal velocities & uvec, & ! position input & vsize, d_vsize_d_theta, d_vsize_d_phi) ! outputs bitmap_value(irow,jcol) = vsize * 1000. * sec_per_year bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .TRUE. ELSE bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .FALSE. END IF cold_start = .NOT. success END DO ! jcol, left to right WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....',I5,' rows done')") irow END DO ! irow, top to bottom WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....DONE ')") CALL Bumpy_Bitmap (bitmap_height, bitmap_width, bitmap_success, bitmap_value, & & 'mm/a', minimum, maximum, & & bitmap_color_mode, velocity_interval, velocity_midvalue, velocity_lowblue, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, & & shaded_relief, path_in, grd2_file, intensity) DEALLOCATE (bitmap_value, bitmap_success) ! in LIFO order DEALLOCATE ( neighbor, & & center, & & a_ ) ! in LIFO order CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_BottomLegend (minimum, maximum, 'mm/a', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & velocity_interval, velocity_midvalue, velocity_lowblue) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_RightLegend (minimum, maximum, 'mm/a', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & velocity_interval, velocity_midvalue, velocity_lowblue) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! END IF ! velocity_method = 1 or 2 CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) DEALLOCATE ( node_uvec ) DEALLOCATE ( vw ) DEALLOCATE ( vsize_mma ) DEALLOCATE ( nodes ) ! end of magnitude of continuous velocity field CASE (7) ! displacement amount (mosaic, in color) CALL Group_or_Bitmap (latter_mosaic, distance_method, bitmap_height, bitmap_width) 1070 CALL Get_Paired_Feg_Names (old_feg_file, old_feg_pathfile, & & new_feg_file, new_feg_pathfile) !This routine has tested files by opening and comparing numnod's. 1071 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the older file, in Ma?',t2_Ma,t2_Ma) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the younger file, in Ma?',t1_Ma,t1_Ma) IF (t2_Ma <= t1_Ma) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Maximum age must exceed minimum age.')") GO TO 1071 END IF IF (t1_Ma <= 0.0) THEN i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Displacement since ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ')' ELSE i1 = NINT(t1_Ma) i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t1, "(I3)") i1 WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Displacement from ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ') to ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t1)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t1_Ma)) // ')' END IF CALL Add_Title(line) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = old_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,*) READ (21,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( old_node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) old_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod CLOSE (21) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = new_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (22,*) READ (22,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( new_node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (22,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) new_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod !Note that NEW (present-day) elements are used as basis for !plotting, since present-day nodal coordinates are used as !the basis for plotting. Any combination of new nodes and !old elements risks negative element areas. READ (22,*) numel ALLOCATE ( nodes(3,numel) ) DO i = 1, numel READ (22,*) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i) END DO CLOSE (22) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on displacement amount....')") ALLOCATE ( node_scalar(numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod uvec1(1:3) = old_node_uvec(1:3,i) uvec2(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3,i) node_scalar(i) = mp_radius_meters * Arc(uvec1, uvec2) / 1000.0 END DO WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of displacement amounts, in km:' )") CALL Histogram (node_scalar, numnod, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) IF (distance_method == 1) THEN ! group of colored/shaded polygons IF (distance_km_interval == 0.0) THEN distance_km_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count distance_km_midvalue = (maximum + minimum)/2. END IF 1072 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',distance_km_interval,distance_km_interval) IF (distance_km_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") distance_km_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1072 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What distance should fall at mid-spectrum?',distance_km_midvalue,distance_km_midvalue) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should small distances be colored blue (versus red)?',distance_km_lowblue,distance_km_lowblue) ELSE CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should small distances be shaded darkly (versus lightly)?',distance_km_lowblue,distance_km_lowblue) END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on displacement amount....')") DO group = 1, 2 IF (group == 2) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) !note that contouring routine will set line colors CALL Begin_Group DO i = 1, numel uvec1(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3,nodes(1,i)) uvec2(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3,nodes(2,i)) uvec3(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3,nodes(3,i)) CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_on_Sphere & &(uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & f1 = node_scalar(nodes(1,i)), & & f2 = node_scalar(nodes(2,i)), & & f3 = node_scalar(nodes(3,i)), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = distance_km_interval, & & midspectrum_value = distance_km_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = distance_km_lowblue, group = group) END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group END DO ! group = 1, 2 CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Bar_in_BottomLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = distance_km_interval, & & midspectrum_value = distance_km_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = distance_km_lowblue, & & units = 'km') bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Bar_in_RightLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = distance_km_interval, & & midspectrum_value = distance_km_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = distance_km_lowblue, & & units = 'km') rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! WRITE (*,"('+Working on displacement amount....DONE.')") ELSE ! distance_method == 2 ALLOCATE ( a_(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( center(3, numel) ) ALLOCATE ( neighbor(3, numel) ) CALL Learn_Spherical_Triangles (numel, nodes, new_node_uvec, .TRUE., & & a_, center, neighbor) WRITE (*,"(' Collecting data for bitmap....')") ALLOCATE ( bitmap_success(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) ALLOCATE ( bitmap_value(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) DO irow = 1, bitmap_height ! top to bottom cold_start = .TRUE. fy1 = (irow-0.5) / bitmap_height fy2 = 1.00 - fy1 y_points = ai_window_y1_points * fy1 + ai_window_y2_points * fy2 DO jcol = 1, bitmap_width ! left to right fx2 = (jcol-0.5) / bitmap_width fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 x_points = ai_window_x1_points * fx1 + ai_window_x2_points * fx2 CALL Points_2_Meters (x_points,y_points, x_meters,y_meters) CALL Reject (x_meters,y_meters, success, uvec) CALL Which_Spherical_Triangle (uvec, cold_start, & & numel, nodes, new_node_uvec, center, a_, neighbor, & & success, iele, s1, s2, s3) IF (success) THEN bitmap_value(irow,jcol) = node_scalar(nodes(1,iele)) * s1 + & & node_scalar(nodes(2,iele)) * s2 + & & node_scalar(nodes(3,iele)) * s3 bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .TRUE. ELSE bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .FALSE. END IF cold_start = .NOT. success END DO ! jcol, left to right WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....',I5,' rows done')") irow END DO ! irow, top to bottom WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....DONE ')") CALL Bumpy_Bitmap (bitmap_height, bitmap_width, bitmap_success, bitmap_value, & & 'km', minimum, maximum, & & bitmap_color_mode, distance_km_interval, distance_km_midvalue, distance_km_lowblue, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, & & shaded_relief, path_in, grd2_file, intensity) DEALLOCATE (bitmap_value, bitmap_success) ! in LIFO order DEALLOCATE ( neighbor, & & center, & & a_ ) ! in LIFO order CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_BottomLegend (minimum, maximum, 'km', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & distance_km_interval, distance_km_midvalue, distance_km_lowblue) bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Spectrum_in_RightLegend (minimum, maximum, 'km', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & distance_km_interval, distance_km_midvalue, distance_km_lowblue) rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! END IF ! distance_method = 1 or 2 CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) DEALLOCATE ( node_scalar, & & nodes, & & new_node_uvec, & & old_node_uvec ) ! in LIFO order !end of displacement amount CASE (8:9) ! 8 = vertical-axis rotation; 9 = ln[area/(former area)] 1080 IF (choice == 8) THEN CALL Add_Title ('Clockwise Vertical-Axis Rotation') CALL Group_or_Bitmap (latter_mosaic, rotation_method, bitmap_height, bitmap_width) method = rotation_method ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN CALL Add_Title ('Natural Dilatation = ln[area/(former area)]') ! or, for use as title2, under Natural Strain Tensors: CALL Add_Title ('with Natural Dilatation in color') CALL Group_or_Bitmap (latter_mosaic, ln_area_method, bitmap_height, bitmap_width) method = ln_area_method END IF ! choice = 8 or 9 1090 CALL Get_Paired_Feg_Names (old_feg_file, old_feg_pathfile, & & new_feg_file, new_feg_pathfile) !This routine has tested files by opening and comparing numnod's. 1091 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the older file, in Ma?',t2_Ma,t2_Ma) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the younger file, in Ma?',t1_Ma,t1_Ma) IF (t2_Ma <= t1_Ma) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Maximum age must exceed minimum age.')") GO TO 1091 END IF IF (t1_Ma <= 0.0) THEN i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 IF (choice == 8) THEN line = 'Clockwise Rotation since ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ')' ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN line = 'Natural Dilatation since ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ')' END IF ELSE i1 = NINT(t1_Ma) i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t1, "(I3)") i1 WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 IF (choice == 8) THEN line = 'Clockwise Rotation from ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ') to ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t1)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t1_Ma)) // ')' ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN line = 'Natural Dilatation from ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ') to ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t1)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t1_Ma)) // ')' END IF END IF CALL Add_Title(line) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = old_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,*) READ (21,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( old_node_uvec(3, numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) old_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) old_numel ALLOCATE ( old_nodes(3, old_numel) ) DO i = 1, old_numel READ (21,*) j, old_nodes(1,i), old_nodes(2,i), old_nodes(3,i) END DO CLOSE (21) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = new_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (22,*) READ (22,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( new_node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (22,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) new_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (22,*) new_numel ALLOCATE ( new_nodes(3, new_numel) ) DO i = 1, new_numel READ (22,*) j, new_nodes(1,i), new_nodes(2,i), new_nodes(3,i) END DO CLOSE (22) ALLOCATE ( strained(new_numel) ) ALLOCATE ( strain_table(15, new_numel) ) CALL FE_Strain (numnod, old_node_uvec, new_node_uvec, & & old_numel, old_nodes, & & new_numel, new_nodes, & & strained, strain_table) ! outputs refer to new_ grid ALLOCATE ( element_scalar(new_numel) ) train_length = 0 DO i = 1, new_numel IF (strained(i)) THEN train_length = train_length + 1 IF (choice == 8) THEN ! clockwise rotation element_scalar(i) = -strain_table(6,i) ! turned is already in degrees; converting to clockwise positive ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN ! log(greatest horizontal principal stretch, including faulting) eps1h = strain_table(10,i) eps2h = strain_table(11,i) IF (eps1h > -1.0) THEN element_scalar(i) = LOG((1.0 + eps1h) * (1.0 + eps2h)) ELSE strained(i) = .FALSE. element_scalar(i) = 0.0 END IF ! eps1h is reasonable or not END IF ! rotation (8) or log(strain) (9) ELSE element_scalar(i) = 0.0 ! means "undefined" END IF END DO IF (train_length == 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Not one single element matches between these grids.')") STOP END IF IF (choice == 8) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' Here are the vertical-axis rotations, in degrees (clockwise = +)' )") ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' Here are the natural dilatations = ln[area/(former area)]' )") END IF CALL Histogram (element_scalar, new_numel, .TRUE., maximum, minimum) IF (method == 1) THEN ! group of colored/shaded polygons IF (choice == 8) THEN IF (rotation_degrees_interval == 0.0) THEN rotation_degrees_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count rotation_degrees_midvalue = (maximum + minimum)/2. END IF 1092 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',rotation_degrees_interval,rotation_degrees_interval) IF (rotation_degrees_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") rotation_degrees_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1092 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What rotation should fall at mid-spectrum?',rotation_degrees_midvalue,rotation_degrees_midvalue) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should counterclockwise rotations be colored blue (versus red)?',rotation_degrees_lowblue,rotation_degrees_lowblue) ELSE CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should counterclockwise rotations be shaded darkly (versus lightly)?',rotation_degrees_lowblue,rotation_degrees_lowblue) END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on vertical-axis rotation....')") ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN IF (ln_area_interval == 0.0) THEN ln_area_interval = 2.0 * MAX(ABS(maximum),ABS(minimum))/ai_spectrum_count END IF 1093 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What contour interval do you wish?',ln_area_interval,ln_area_interval) IF (ln_area_interval <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Contour interval must be positive!' )") ln_area_interval = (maximum - minimum)/ai_spectrum_count GOTO 1093 END IF CALL Prompt_for_Real('What ln[area/(former area)] should fall at mid-spectrum?',ln_area_midvalue,ln_area_midvalue) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should compressed regions be colored blue (versus red)?',ln_area_lowblue,ln_area_lowblue) ELSE CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Should compressed regions be shaded darkly (versus lightly)?',ln_area_lowblue,ln_area_lowblue) END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on ln[area/(former area)]....')") END IF ! choice = 8 or 9 CALL Begin_Group ! of colored/shaded triangles (there won't be any contours) DO i = 1, new_numel IF (strained(i)) THEN ! strain is defined; OK to plot uvec1(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(1,i)) uvec2(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(2,i)) uvec3(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(3,i)) IF (choice == 8) THEN CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_on_Sphere & &(uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & f1 = element_scalar(i), & & f2 = element_scalar(i), & & f3 = element_scalar(i), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = rotation_degrees_interval, & & midspectrum_value = rotation_degrees_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = rotation_degrees_lowblue, group = 1) ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN CALL Contour_3Node_Scalar_on_Sphere & &(uvec1 = uvec1, uvec2 = uvec2, uvec3 = uvec3, & & f1 = element_scalar(i), & & f2 = element_scalar(i), & & f3 = element_scalar(i), & & low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = ln_area_interval, & & midspectrum_value = ln_area_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = ln_area_lowblue, group = 1) END IF ! choice = 8 or 9 END IF ! strained(i); strain is defined END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group ! of colored/shaded triangles CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN IF (choice == 8) THEN CALL Bar_in_BottomLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = rotation_degrees_interval, & & midspectrum_value = rotation_degrees_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = rotation_degrees_lowblue, & & units = 'degrees') ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN CALL Bar_in_BottomLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = ln_area_interval, & & midspectrum_value = ln_area_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = ln_area_lowblue, & & units = ' ') END IF ! choice = 8 or 9 bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN IF (choice == 8) THEN CALL Bar_in_RightLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = rotation_degrees_interval, & & midspectrum_value = rotation_degrees_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = rotation_degrees_lowblue, & & units = 'degrees') ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN CALL Bar_in_RightLegend & & (low_value = minimum, high_value = maximum, & & contour_interval = ln_area_interval, & & midspectrum_value = ln_area_midvalue, & & low_is_blue = ln_area_lowblue, & & units = ' ') END IF ! choice = 8 or 9 rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! IF (choice == 8) THEN WRITE (*,"('+Working on vertical-axis rotation....DONE.')") ELSE IF (choice == 9) THEN WRITE (*,"('+Working on ln[area/(former area)]....DONE.')") END IF ELSE ! method == 2 ALLOCATE ( a_(new_numel) ) ALLOCATE ( center(3, new_numel) ) ALLOCATE ( neighbor(3, new_numel) ) CALL Learn_Spherical_Triangles (new_numel, new_nodes, new_node_uvec, .TRUE., & & a_, center, neighbor) WRITE (*,"(' Collecting data for bitmap....')") ALLOCATE ( bitmap_success(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) ALLOCATE ( bitmap_value(bitmap_height, bitmap_width) ) DO irow = 1, bitmap_height ! top to bottom cold_start = .TRUE. fy1 = (irow-0.5) / bitmap_height fy2 = 1.00 - fy1 y_points = ai_window_y1_points * fy1 + ai_window_y2_points * fy2 DO jcol = 1, bitmap_width ! left to right fx2 = (jcol-0.5) / bitmap_width fx1 = 1.00 - fx2 x_points = ai_window_x1_points * fx1 + ai_window_x2_points * fx2 CALL Points_2_Meters (x_points,y_points, x_meters,y_meters) CALL Reject (x_meters,y_meters, success, uvec) CALL Which_Spherical_Triangle (uvec, cold_start, & & new_numel, new_nodes, new_node_uvec, center, a_, neighbor, & & success, iele, s1, s2, s3) IF (success.AND.strained(iele)) THEN bitmap_value(irow,jcol) = element_scalar(iele) bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .TRUE. ELSE bitmap_success(irow,jcol) = .FALSE. END IF cold_start = .NOT. success END DO ! jcol, left to right WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....',I5,' rows done')") irow END DO ! irow, top to bottom WRITE (*,"('+Collecting data for bitmap....DONE ')") IF (choice == 8) THEN ! rotation CALL Bumpy_Bitmap (bitmap_height, bitmap_width, bitmap_success, bitmap_value, & & 'degrees', minimum, maximum, & & bitmap_color_mode, rotation_degrees_interval, rotation_degrees_midvalue, rotation_degrees_lowblue, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, & & shaded_relief, path_in, grd2_file, intensity) ELSE ! choice == 9 ; natural dilatation CALL Bumpy_Bitmap (bitmap_height, bitmap_width, bitmap_success, bitmap_value, & & ' ', minimum, maximum, & & bitmap_color_mode, ln_area_interval, ln_area_midvalue, ln_area_lowblue, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, & & shaded_relief, path_in, grd2_file, intensity) END IF ! choice is 8 or 9 DEALLOCATE (bitmap_value, bitmap_success) ! in LIFO order DEALLOCATE ( neighbor, & & center, & & a_ ) ! in LIFO order CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN IF (choice == 8) THEN ! rotation CALL Spectrum_in_BottomLegend (minimum, maximum, 'degrees', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & rotation_degrees_interval, rotation_degrees_midvalue, rotation_degrees_lowblue) ELSE ! choice == 9 ; natural dilatation CALL Spectrum_in_BottomLegend (minimum, maximum, ' ', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & ln_area_interval, ln_area_midvalue, ln_area_lowblue) END IF bottomlegend_used_points = ai_paper_width_points ! reserve bottom margin ELSE IF (right) THEN IF (choice == 8) THEN ! rotation CALL Spectrum_in_RightLegend (minimum, maximum, 'degrees', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & rotation_degrees_interval, rotation_degrees_midvalue, rotation_degrees_lowblue) ELSE ! choice == 9 ; natural dilatation CALL Spectrum_in_RightLegend (minimum, maximum, ' ', bitmap_color_mode, & & bitmap_color_lowvalue, bitmap_color_highvalue, shaded_relief, & & ln_area_interval, ln_area_midvalue, ln_area_lowblue) END IF rightlegend_used_points = ai_paper_height_points ! reserve right margin END IF ! bottom or right margin free ! END IF ! method = 1 or 2 CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) DEALLOCATE ( element_scalar, & & strain_table, & & strained, & & new_nodes, & & new_node_uvec, & & old_nodes, & & old_node_uvec ) ! in LIFO order !end of rotation (8) or natural dilatation (9) mosaic END SELECT ! (choice) = mosaic type latter_mosaic = .TRUE. ! since one is already laid down WRITE (*,"(' ')") suggest_logical = mosaic_count < old_mosaic_count CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want additional mosaics?',suggest_logical,do_more_mosaics) IF (do_more_mosaics) GOTO 1000 END IF ! do mosaic !-------------------------- OVERLAYS ------------------------------ !----- (symbols composed mostly of lines; mostly transparent) ----- overlay_count = 0 ! counts number of overlays in this map !GPBoverlays 2000 WRITE(*,"(//' ----------------------------------------------------------------------'& &/' LINE- & SYMBOL-OVERLAY LAYERS AVAILABLE:')") WRITE (*,"(' 1 :: digitised basemap')") WRITE (*,"(' 2 :: fault traces')") WRITE (*,"(' 3 :: finite-element grid')") WRITE (*,"(' 4 :: outline of finite-element grid')") WRITE (*,"(' 5 :: velocity vectors')") WRITE (*,"(' 6 :: displacement vectors')") WRITE (*,"(' 7 :: changes in horizontal velocity across faults')") WRITE (*,"(' 8 :: heave (horizontal offset) on faults')") WRITE (*,"(' 9 :: paleomagnetic paleolatitude anomalies')") WRITE (*,"(' 10 :: paleomagnetic vertical-axis rotations')") WRITE (*,"(' 11 :: paleostress direction data')") WRITE (*,"(' 12 :: paleostress directions interpolated by Restore')") WRITE (*,"(' 13 :: total strain-rate tensors, including faulting')") WRITE (*,"(' 14 :: strain-rate tensors of non-faulting elements only')") WRITE (*,"(' 15 :: continuum strain-rate tensors of all elements')") WRITE (*,"(' 16 :: log-of-net-principal-stretch tensors, including faulting')") WRITE (*,"(' 17 :: balanced cross-sections with restored lengths')") WRITE (*,"(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") suggest_logical = old_overlay_count > overlay_count IF (overlay_count == 0) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want one (or more) of these overlays?',suggest_logical,do_overlay) IF (do_overlay) THEN overlay_count = overlay_count + 1 choice = overlay_choice(overlay_count) CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Which overlay type should be added?',choice,choice) IF ((choice < 1).OR.(choice > 17)) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' ERROR: Please select an integer from the list!')") WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2000 ELSE overlay_choice(overlay_count) = choice ! for memory END IF ! illegal or legal choice SELECT CASE (choice) CASE (1) ! basemap (lines type) 2010 CALL File_List(basemap = .TRUE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file should be plotted?',lines_basemap_file,lines_basemap_file) lines_basemap_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(lines_basemap_file) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color (color_name = 'foreground') WRITE (*,"(/' Working on basemap....')") polygons = .FALSE. CALL Plot_Dig (7, lines_basemap_pathfile, polygons, 21, in_ok) IF (.not.in_ok) GOTO 2010 WRITE (*,"('+Working on basemap....DONE.')") ! possible plot titles: filename, and first 3 lines CALL Add_Title(lines_basemap_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = lines_basemap_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') DO i = 1, 3 READ (21,"(A)") line READ (line, *, IOSTAT = ios) lon, lat IF (ios /= 0) THEN ! got possible title CALL Add_Title(line) END IF END DO CLOSE (21) CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of basemap overlay CASE (2) ! fault traces 2020 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .TRUE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file should be plotted?',traces_file,traces_file) traces_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(traces_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = traces_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2020 END IF CLOSE (21) CALL Prompt_for_Real('How large are the dip ticks (in points)?',tick_points,tick_points) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on fault traces....')") CALL Fault_Traces (trace_choice = 0) WRITE (*,"('+Working on fault traces....DONE.')") CALL Add_Title(traces_file) CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (right) THEN CALL Begin_Group CALL Fault_Key_Right (rightlegend_gap_points, rightlegend_used_points, tick_points) CALL End_Group ELSE IF (bottom) THEN CALL Begin_Group CALL Fault_Key_Bottom (bottomlegend_gap_points, bottomlegend_used_points, tick_points) CALL End_Group END IF ! end of fault traces overlay CASE (3:4) ! finite-element grid (3) or its outline only (4) 2030 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file should be plotted?',feg_file,feg_file) feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(feg_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2030 END IF READ (21,"(A)") line CALL Add_Title(line) READ (21,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( node_uvec(3,numnod), segments(3,2,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) numel ALLOCATE ( nodes(3,numel) ) DO i = 1, numel READ (21,*) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i) END DO ! i = 1, numel READ (21,*) nfl ALLOCATE ( nodef(4,nfl), fdip(2,nfl) ) DO i = 1, nfl READ (21,*) j, nodef(1,i), nodef(2,i), nodef(3,i), nodef(4,i), & & fdip(1,i), fdip(2,i) END DO ! i = 1, nfl CLOSE(21) IF (choice == 3) THEN ! plot whole grid CALL Prompt_for_Real('Desired radius of node circles (in points)?',node_radius_points,node_radius_points) IF (nfl > 0) CALL Prompt_for_Real('How large are the dip ticks (in points)?',tick_points,tick_points) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on finite-element grid....')") IF ((numnod > 0) .AND. (node_radius_points >= 1.0)) THEN CALL Begin_Group ! of nodes IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'dark_blue_') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF DO i = 1, numnod uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,i) node_radius_radians = node_radius_points * 0.0003528 * & & mp_scale_denominator * & & Conformal_Deflation (uvec1) / R CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = 0.0, & & base_uvec = uvec1, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec2) CALL New_L45_Path (5, uvec2) CALL Small_To_L45 (uvec1, uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .FALSE., fill = .TRUE.) END DO ! i = 1, numnod CALL End_Group ! of nodes END IF ! numnod > 0 and node_radius_points >= 1. IF (numel > 0) THEN CALL Begin_Group ! of elements CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .TRUE., & & on_points = 6., off_points = 3.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('gray______') END IF DO i = 1, numel DO j = 1, 3 ! loop on 3 sides jp1 = MOD(j,3) + 1 virgin = .TRUE. ! until proven otherwise IF (i > 1) THEN edges_done: DO m = 1, i-1 DO n = 1, 3 np1 = MOD(n,3) + 1 IF (nodes(n,m) == nodes(jp1,i)) THEN IF (nodes(np1,m) == nodes(j,i)) THEN virgin = .FALSE. EXIT edges_done END IF ! both ends match! END IF ! one end matches END DO ! n = 1, 3 END DO edges_done ! m = 1, i-1 END IF ! there are lower-numbered elements IF (virgin) THEN ! only plot each line once, because of dashing! uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(j,i)) CALL New_L45_Path (5, uvec1) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodes(jp1,i)) CALL Great_To_L45 (uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) END IF ! virgin END DO ! j = 1, 3 END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group ! of elements END IF ! numel > 0 IF (nfl > 0) THEN IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('red_______') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF CALL Begin_Group ! of dip ticks CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.6, dashed = .FALSE.) DO i = 1, nfl dip_degrees = (fdip(1,i) + fdip(2,i))/2. uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodef(1,i)) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodef(2,i)) uvec3(1:3) = (uvec1(1:3) + uvec2(1:3))/2. tick_azimuth = Compass (from_uvec = uvec3, to_uvec = uvec2) IF (dip_degrees > 0.) THEN tick_azimuth = tick_azimuth + Pi/2. ELSE ! negative dip means dipping from N3-N4 side. tick_azimuth = tick_azimuth - Pi/2. END IF IF (ABS(dip_degrees) > 75.) THEN ! ~Vertical fault; no dip ticks (sense unknown). ELSE IF (ABS(dip_degrees) > 55.) THEN ! ~65 deg. dip; use normal fault symbol CALL DipTick_on_Sphere (uvec = uvec3, & & dip_azimuth_radians = tick_azimuth, & & style_byte = 'N', & & size_points = tick_points, & & offset_points = 0.8) ELSE IF (ABS(dip_degrees) > 35.) THEN ! ~45 deg. dip; use ambiguous/dethachment fault symbol CALL DipTick_on_Sphere (uvec = uvec3, & & dip_azimuth_radians = tick_azimuth, & & style_byte = 'D', & & size_points = tick_points, & & offset_points = 0.8) ELSE IF (ABS(dip_degrees) >= 31.) THEN ! (high-angle) thrust; i.e., not a subduction zone in SHELLS CALL DipTick_on_Sphere (uvec = uvec3, & & dip_azimuth_radians = tick_azimuth, & & style_byte = 'T', & & size_points = tick_points, & & offset_points = 0.8) ELSE ! (low-angle) thrust; a subduction zone in SHELLS CALL DipTick_on_Sphere (uvec = uvec3, & & dip_azimuth_radians = tick_azimuth, & & style_byte = 'P', & & size_points = tick_points, & & offset_points = 0.8) END IF ! different dip symbols END DO ! i = 1, nfl CALL End_Group ! of dip ticks CALL Begin_Group ! of fault traces CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 2.0, dashed = .FALSE.) DO i = 1, nfl uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodef(1,i)) CALL New_L45_Path (5, uvec1) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,nodef(2,i)) CALL Great_To_L45 (uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) END DO ! i = 1, nfl CALL End_Group ! of fault traces END IF ! nfl > 0 WRITE (*,"('+Working on finite-element grid....DONE.')") ELSE ! choice == 4; plot outline only WRITE (*,"(/' Working on outline of grid....')") ! build library of external edge segments (unsorted) nseg = 0 DO i = 1, numel DO j = 1, 3 jp = 1 + MOD(j,3) na = nodes(j,i) nb = nodes(jp,i) mated = .FALSE. might_mate: DO k = 1, numel DO l = 1, 3 lp = 1 + MOD(l,3) ma = nodes(l,k) mb = nodes(lp,k) IF ((na == mb).AND.(nb == ma)) THEN mated = .TRUE. EXIT might_mate END IF ! mate was found END DO ! l = 1, 3 END DO might_mate ! k = 1, numel IF (.NOT.mated) THEN nseg = MIN(nseg + 1, numnod) ! no problem expected segments(1:3,1,nseg) = node_uvec(1:3,na) segments(1:3,2,nseg) = node_uvec(1:3,nb) !note that segments always proceed counterclockwise around grid END IF ! NOT mated END DO ! j = 1, 3 END DO ! i = 1, numel !link segments to create outline CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 4.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('gray______') CALL Begin_Group j = 1 ! begin with first segment uvec1(1:3) = segments(1:3,1,j) CALL New_L45_Path (5, uvec1) DO i = 1, nseg uvec2(1:3) = segments(1:3,2,j) CALL Great_to_L45 (uvec2) find_next: DO k = 2, nseg IF (uvec2(1) == segments(1,1,k)) THEN IF (uvec2(2) == segments(2,1,k)) THEN IF (uvec2(3) == segments(3,1,k)) THEN j = k EXIT find_next END IF END IF END IF END DO find_next !prepare to loop uvec1 = uvec2 END DO ! i = 1, nseg CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL End_Group WRITE (*,"('+Working on outline of grid....DONE.')") END IF ! choice == 3 versus 4 DEALLOCATE ( node_uvec, segments ) DEALLOCATE ( nodes ) DEALLOCATE ( nodef, fdip ) CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of finite element grid (3) or its outline (4) CASE (5) ! velocity vectors 2050 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which grid was used to compute velocities?',feg_file,feg_file) feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(feg_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2050 END IF READ (21,*) ! title READ (21,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( node_uvec(3,numnod) ) ALLOCATE ( vw(2*numnod) ) ALLOCATE ( vsize_mma(numnod) ) ALLOCATE (selected(numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod CLOSE(21) 2051 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .TRUE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which velocity file should be plotted?',vel_file,vel_file) vel_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(vel_file) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = vel_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (22) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2051 END IF DO i = 1, 3 READ (22,"(A)") line CALL Add_Title(line) END DO ! first 3 lines of velocity file READ (22,*) (vw(i), i = 1, (2*numnod)) !this read method should work with either SHELLS or RESTORE format DO i = 1, numnod v_South_mps = vw(2*i-1) v_East_mps = vw(2*i) vsize_mma(i) = 1000. * sec_per_year * SQRT(v_South_mps**2 + v_East_mps**2) END DO ! i = 1, numnod CLOSE(22) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of velocities (in mm/a):')") CALL Histogram (vsize_mma, numnod, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) CALL Prompt_for_Real('For how many Ma should velocity be projected?',velocity_Ma,velocity_Ma) WRITE (*,"(/' There will be ',I7,' vectors plotted if they are not thinned.')") numnod 2052 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('What thinning factor ( >=1 ) do you want?',vector_thinner,vector_thinner) IF (vector_thinner < 1) THEN WRITE(*,"(' Error: Please enter a positive integer!')") GO TO 2052 END IF IF (vector_thinner > 1) THEN WRITE(string10,"(I10)") vector_thinner CALL Add_Title('(1/'//TRIM(ADJUSTL(string10))//') of Velocity Vectors') ELSE ! == 1 CALL Add_Title('Velocity Vectors') END IF CALL Thin_on_Sphere (node_uvec, numnod, vector_thinner, selected) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on velocity vectors....')") CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Begin_Group DO i = 1, numnod IF (selected(i)) THEN uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3,i) v_South_mps = vw(2*i-1) v_East_mps = vw(2*i) CALL Velocity_Vector_on_Sphere (from_uvec = uvec1, & & v_theta_mps = v_South_mps, v_phi_mps = v_East_mps, & & dt_sec = velocity_Ma * 1.E6 * sec_per_year, deflate = .TRUE.) END IF ! selected(i) END DO ! actually plotting velocity vectors CALL End_Group DEALLOCATE ( node_uvec, vw, vsize_mma, selected ) CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (right) THEN CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Velocity') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(velocity_Ma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '(x '//TRIM(number8)//' Ma):') CALL Vector_in_Plane (level = 1, & ! 1-cm-long vector & from_x = 0.5*(x1_points+x2_points)-14.17, from_y = y2_points - 33., & & to_x = 0.5*(x1_points+x2_points)+14.17, to_y = y2_points - 33.) v_mps = 0.01 * mp_scale_denominator / (velocity_Ma * 1.E6 * sec_per_year) v_mma = v_mps * 1000. * sec_per_year number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(v_mma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 36., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = TRIM(number8)//' mm/a') CALL End_Group rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 48. ELSE IF (bottom) THEN CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 29., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Velocity') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(velocity_Ma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 29., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '(x '//TRIM(number8)//' Ma):') CALL Vector_in_Plane (level = 1, & ! 1-cm-long vector & from_x = (x1_points+29.)-14.17, from_y = 0.5*(y1_points+y2_points)-10., & & to_x = (x1_points+29.)+14.17, to_y = 0.5*(y1_points+y2_points)-10.) v_mps = 0.01 * mp_scale_denominator / (velocity_Ma * 1.E6 * sec_per_year) v_mma = v_mps * 1000. * sec_per_year number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(v_mma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 29., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 24., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = TRIM(number8)//' mm/a') CALL End_Group rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 58. END IF ! bottom or right legend WRITE (*,"('+Working on velocity vectors....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of velocity vector overlay CASE (6) ! displacement vectors CALL Get_Paired_Feg_Names (old_feg_file, old_feg_pathfile, & & new_feg_file, new_feg_pathfile) !This routine has tested files by opening and comparing numnod's. 2060 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the older file, in Ma?',t2_Ma,t2_Ma) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the younger file, in Ma?',t1_Ma,t1_Ma) IF (t2_Ma <= t1_Ma) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Maximum age must exceed minimum age.')") GO TO 2060 END IF IF (t1_Ma <= 0.0) THEN i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Displacement since ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ')' ELSE i1 = NINT(t1_Ma) i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t1, "(I3)") i1 WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Displacement from ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ') to ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t1)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t1_Ma)) // ')' END IF CALL Add_Title(line) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = old_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,*) READ (21,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( old_node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) old_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod CLOSE (21) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = new_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (22,*) READ (22,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( new_node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (22,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) new_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod CLOSE (22) WRITE (*,"(/' There will be ',I7,' vectors plotted if they are not thinned.')") numnod 2061 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('What thinning factor ( >=1 ) do you want?',vector_thinner,vector_thinner) IF (vector_thinner < 1) THEN WRITE(*,"(' Error: Please enter a positive integer!')") GO TO 2061 END IF ALLOCATE ( selected(numnod) ) CALL Thin_on_Sphere (old_node_uvec, numnod, vector_thinner, selected) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on displacement vectors....')") CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Begin_Group DO i = 1, numnod IF (selected(i)) THEN uvec1(1:3) = old_node_uvec(1:3,i) uvec2(1:3) = new_node_uvec(1:3,i) IF (Arc(uvec1,uvec2) > 0.0) THEN CALL Vector_on_Sphere (from_uvec = uvec1, & & to_uvec = uvec2, kind = 1) END IF ! non-null vector END IF ! selected(i) END DO ! actually plotting displacement vectors CALL End_Group DEALLOCATE ( old_node_uvec, new_node_uvec, selected ) CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (right) THEN CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Net') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(velocity_Ma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Displacement') CALL Vector_in_Plane (level = 1, & ! 1-cm-long vector & from_x = 0.5*(x1_points+x2_points)-14.17, from_y = y2_points - 33., & & to_x = 0.5*(x1_points+x2_points)+14.17, to_y = y2_points - 33.) CALL End_Group rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 40.0 ELSE IF (bottom) THEN CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 29., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Net') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(velocity_Ma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 29., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Displacement') CALL Vector_in_Plane (level = 1, & ! 1-cm-long vector & from_x = (x1_points+29.)-14.17, from_y = 0.5*(y1_points+y2_points)-10., & & to_x = (x1_points+29.)+14.17, to_y = 0.5*(y1_points+y2_points)-10.) CALL End_Group rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 58. END IF ! bottom or right legend WRITE (*,"('+Working on displacement vectors....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) CASE (7) ! changes in horizontal velocity across faults 2070 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .TRUE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which fault traces should be plotted?',traces_file,traces_file) traces_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(traces_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = traces_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2070 END IF !find the highest-numbered trace, to dimension arrays high_trace = 0 DO READ (21,"(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios == -1) EXIT ! EOF first_byte = line(1:1) IF ((first_byte == 'F').OR.(first_byte == 'f')) THEN READ (line,"(1X,I4)") trace_index high_trace = MAX(high_trace, trace_index) END IF END DO CLOSE (21) ALLOCATE ( trace_mma(high_trace), sense(high_trace) ) trace_mma = 0. ! whole array sense = ' ' CALL Prompt_for_Real('How large are the dip ticks (in points)?',tick_points,tick_points) WRITE (*,"(' ')") 2071 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .TRUE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which slip-rates should be used?',fdat_file,fdat_file) fdat_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(fdat_file) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = fdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (22) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2071 END IF CLOSE (22) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic time (age) for this plot, in Ma?',t_Ma,t_Ma) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = fdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') ! read f.dat and extract best estimate of horizontal component of slip-rate (mm/a): trace_mma = 0.0 ! whole array; from here on we will use maximum found ! at the requested time (there may be multiple entries of one ! trace, but only one group should include the requested time). READ (22,"(A)") f_dat_format READ (22,"(A)") f_dat_titles read_fdat: DO ! reading to end of file READ (22, f_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c6, c50, t1, t2, t3, t4 IF (ios == -1) EXIT read_fdat ! EOF ! t1 is offset, t3 is max age, t4 is min age READ (c6, "(1X,I4,1X)") i sense(i) = c6(6:6) IF ((t_Ma <= t3).AND.(t_Ma > t4)) THEN ! in the time window v_mma = t1 / (t3 - t4) ! mm/a = km / Ma !Check for any '*' lines with better rate estimate: stars_in_fdat: DO READ (22, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios == -1) EXIT read_fdat ! EOF IF ((line(1:1) == 'F').OR.(line(1:1) == 'f')) THEN BACKSPACE(22) EXIT stars_in_fdat ELSE ! got a * in line READ (line,"(1X,2F8.3,2F10.4)") t1, t2, t3, t4 ! t1 is the lesser age and t2 is the greater age, in Ma IF ((t_Ma > t1).AND.(t_Ma <= t2)) THEN ! this rate applies ! t3 is the computed rate; t4 was the goal rate v_mma = t3 END IF END IF END DO stars_in_fdat ELSE ! not in the time window v_mma = 0. !Skip over any '*' lines to next 'F' line: skipping_fdat: DO READ (22, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c6 IF (ios == -1) EXIT read_fdat ! EOF IF ((c6(1:1) == 'F').OR.(c6(1:1) == 'f')) THEN BACKSPACE(22) EXIT skipping_fdat END IF END DO skipping_fdat END IF IF ((sense(i) == 'T').OR.(sense(i) == 't')) THEN trace_mma(i) = MAX(trace_mma(i), v_mma * cot_thrust_dip) !Note: MAX is used so that a later entry about this fault ! concerning a different epoch will not overwrite with zero! ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'P').OR.(sense(i) == 'p')) THEN trace_mma(i) = MAX(trace_mma(i), v_mma) ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'N').OR.(sense(i) == 'n')) THEN trace_mma(i) = MAX(trace_mma(i), v_mma * cot_normal_dip) ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'D').OR.(sense(i) == 'd')) THEN trace_mma(i) = MAX(trace_mma(i), v_mma) ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'R').OR.(sense(i) == 'r')) THEN trace_mma(i) = MAX(trace_mma(i), v_mma) ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'L').OR.(sense(i) == 'l')) THEN trace_mma(i) = MAX(trace_mma(i), v_mma) END IF END DO read_fdat CLOSE (22) DO i = 1, high_trace IF (trace_mma(i) < 0.0) THEN IF ((sense(i) == 'T').OR.(sense(i) == 't')) THEN sense(i) = 'N' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'N').OR.(sense(i) == 'n')) THEN sense(i) = 'T' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'P').OR.(sense(i) == 'p')) THEN sense(i) = 'D' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'D').OR.(sense(i) == 'd')) THEN sense(i) = 'P' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'R').OR.(sense(i) == 'r')) THEN sense(i) = 'L' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'L').OR.(sense(i) == 'l')) THEN sense(i) = 'R' END IF trace_mma(i) = -trace_mma(i) END IF ! trace_km(i) was negative END DO ! i = 1, high_trace WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of non-zero velocity changes' & & /' across faults at this time (in mm/a):')") CALL Histogram (trace_mma, high_trace, .TRUE., maximum, minimum) IF (dv_scale_mma == 0.0) dv_scale_mma = maximum CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the highest velocity change (in mm/a) expected?',dv_scale_mma,dv_scale_mma) CALL Prompt_for_Real('How many points wide should this be plotted?',dv_scale_points,dv_scale_points) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on changes in horizontal velocity across faults....')") CALL Fault_Traces (trace_choice = 1, width_array = trace_mma, & & dw_scale_amount = dv_scale_mma, dw_scale_points = dv_scale_points, & & sense = sense) DEALLOCATE ( trace_mma, sense ) CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (right) THEN !plot sample trace with width = dv_scale_points, !labelled with rate = dv_scale_mma CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points - 12. CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Change in') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 24., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'horizontal') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 36., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'velocity') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 48., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'across fault') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 60., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '(mm/a):') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(dv_scale_mma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 72., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = TRIM(number8)) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = dv_scale_points, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, x1_points + 6., y2_points - 75. - 0.39 * dv_scale_points) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2_points - 6., y2_points - 75. - 0.39 * dv_scale_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 87. + dv_scale_points CALL Fault_Key_Right (rightlegend_gap_points, rightlegend_used_points, tick_points) CALL End_Group ELSE IF (bottom) THEN !plot sample trace with width = dv_scale_points, !labelled with rate = dv_scale_mma CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 79., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Change in horizontal velocity') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 79., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'across fault (mm/a):') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(dv_scale_mma)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 79., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = TRIM(number8)) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = dv_scale_points, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, (x1_points + 79.) - 30., 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 15. - 0.39 * dv_scale_points) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1_points + 79.) + 30., 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 15. - 0.39 * dv_scale_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 158. CALL Fault_Key_Bottom (bottomlegend_gap_points, bottomlegend_used_points, tick_points) CALL End_Group END IF ! bottom or right legend CALL Add_Title(traces_file) CALL Add_Title(fdat_file) CALL Add_Title(TRIM(ADJUSTL(ASCII8(t_Ma)))//' Ma ('//TRIM(Epoch(t_Ma))//')') WRITE (*,"('+Working on changes in horizontal velocity across faults....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of change-in-horizontal-velocity-across-faults overlay CASE (8) ! heave of faults 2080 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .TRUE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which fault traces should be plotted?',traces_file,traces_file) traces_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(traces_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = traces_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2080 END IF !find the highest-numbered trace, to dimension arrays high_trace = 0 DO READ (21,"(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios == -1) EXIT ! EOF first_byte = line(1:1) IF ((first_byte == 'F').OR.(first_byte == 'f')) THEN READ (line,"(1X,I4)") trace_index high_trace = MAX(high_trace, trace_index) END IF END DO CLOSE (21) ALLOCATE ( trace_km(high_trace), sense(high_trace) ) trace_km = 0. ! whole array; totals will be integrated sense = ' ' ! whole array CALL Prompt_for_Real('How large are the dip ticks (in points)?',tick_points,tick_points) WRITE (*,"(' ')") 2081 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .TRUE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which file of slip-rates should be integrated?',fdat_file,fdat_file) fdat_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(fdat_file) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = fdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (22) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2081 END IF CLOSE (22) 2082 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the maximum geologic time age limit for integration, in Ma?',t2_Ma,t2_Ma) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the minimum geologic time age limit for integration, in Ma?',t1_Ma,t1_Ma) IF (t2_Ma < t1_Ma) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Minimum age cannot exceed maximum age.')") WRITE (*,"(' Use minimum age = maximum age if you want neotec mode,')") WRITE (*,"(' in which only stage-type stress indicators are displayed.')") GO TO 2082 END IF IF (t1_Ma <= 0.0) THEN i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Heave (horizontal offset) on faults since ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ')' ELSE i1 = NINT(t1_Ma) i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t1, "(I3)") i1 WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Heave on faults from ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ') to ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t1)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t1_Ma)) // ')' END IF CALL Add_Title(line) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = fdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') ! read f.dat and integrate horizontal component of slip-rate (mm/a --> km): READ (22,"(A)") f_dat_format READ (22,"(A)") f_dat_titles read_fdat2: DO ! reading to end of file READ (22, f_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c6, c50, t1, t2, t3, t4 IF (ios == -1) EXIT read_fdat2 ! EOF ! t1 is offset in km, t3 is max age, t4 is min age (both in Ma) READ (c6, "(1X,I4,1X)") i sense(i) = c6(6:6) overlap = MIN((t2_Ma - t1_Ma),(t3 - t4),(t2_Ma - t4),(t3 - t1_Ma)) IF (overlap > 0.0) THEN v_mma_datum = t1 / (t3 - t4) ! mm/a = km/Ma !Check for any '*' lines with better rate estimate; !if found, replace v_mma with mean rate in window v_mma_model = 0.0 got_stars = .FALSE. stars_in_fdat2: DO READ (22, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios == -1) EXIT stars_in_fdat2 ! EOF IF ((line(1:1) == 'F').OR.(line(1:1) == 'f')) THEN BACKSPACE(22) EXIT stars_in_fdat2 ELSE ! got a * in line got_stars = .TRUE. READ (line,"(1X,2F8.3,2F10.4)") t1, t2, t3, t4 ! t1 is the lesser age and t2 is the greater age, in Ma overlap_star = MIN((t2_Ma - t1_Ma),(t2 - t1),(t2_Ma - t1),(t2 - t1_Ma)) IF (overlap_star > 0.0) THEN ! this rate applies ! t3 is the computed rate; t4 was the goal rate v_mma_model = v_mma_model + t3 * overlap_star / overlap END IF END IF END DO stars_in_fdat2 IF (got_stars) THEN v_mma = v_mma_model ELSE v_mma = v_mma_datum END IF IF ((sense(i) == 'T').OR.(sense(i) == 't')) THEN multiplier = cot_thrust_dip ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'N').OR.(sense(i) == 'n')) THEN multiplier = cot_normal_dip ELSE ! R, L, D, P multiplier = 1.0 END IF !Note: ADD instead of EQUATING because other time !windows may follow for the same fault trace! trace_km(i) = trace_km(i) + overlap * v_mma ! Ma * mm/a = km ELSE !No overlap with integration window; !skip over any '*' lines to next 'F' line: skipping_fdat2: DO READ (22, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c6 IF (ios == -1) EXIT skipping_fdat2 ! EOF IF ((c6(1:1) == 'F').OR.(c6(1:1) == 'f')) THEN BACKSPACE(22) EXIT skipping_fdat2 END IF END DO skipping_fdat2 END IF ! overlap > 0, or not END DO read_fdat2 CLOSE (22) !Check for negative offset; reverse the slip style: DO i = 1, high_trace IF (trace_km(i) < 0.0) THEN IF ((sense(i) == 'T').OR.(sense(i) == 't')) THEN sense(i) = 'N' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'N').OR.(sense(i) == 'n')) THEN sense(i) = 'T' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'P').OR.(sense(i) == 'p')) THEN sense(i) = 'D' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'D').OR.(sense(i) == 'd')) THEN sense(i) = 'P' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'R').OR.(sense(i) == 'r')) THEN sense(i) = 'L' ELSE IF ((sense(i) == 'L').OR.(sense(i) == 'l')) THEN sense(i) = 'R' END IF trace_km(i) = -trace_km(i) END IF ! trace_km(i) was negative END DO ! i = 1, high_trace WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of non-zero heaves' & & /' on faults in this time window (in km):')") CALL Histogram (trace_km, high_trace, .TRUE., maximum, minimum) IF (du_scale_km == 0.0) du_scale_km = maximum CALL Prompt_for_Real('What amount of heave (in km) should be shown in the Explanation?',du_scale_km,du_scale_km) CALL Prompt_for_Real('How many points wide should this be plotted?',du_scale_points,du_scale_points) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on heaves of faults....')") CALL Fault_Traces (trace_choice = 1, width_array = trace_km, & & dw_scale_amount = du_scale_km, dw_scale_points = du_scale_points, & & sense = sense) DEALLOCATE ( trace_km, sense ) CALL Chooser(bottom, right) IF (right) THEN !plot sample trace with width = du_scale_points, !labelled with heave = du_scale_km CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points - 12. CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Heave') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 24., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '(horizontal') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 36., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'offset)') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 48., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'across fault') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 60., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '(in km):') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(du_scale_km)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 72., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = TRIM(number8)) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = du_scale_points, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, x1_points + 6., y2_points - 75. - 0.39 * du_scale_points) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2_points - 6., y2_points - 75. - 0.39 * du_scale_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 87. + dv_scale_points CALL Fault_Key_Right (rightlegend_gap_points, rightlegend_used_points, tick_points) CALL End_Group ELSE IF (bottom) THEN !plot sample trace with width = du_scale_points, !labelled with heave = du_scale_km CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Begin_Group CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 79., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Heave (horizontal offset)') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 79., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'across fault (in km):') number8 = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(du_scale_km)) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 79., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 12., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 12, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = TRIM(number8)) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = du_scale_points, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, (x1_points + 79.) - 30., 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 15. - 0.39 * du_scale_points) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1_points + 79.) + 30., 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 15. - 0.39 * du_scale_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 158. CALL Fault_Key_Bottom (bottomlegend_gap_points, bottomlegend_used_points, tick_points) CALL End_Group END IF ! bottom or right legend CALL Add_Title(traces_file) CALL Add_Title(fdat_file) CALL Add_Title(TRIM(ADJUSTL(ASCII8(t_Ma)))//' Ma ('//TRIM(Epoch(t_Ma))//')') ! end of 8: heave of faults CASE (9) ! paleomagnetic paleolatitude anomalies CALL Add_Title('Paleolatitude Anomalies') 2090 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .TRUE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which paleomagnetic dataset should be plotted?',pdat_file,pdat_file) pdat_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(pdat_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = pdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2090 END IF CALL Add_Title(pdat_file) READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_titles pdat_count = 0 size_pdat: DO ! reading paleomagnetic data, to determine number of sites READ (21, p_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c50, lon, lat, anomaly, sigma, & & t1, t2, t3, t4, plon, plat IF (ios == -1) EXIT size_pdat ! EOF pdat_count = pdat_count + 1 !Try to read a "+" line to see if this file has model output: READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN pdat_stars1: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t1_Ma, t2_Ma, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT pdat_stars1 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! model rate ELSE IF (c1 == '&') THEN ! rotation data; ignore ELSE ! c1 /= '*' or '&'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT pdat_stars1 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO pdat_stars1 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not END DO size_pdat CLOSE (21) ALLOCATE ( paleolatitude_anomaly_degrees(pdat_count) ) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = pdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_titles pdat_count = 0 ! sic; using as index one more time scan_pdat: DO ! reading paleomagnetic data, to display anomaly sizes READ (21, p_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c50, lon, lat, anomaly, sigma, & & t1, t2, t3, t4, plon, plat IF (ios == -1) EXIT scan_pdat ! EOF pdat_count = pdat_count + 1 paleolatitude_anomaly_degrees(pdat_count) = anomaly !Try to read a "+" line to see if this file has model output: READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN pdat_stars2: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t1_Ma, t2_Ma, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT pdat_stars2 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! model rate ELSE IF (c1 == '&') THEN ! rotation data; ignore ELSE ! c1 /= '*' or '&'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT pdat_stars2 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO pdat_stars2 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not END DO scan_pdat CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of paleolatitude anomalies in degrees:')") CALL Histogram (paleolatitude_anomaly_degrees, pdat_count, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) DEALLOCATE (paleolatitude_anomaly_degrees) 2091 CALL Prompt_for_Real('Enter a scaling factor for paleolatitude anomaly bars ( =1 for true size, ' // & & '<1 to reduce, or >1 to expand)', paleolatitude_factor, paleolatitude_factor) IF (paleolatitude_factor <= 0.0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Factor must be positive.')") paleolatitude_factor = 1.0 GO TO 2091 END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on paleolatitude anomalies....')") CALL Begin_Group OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = pdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_titles got_any_stars = .FALSE. ! may be set T below; controls contents of legend read_pdat: DO ! reading paleomagnetic data, to end of file READ (21, p_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c50, lon, lat, anomaly, sigma, & & t1, t2, t3, t4, plon, plat IF (ios == -1) EXIT read_pdat ! EOF !not using t1: counterclockwise rotation or t2: its sigma t_Ma = (t3 + t4) / 2.0 CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(plon, plat, uvec1) ! paleopole CALL LonLat_2_Uvec( lon, lat, uvec2) ! site azimuth_radians = Pi + Compass(uvec2, uvec1) ! at site; away from paleopole (S) !Try to read a "+" line to see if this file has model output: READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below got_stars = (c1 == '+') got_any_stars = got_any_stars .OR. got_stars IF (got_stars) THEN model = 0.0 pdat_stars3: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t1_Ma, t2_Ma, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT pdat_stars3 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN model = model + rate * (t2_Ma - t1_Ma) ELSE IF (c1 == '&') THEN ! rotation data; ignore ELSE ! c1 /= '*' or '&'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT pdat_stars3 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO pdat_stars3 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not !HERE is where we plot the paleolatitude anomaly symbol: twosigma_width_points = 12.0 ! ADJUST HERE to change width of colored bars, diameter of site circle onesigma_width_points = 8.0 ! ADJUST HERE to change width of colored bars, diameter of site circle no_sigma_width_points = 4.0 ! ADJUST HERE to change width of colored bars, diameter of site circle IF (ABS(anomaly)/sigma >= 2.0) THEN ! important anomaly; wide line pdat_width_points = twosigma_width_points ELSE IF (ABS(anomaly)/sigma >= 1.0) THEN ! medium line width pdat_width_points = onesigma_width_points ELSE ! insignificant anomaly, smaller than one sigma pdat_width_points = no_sigma_width_points END IF node_radius_radians = 0.5 * pdat_width_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator / mp_radius_meters CALL Begin_Group ! for this one symbol !First, the red/black bar with foreground line, for the datum CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF IF (anomaly <= 0.0) THEN ! normal case; site was once further S add_radians = 0.0 ELSE ! site was once further N add_radians = Pi END IF CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec2) CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians + Pi_over_2, & & base_uvec = uvec2, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! short leg to left of site CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = ABS(anomaly) * radians_per_degree * paleolatitude_factor, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! long leg to S(?) IF (anomaly > 0.0) uvec_saved = uvec3 ! memorize, for plotting number of degrees cross_radians = Compass(uvec3, uvec1) + Pi_over_2 + add_radians CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = cross_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = 2.0 * node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! short leg back to right in the S(?) IF (anomaly <= 0.0) uvec_saved = uvec3 CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians - Pi_over_2, & & base_uvec = uvec2, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec4) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec4) ! long return leg to right of site CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) !Add integer with number of degrees to right of end of red bar: WRITE (c3, "(I3)") NINT(ABS(anomaly)) c3 = ADJUSTL(c3) rotate_radians = -Compass(uvec_saved, uvec1) ! -azimuth from number site to pole CALL L5_Text (uvec = uvec_saved, angle_radians = rotate_radians, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = ' ' // TRIM(c3)) !Second, the green/white bar with foreground line, for the a prediction .LE. datum !(If anomaly is zero, then postpone model prediction and make it yellow.) IF (got_stars.AND.(anomaly /= 0.0)) THEN IF ((model/anomaly) > 1.0) THEN ! model OVERSHOOTS datum; plot only part of bar now green_part = anomaly ELSE ! normal case; model is less than, or opposite sign from, datum green_part = model END IF CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF IF (green_part <= 0.0) THEN ! normal case; site was once further S add_radians = 0.0 ELSE ! site was once further N add_radians = Pi END IF CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec2) CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians + Pi_over_2, & & base_uvec = uvec2, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! short leg to left of site CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = ABS(green_part) * radians_per_degree * paleolatitude_factor, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! long leg to S(?) cross_radians = Compass(uvec3, uvec1) + Pi_over_2 + add_radians CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = cross_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = 2.0 * node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! short leg back to right in the S(?) CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians - Pi_over_2, & & base_uvec = uvec2, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! long return leg to right of site CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! plotting green bar IF (got_stars.AND.((anomaly == 0.0).OR.(model/anomaly > 1.0))) THEN !Third, the yellow/grey bar with foreground line, for the a prediction exceeding CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'yellow____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF IF (model <= 0.0) THEN ! normal case; site was once further S add_radians = 0.0 ELSE ! site was once further N add_radians = Pi END IF CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians + Pi_over_2, & & base_uvec = uvec2, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = ABS(anomaly) * radians_per_degree * paleolatitude_factor, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL New_L45_path(5, uvec3) ! after long "anomaly" leg to S(?) uvec4 = uvec3 ! save to close path with ahead_radians = Compass(uvec3, uvec1) + Pi + add_radians CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = ahead_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = ABS(model - anomaly) * radians_per_degree * paleolatitude_factor, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_To_L45(uvec3) ! medium "overshoot" leg to S(?) cross_radians = Compass(uvec3, uvec1) + Pi_over_2 + add_radians CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = cross_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = 2.0 * node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! short leg back to right in the S(?) CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians - Pi_over_2, & & base_uvec = uvec2, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = azimuth_radians + add_radians, & & base_uvec = uvec3, & & far_radians = ABS(anomaly) * radians_per_degree * paleolatitude_factor, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec3) ! long return leg to right of site CALL Great_to_L45(uvec4) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! plotting yellow bar !Lastly, add circle to show site, and age (integer) in Ma CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = -Pi_over_2, & & base_uvec = uvec2, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec3) CALL Small_To_L45(pole_uvec = uvec2, to_uvec = uvec3) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) j = NINT(t_Ma) WRITE (c3,"(I3)") j c3 = ADJUSTL(c3) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L5_Text (uvec = uvec3, angle_radians = 0.0, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.1, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = TRIM(c3)) CALL End_Group ! for one symbol END DO read_pdat CALL End_Group ! of all symbols CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Begin_Group ! for bottom paleolatitude legend CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points ycp = (y1_points + y2_points) / 2.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') x1p = x1_points + 40.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 14.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Paleomagnetic') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 29.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'site, with') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 43.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'age in Ma:') x1p = x1_points + 104.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 14.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 29.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 43.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 111.0, y = y2_points - 10.0, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 109.0, y = y2_points - 24.0, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 107.0, y = y2_points - 39.0, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 175.0, y_points = y2_points - 14.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Size (in degrees)') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 175.0, y_points = y2_points - 29.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'and significance') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 175.0, y_points = y2_points - 43.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'of latitude anomaly:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x1p = x1_points + 240.0 x2p = x1_points + 300.0 y2p = y2_points - 8.5 + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 y1p = y2p - twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x2p = x1_points + 285.0 y2p = ycp y1p = y2p - onesigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x2p = x1_points + 270.0 y2p = y1_points + 3.0 + no_sigma_width_points / 2.0 y1p = y2p - no_sigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y2_points - 8.5, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = ycp - onesigma_width_points / 2.0, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1_points + 3.0, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x2p = x1_points + 300.0 y2p = y2_points - 8.5 + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = -0.3, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '7') x2p = x1_points + 285.0 y2p = ycp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = -0.3, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '5') x2p = x1_points + 270.0 y2p = y1_points + 3.0 + no_sigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = -0.3, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '3') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'foreground') x2p = x1_points + 304.0 y2p = y2_points - 8.5 + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.8, & & text = 'anomaly > 2 sigma') y2p = ycp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = 'anomaly < 2 sigma') y2p = y1_points + 3.0 + no_sigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.2, & & text = 'anomaly < 1 sigma') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 410.0 IF (got_any_stars) THEN ! add model predictions to legend x1p = x1_points + 465.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 13.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Paleolatitude') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 26.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 39.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'predicted by') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 52.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'the model:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x1p = x1_points + 530.0 x2p = x1_points + 590.0 y2p = y2_points - 2.0 y1p = y2p - twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) y2p = ycp + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 y1p = y2p - twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'yellow____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF x2p = x1_points + 620.0 y2p = y1_points + 2.0 + twosigma_width_points y1p = y1_points + 2.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF x2p = x1_points + 504.0 y2p = y2_points - 2.0 y1p = y2p - twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x2p = x1_points + 561.0 y2p = ycp + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 y1p = y2p - twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x2p = x1_points + 590.0 y2p = y1_points + 2.0 + twosigma_width_points y1p = y1_points + 2.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') y1p = y2_points - 2.0 - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) y1p = ycp CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) y1p = y1_points + 2.0 + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') x1p = x1_points + 627.0 y1p = y2_points - 2.0 - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'opposite to datum') y1p = ycp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'less than datum') y1p = y1_points + 2.0 + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'more than datum') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 317.0 ! (for model predictions only) END IF CALL End_Group ! of bottom legend ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Begin_Group ! for right paleolatitude legend CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points xcp = (x1_points + x2_points) / 2.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 14.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Paleomagnetic') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 29.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'site, with') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 43.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'age in Ma:') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 14.0, y_points = y2_points - 60.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 20.5, y = y2_points - 55.0, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 42.0, y_points = y2_points - 60.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 46.5, y = y2_points - 55.0, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 68.0, y_points = y2_points - 60.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 69.5, y = y2_points - 55.0, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 83.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Size (in') IF (ai_using_color) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 97.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'degrees)') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 112.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '& significance') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 126.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'of latitude') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 141.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x1p = x1_points + 5.0 - no_sigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + no_sigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 181.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 181.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 29.5 - onesigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + onesigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 196.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 196.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 57.0 - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 210.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 210.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 151.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 5.0, y = y2_points - 151.0, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 29.5, y = y2_points - 151.0, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 57.0, y = y2_points - 151.0, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x2p = x1_points + 5.0 + no_sigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2_points - 181.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = -0.3, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '3') x2p = x1_points + 29.5 + onesigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2_points - 196.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = -0.3, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '5') x2p = x1_points + 57.0 + twosigma_width_points / 2.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y2_points - 210.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = -0.3, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '7') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 11.0, y_points = y2_points - 214.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly < 1 sigma') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 35.0, y_points = y2_points - 214.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly < 2 sigma') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 61.0, y_points = y2_points - 214.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly > 2 sigma') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 314.0 IF (got_any_stars) THEN ! add model predictions to legend CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 333.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Paleolatitude') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 347.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 362.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'predicted by') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 376.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'the model:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x1p = x1_points + 11.0 - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 473.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 473.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = xcp - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 473.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 473.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'yellow____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF x1p = x2_points - 11.0 - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 504.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 504.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF x1p = x1_points + 11.0 - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 387.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 387.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = xcp - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 444.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 444.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x2_points - 11.0 - twosigma_width_points / 2.0 x2p = x1p + twosigma_width_points CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 473.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 473.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2_points - 413.0) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 11.0, y = y2_points - 413.0, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = xcp, y = y2_points - 413.0, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x2_points - 11.0, y = y2_points - 413.0, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 11.0, y_points = y2_points - 507.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'opposite to datum') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 35.0, y_points = y2_points - 507.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'less than datum') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 61.0, y_points = y2_points - 507.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'more than datum') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 288.0 ! (for model predictions only) END IF CALL End_Group ! of right legend END IF ! bottom or right legend for paleolatitude anomalies WRITE (*,"('+Working on paleolatitude anomalies....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of 9: paleolatitude anomalies CASE (10) ! paleomagnetic vertical-axis rotations CALL Add_Title('Vertical-Axis Rotations') 2100 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .TRUE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which paleomagnetic dataset should be plotted?',pdat_file,pdat_file) pdat_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(pdat_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = pdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2100 END IF CALL Add_Title(pdat_file) READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_titles pdat_count = 0 size_pdat2: DO ! reading paleomagnetic data, to determine number of sites READ (21, p_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c50, lon, lat, t1, t2, anomaly, sigma, & & t3, t4, plon, plat IF (ios == -1) EXIT size_pdat2 ! EOF pdat_count = pdat_count + 1 !Try to read a "+" line to see if this file has model output: READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN pdat_stars4: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t1_Ma, t2_Ma, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT pdat_stars4 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! latitude rate and goal ELSE IF (c1 == '&') THEN ! rotation rate and goal ELSE ! c1 /= '*' or '&'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT pdat_stars4 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' or '&' END DO pdat_stars4 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not END DO size_pdat2 CLOSE (21) ALLOCATE ( clockwise_anomaly_degrees(pdat_count) ) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = pdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_titles pdat_count = 0 ! sic; using as index one more time scan_pdat2: DO ! reading paleomagnetic data, to display rotation sizes READ (21, p_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c50, lon, lat, t1, t2, anomaly, sigma, & & t3, t4, plon, plat IF (ios == -1) EXIT scan_pdat2 ! EOF pdat_count = pdat_count + 1 clockwise_anomaly_degrees(pdat_count) = -anomaly !Try to read a "+" line to see if this file has model output: READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN pdat_stars5: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t1_Ma, t2_Ma, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT pdat_stars5 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! latitude rate and goal ELSE IF (c1 == '&') THEN ! rotation rate and goal ELSE ! c1 /= '*' or '&'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT pdat_stars5 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO pdat_stars5 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not END DO scan_pdat2 CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of clockwise rotations in degrees:')") CALL Histogram (clockwise_anomaly_degrees, pdat_count, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) DEALLOCATE (clockwise_anomaly_degrees) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on vertical-axis rotations....')") CALL Begin_Group ! of vertical-axis rotation symbols OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = pdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") p_dat_titles got_any_stars = .FALSE. ! may be set T below; controls contents of legend read_pdat2: DO ! reading paleomagnetic data, to end of file READ (21, p_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c50, lon, lat, t1, t2, anomaly, sigma, & & t3, t4, plon, plat IF (ios == -1) EXIT read_pdat2 ! EOF !Anomaly is in degrees counterclockwise from North. !Not using t1: latitude rate or t2: its sigma. !Also not using paleopole; rotations are relative to North t_Ma = (t3 + t4) / 2.0 CALL LonLat_2_Uvec( lon, lat, uvec1) ! site !Try to read a "+" line to see if this file has model output: READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN model = 0.0 pdat_stars6: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t1_Ma, t2_Ma, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT pdat_stars6 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! latitude rate and goal; ignore ELSE IF (c1 == '&') THEN ! rotation rate and goal got_any_stars = .TRUE. model = model + rate * (t2_Ma - t1_Ma) !Like anomaly, model is in degrees counterclockwise from North. ELSE ! c1 /= '*' or '&'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT pdat_stars6 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO pdat_stars6 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not !HERE is where we plot the vertical-axis rotation symbol: twosigma_radius_points = 30.0 ! ADJUST HERE to change radius of colored wedges onesigma_radius_points = 20.0 ! ADJUST HERE to change radius of colored wedges no_sigma_radius_points = 10.0 ! ADJUST HERE to change radius of colored wedges twosigma_width_points = 12.0 ! Adjust here to change diameter of (background) site circle. onesigma_width_points = 8.0 ! Adjust here to change diameter of (background) site circle. no_sigma_width_points = 4.0 ! Adjust here to change diameter of (background) site circle. IF (ABS(anomaly)/sigma >= 2.0) THEN ! important anomaly; plot large wedge pdat_radius_points = twosigma_radius_points pdat_width_points = twosigma_width_points ELSE IF (ABS(anomaly)/sigma >= 1.0) THEN ! medium wedge size pdat_radius_points = onesigma_radius_points pdat_width_points = onesigma_width_points ELSE ! insignificant anomaly, smaller than one sigma pdat_radius_points = no_sigma_radius_points pdat_width_points = no_sigma_width_points END IF wedge_radius_radians = pdat_radius_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator / mp_radius_meters node_radius_radians = 0.5 * pdat_width_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator / mp_radius_meters CALL Begin_Group ! for this one vertical-axis rotation symbol !Reference N axis (25% longer than radius): CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) ! site CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = 0.0, & ! along present declineation & base_uvec = uvec1, & ! from site & far_radians = 1.25 * wedge_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) ! radius along present declination CALL End_L45_Path (close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) !First, the red/black wedge with foreground line, for the datum CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) ! site CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = -anomaly * radians_per_degree, & ! along present declineation & base_uvec = uvec1, & ! from site & far_radians = wedge_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) ! radius along present declination CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = 0.0, & ! present due North & base_uvec = uvec1, & ! from site & far_radians = wedge_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) IF (anomaly <= 0.0) THEN ! clockwise declination; counterclockwise swing pole_uvec = uvec1 ELSE ! counterclockwise declination; clockwise swing pole_uvec = -uvec1 END IF CALL Small_to_L45(pole_uvec = pole_uvec, to_uvec = uvec3) ! swing around site CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) ! return to site CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) !Second, the green/white wedge with foreground line, for the a prediction .LE. datum !(If anomaly is zero, then postpone model prediction and make it yellow.) IF (got_stars.AND.(anomaly /= 0.0).AND.(model /= 0.0)) THEN IF ((model/anomaly) > 1.0) THEN ! model OVERSHOOTS datum; plot only part of bar now green_part = anomaly ELSE ! normal case; model is less than, or opposite sign from, datum green_part = model END IF !Green_part is in degrees counterclockwise from North. CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) ! site CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = -green_part * radians_per_degree, & ! along model declineation & base_uvec = uvec1, & ! from site & far_radians = wedge_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) ! radius along model declination CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = 0.0, & ! present due North & base_uvec = uvec1, & ! from site & far_radians = wedge_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) IF (green_part <= 0.0) THEN ! clockwise declination; counterclockwise swing pole_uvec = uvec1 ELSE ! counterclockwise declination; clockwise swing pole_uvec = -uvec1 END IF CALL Small_to_L45(pole_uvec = pole_uvec, to_uvec = uvec3) ! swing around site CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) ! return to site CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! plotting green wedge IF (got_stars.AND.(model /= 0.0).AND.((anomaly == 0.0).OR.(model/anomaly > 1.0))) THEN !Third, the yellow/grey wedge with foreground line, for the a prediction exceeding CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'yellow____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) ! site CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = -model * radians_per_degree, & ! along model declineation & base_uvec = uvec1, & ! from site & far_radians = wedge_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) ! radius along model declination CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = -anomaly * radians_per_degree, & ! present due North & base_uvec = uvec1, & ! from site & far_radians = wedge_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec3) IF ((model - anomaly) <= 0.0) THEN ! model has extra clockwise declination; counterclockwise swing pole_uvec = uvec1 ELSE ! counterclockwise declination; clockwise swing pole_uvec = -uvec1 END IF CALL Small_to_L45(pole_uvec = pole_uvec, to_uvec = uvec3) ! swing around site CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) ! return to site CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! plotting yellow wedge !Lastly, add circle to show site, and age (integer) in Ma CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = Pi, & ! base of circle & base_uvec = uvec1, & & far_radians = node_radius_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec2) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec2) CALL Small_To_L45(pole_uvec = uvec1, to_uvec = uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) j = NINT(t_Ma) WRITE (c3,"(I3)") j c3 = ADJUSTL(c3) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L5_Text (uvec = uvec2, angle_radians = 0.0, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = TRIM(c3)) CALL End_Group ! for one vertical-axis rotation symbol END DO read_pdat2 CALL End_Group ! of all vertical-axis rotation symbols CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN CALL Begin_Group ! for bottom vertical-axis rotation legend CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points ycp = (y1_points + y2_points) / 2.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') x1p = x1_points + 40.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 14.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Paleomagnetic') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 29.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'site, with') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 43.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'age in Ma:') y1p = y2_points - 43.5 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 83.0, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 109.5, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 135.0, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 83.0, y = y2_points - 27.5, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 109.5, y = y2_points - 29.0, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 135.0, y = y2_points - 31.0, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') x1p = x1_points + 185.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 12.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Size and') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 25.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'significance') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 38.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'of vertical-') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 51.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'axis rotation:') !reference N lines for each of three samples: CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') x1p = x1_points + 284.0 ! for small sample y1p = y2_points - 16.5 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * no_sigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) x1p = x1_points + 259.0 ! for medium sample y1p = y2_points - 28.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * onesigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) x1p = x1_points + 231.0 ! for large sample y1p = y2_points - 41.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * twosigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x1p = x1_points + 284.0 ! for small sample y1p = y2_points - 16.5 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) x2p = x1p + no_sigma_radius_points * SIN(10.0 * radians_per_degree) y2p = y1p + no_sigma_radius_points * COS(10.0 * radians_per_degree) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) y2p = y1p + no_sigma_radius_points CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 259.0 ! for medium sample y1p = y2_points - 28.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) x2p = x1p + onesigma_radius_points * SIN(15.0 * radians_per_degree) y2p = y1p + onesigma_radius_points * COS(15.0 * radians_per_degree) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) y2p = y1p + onesigma_radius_points CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 231.0 ! for large sample y1p = y2_points - 41.0 CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') x1p = x1_points + 284.0 ! for small sample y1p = y2_points - 16.5 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 259.0 ! for medium sample y1p = y2_points - 28.0 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 231.0 ! for large sample y1p = y2_points - 41.0 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 294.0, y_points = y2_points - 18.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly < 1 sigma') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 270.0, y_points = y2_points - 31.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly < 2 sigma') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 244.0, y_points = y2_points - 44.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly > 2 sigma') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 398.0 IF (got_any_stars) THEN ! add model predictions to legend x1p = x1_points + 435.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 13.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Vertical-axis') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 26.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'rotation') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 39.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'predicted by') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2_points - 52.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'the model:') !reference N lines for each of three samples: CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') x1p = x1_points + 478.0 ! for less sample y1p = y2_points - 40.5 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * twosigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) x1p = x1_points + 607.5 ! for more sample CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * twosigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) x1p = x1_points + 478.0 ! for smaller sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF x1p = x1_points + 478.0 ! for smaller sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 15.0) x1p = x1_points + 607.5 ! for larger sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'yellow____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF x1p = x1_points + 607.5 ! for larger sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 25.0, 35.0) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') x1p = x1_points + 478.0 ! for smaller sample CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 607.5 ! for larger sample CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 492.0, y_points = y2_points - 21.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'less than datum') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 599.5, y_points = y2_points - 35.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'more than datum') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 227.0 ! (for model predictions only) END IF CALL End_Group ! of bottom vertical-axis rotation legend ELSE IF (right) THEN CALL Begin_Group ! for right vertical-axis rotation legend CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points xcp = (x1_points + x2_points) / 2.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 14.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Paleomagnetic') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 29.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'site, with') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 43.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'age in Ma:') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 17.0, y_points = y2_points - 71.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 45.0, y_points = y2_points - 71.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 71.0, y_points = y2_points - 71.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '61') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 10.5, y = y2_points - 55.0, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 37.5, y = y2_points - 57.0, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1_points + 62.5, y = y2_points - 59.0, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 90.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Size and') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 105.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'significance') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 119.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'of vertical-') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 134.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'axis rotation:') !reference N lines for each of three samples: CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') x1p = x1_points + 8.0 ! for small sample y1p = y2_points - 166.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * no_sigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) x1p = x1_points + 30.0 ! for medium sample y1p = y2_points - 170.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * onesigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) x1p = x1_points + 56.0 ! for large sample y1p = y2_points - 175.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * twosigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x1p = x1_points + 8.0 ! for small sample y1p = y2_points - 166.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) x2p = x1p + no_sigma_radius_points * SIN(10.0 * radians_per_degree) y2p = y1p + no_sigma_radius_points * COS(10.0 * radians_per_degree) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) y2p = y1p + no_sigma_radius_points CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 30.0 ! for medium sample y1p = y2_points - 170.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) x2p = x1p + onesigma_radius_points * SIN(15.0 * radians_per_degree) y2p = y1p + onesigma_radius_points * COS(15.0 * radians_per_degree) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) y2p = y1p + onesigma_radius_points CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 56.0 ! for large sample y1p = y2_points - 175.0 CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') x1p = x1_points + 8.0 ! for small sample y1p = y2_points - 166.0 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = no_sigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 30.0 ! for medium sample y1p = y2_points - 170.0 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = onesigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x1_points + 56.0 ! for large sample y1p = y2_points - 175.0 CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern(.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 11.0, y_points = y2_points - 188.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly < 1 sigma') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 35.0, y_points = y2_points - 188.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly < 2 sigma') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 61.0, y_points = y2_points - 188.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'anomaly > 2 sigma') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 290.0 IF (got_any_stars) THEN ! add model predictions to legend CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 309.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Vertical-axis') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 323.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'rotation') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 338.0, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'predicted by') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xcp, y_points = y2_points - 352.5, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'the model:') !reference N lines for each of three samples: CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') x1p = x1_points + 13.0 ! for opposite sample y1p = y2_points - 395.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * twosigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) x1p = xcp - 2.0 ! for less sample CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * twosigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) x1p = x2_points - 18.0 ! for more sample CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y1p + 1.25 * twosigma_radius_points) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') END IF x1p = x1_points + 13.0 ! for opposite sample y1p = y2_points - 395.0 CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) x1p = xcp - 2.0 ! for smaller sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF x1p = x1_points + 13.0 ! for opposite sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, -20.0, 0.0) x1p = xcp - 2.0 ! for smaller sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 15.0) x1p = x2_points - 18.0 ! for larger sample CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 0.0, 25.0) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'yellow____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF x1p = x2_points - 18.0 ! for larger sample y1p = y2_points - 395.0 CALL Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, twosigma_radius_points, 25.0, 35.0) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') x1p = x1_points + 13.0 ! for opposite sample CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = xcp - 2.0 ! for smaller sample CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x1p = x2_points - 18.0 ! for larger sample CALL Circle_on_L12 (level = 1, x = x1p, y = y1p, radius = twosigma_width_points / 2.0, stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 11.0, y_points = y2_points - 409.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'opposite to datum') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 33.0, y_points = y2_points - 409.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'less than datum') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1_points + 55.0, y_points = y2_points - 409.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'more than datum') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 214.0 ! (for model predictions only) END IF CALL End_Group ! of right legend END IF ! bottom or right legend for paleolatitude anomalies WRITE (*,"('+Working on vertical-axis rotations....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of 10: paleomagnetic vertical-axis rotations CASE (11) ! paleostress direction data 2110 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .TRUE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which stress dataset should be plotted?',sdat_file,sdat_file) sdat_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(sdat_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = sdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2110 END IF suggest_logical = (t_Ma > 0.) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Use restored locations (if any) in data file?',suggest_logical,restored) 2111 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the maximum geologic time (age) for data selection, in Ma?',t2_Ma,t2_Ma) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the minimum geologic time (age) for data selection, in Ma?',t1_Ma,t1_Ma) IF (t2_Ma < t1_Ma) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Minimum age cannot exceed maximum age.')") WRITE (*,"(' Use minimum age = maximum age if you want neotec mode,')") WRITE (*,"(' in which only stage-type stress indicators are displayed.')") GO TO 2111 END IF neotec = (t1_Ma == t2_Ma) paleotec = .NOT. neotec CALL Prompt_for_Real('How long should the symbols be, in points?',s1_size_points,s1_size_points) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on paleostress directions....')") CALL Read_Sdat (free_unit = 21, recording = .FALSE.) ALLOCATE ( s_code (s_dat_count) ) ALLOCATE ( s_site_now (3, 2, s_dat_count) ) ALLOCATE ( s_azim_now (s_dat_count) ) ALLOCATE ( s_sigma_ (s_dat_count) ) ALLOCATE ( s_t_max (s_dat_count) ) ALLOCATE ( s_t_min (s_dat_count) ) ALLOCATE ( s_stage (s_dat_count) ) CALL Read_Sdat (free_unit = 21, recording = .TRUE.) CALL Begin_Group ! foreground-bounded background-colored wedges for 90% confidence limits CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') radians = (0.6 * s1_size_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator) / mp_radius_meters DO i = 1, s_dat_count tt1_Ma = s_t_min(i) / s_per_Ma tt2_Ma = s_t_max(i) / s_per_Ma IF (paleotec) THEN overlap_Ma = MAX(0.0, MIN((t2_Ma - t1_Ma), (tt2_Ma - tt1_Ma), (t2_Ma - tt1_Ma), (tt2_Ma - t1_Ma))) IF (s_stage(i)) THEN overlap_threshold_Ma = MIN(0.1, 0.5 * (t2_Ma - t1_Ma)) IF (overlap_Ma > overlap_threshold_Ma) THEN relevance = 1.0 ELSE relevance = 0.0 END IF ELSE ! window-type datum relevance = overlap_Ma / (tt2_Ma - tt1_Ma) END IF ! stage or window ELSE ! neotec IF (s_stage(i)) THEN allowance_Ma = 0.1 IF ((t1_Ma > (tt1_Ma - allowance_Ma)).AND. & & (t1_Ma < (tt2_Ma + allowance_Ma))) THEN relevance = 1.0 ELSE relevance = 0.0 END IF ELSE ! window-type datum relevance = 0.0 END IF ! stage or window END IF ! paleotec, or neotec IF (relevance > 0.05) THEN ! datum is relevant to this time window del_az_for_90pc = s_sigma_(i) * 1.645 uvec(1:3) = s_site_now(1:3, 1, i) IF (del_az_for_90pc < Pi_over_2) THEN ! two sectors CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)+del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)-del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Small_to_L45(uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)+Pi+del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)+Pi-del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Small_to_L45(uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) ELSE ! complete small circle CALL Turn_To (0.0, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) CALL Small_to_L45(uvec, uvec1) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! sectors or circle END IF ! datum is relevant to this time window END DO CALL End_Group ! end of 90%-confidence limits CALL Begin_Group ! stress indicator bar (solid if definately relevant) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') radians = (0.5 * s1_size_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator) / mp_radius_meters DO i = 1, s_dat_count tt1_Ma = s_t_min(i) / s_per_Ma tt2_Ma = s_t_max(i) / s_per_Ma IF (paleotec) THEN overlap_Ma = MAX(0.0, MIN((t2_Ma - t1_Ma), (tt2_Ma - tt1_Ma), (t2_Ma - tt1_Ma), (tt2_Ma - t1_Ma))) IF (s_stage(i)) THEN overlap_threshold_Ma = MIN(0.1, 0.5 * (t2_Ma - t1_Ma)) IF (overlap_Ma > overlap_threshold_Ma) THEN relevance = 1.0 ELSE relevance = 0.0 END IF ELSE ! window-type datum relevance = overlap_Ma / (tt2_Ma - tt1_Ma) END IF ! stage or window ELSE ! neotec IF (s_stage(i)) THEN allowance_Ma = 0.1 IF ((t1_Ma > (tt1_Ma - allowance_Ma)).AND. & & (t1_Ma < (tt2_Ma + allowance_Ma))) THEN relevance = 1.0 ELSE relevance = 0.0 END IF ELSE ! window-type datum relevance = 0.0 END IF ! stage or window END IF ! paleotec, or neotec IF (relevance > 0.05) THEN ! datum is relevant to this time window uvec(1:3) = s_site_now(1:3, 1, i) solid = (relevance > 0.99) IF (solid) THEN ! solid bar, width 1/8 of length CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = MAX(0.5, (s1_size_points / 8.)), dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i), uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)+Pi, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) ELSE ! foreground-outlined, background-filled bar CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = MAX(0.5, (s1_size_points / 24.)), dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)+0.12435, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)-0.12435, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)-Pi+0.12435, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) CALL Turn_To (s_azim_now(i)-Pi-0.12435, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! sectors or circle END IF ! datum is relevant to this time window END DO CALL End_Group ! of stress-direction bars CALL Begin_Group ! of text labels CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') DO i = 1, s_dat_count tt1_Ma = s_t_min(i) / s_per_Ma tt2_Ma = s_t_max(i) / s_per_Ma IF (paleotec) THEN overlap_Ma = MAX(0.0, MIN((t2_Ma - t1_Ma), (tt2_Ma - tt1_Ma), (t2_Ma - tt1_Ma), (tt2_Ma - t1_Ma))) IF (s_stage(i)) THEN overlap_threshold_Ma = MIN(0.1, 0.5 * (t2_Ma - t1_Ma)) IF (overlap_Ma > overlap_threshold_Ma) THEN relevance = 1.0 ELSE relevance = 0.0 END IF ELSE ! window-type datum relevance = overlap_Ma / (tt2_Ma - tt1_Ma) END IF ! stage or window ELSE ! neotec IF (s_stage(i)) THEN allowance_Ma = 0.1 IF ((t1_Ma > (tt1_Ma - allowance_Ma)).AND. & & (t1_Ma < (tt2_Ma + allowance_Ma))) THEN relevance = 1.0 ELSE relevance = 0.0 END IF ELSE ! window-type datum relevance = 0.0 END IF ! stage or window END IF ! paleotec, or neotec IF (relevance > 0.05) THEN ! datum is relevant to this time window uvec(1:3) = s_site_now(1:3, 1, i) radians = Pi_over_2 - s_azim_now(i) CALL L5_Text (uvec = uvec, angle_radians = radians, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 6, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = -0.3, & & text = s_code(i)) END IF ! datum is relevant to this time window END DO CALL End_Group ! of text labels CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (right) THEN ! sample paleostress in rightlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of paleostress in legend CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Paleostress') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'datum, with') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '90%-confidence') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 30., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'sectors; solid if') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 40., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '100%-relevant:') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 55. ! text only ! symbol part of paleostress in legend; ! 90%-confidence bowtie has two 60-degree (+-30 deg.) sectors. CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') radius = 0.6 * s1_size_points xcp = (x1_points + x2_points)/2. ycp = y2_points - radius * 0.5 CALL New_L12_Path(1, xcp, ycp) x0p = xcp + radius * 0.866 y0p = ycp - radius * 0.5 CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) x1p = x0p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.5 y1p = y0p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 x3p = x0p y3p = ycp + radius * 0.5 x2p = x1p y2p = y3p - radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x0p = xcp - (x0p - xcp) x1p = xcp - (x1p - xcp) x2p = x1p x3p = x0p CALL New_L12_Path(1,xcp,ycp) CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) ! end bowtie; begin symbol itself CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = MAX(0.5, (s1_size_points / 8.)), dashed = .FALSE.) radius = 0.5 * s1_size_points x0p = xcp - radius x1p = xcp + radius CALL New_L12_Path(1,x0p,ycp) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + radius ! symbol only CALL End_Group ELSE IF (bottom) THEN ! sample paleostress in bottomlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of paleostress in legend CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'Paleostress') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'datum, with') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '90%-confidence') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'sectors; solid if') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = '100%-relevant:') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 72. ! text only ! symbol part of paleostress in legend; ! 90%-confidence bowtie has two 60-degree (+-30 deg.) sectors. CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points radius = 0.6 * s1_size_points xcp = x1_points + 12. ycp = (y1_points + y2_points)/2. CALL New_L12_Path(1, xcp, ycp) x0p = xcp + radius * 0.5 y0p = ycp + radius * 0.866 CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) x1p = x0p - radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 y1p = y0p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.5 x3p = xcp - radius * 0.5 y3p = y0p x2p = x3p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 y2p = y1p CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) y0p = ycp - (y0p - ycp) y1p = ycp - (y1p - ycp) y2p = y1p y3p = y0p CALL New_L12_Path(1,xcp,ycp) CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) ! end bowtie; begin symbol itself CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = MAX(0.5, (s1_size_points / 8.)), dashed = .FALSE.) radius = 0.5 * s1_size_points y0p = ycp - radius y1p = ycp + radius CALL New_L12_Path(1,xcp,y0p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 12. + radius ! symbol only CALL End_Group END IF ! sample paleostress in right or bottom legend !close up after plotting stress data DEALLOCATE ( s_code ) DEALLOCATE ( s_site_now ) DEALLOCATE ( s_azim_now ) DEALLOCATE ( s_sigma_ ) DEALLOCATE ( s_t_max ) DEALLOCATE ( s_t_min ) DEALLOCATE ( s_stage ) CALL Add_Title(sdat_file) CALL Add_Title(TRIM(ADJUSTL(ASCII8(t2_Ma)))//' Ma ('//TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma))//') to '//& & TRIM(ADJUSTL(ASCII8(t1_Ma)))//' Ma ('//TRIM(Epoch(t1_Ma))//')') WRITE (*,"('+Working on paleostress directions....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of paleostress directions overlay CASE (12) ! stress directions interpolated by Restore 2120 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which .feg file contains the stresses?',stress_feg_file,stress_feg_file) stress_feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(stress_feg_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = stress_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') problem = (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ! title line problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numnod problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) .OR. (j /= i) CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numel problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( nodes(3,numel) ) ALLOCATE ( center(3,numel) ) ALLOCATE ( selected(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( s1h_known(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( s1h_azim_radians(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( s1h_sigma_radians(numel) ) DO i = 1, numel READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i), & & s1h_known(i), s1h_azim_degrees, s1h_sigma_degrees problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) s1h_azim_radians(i) = s1h_azim_degrees * rad_per_deg s1h_sigma_radians(i) = s1h_sigma_degrees * rad_per_deg END DO ! i = 1, numel IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Interpolated stresses absent or defective in this file.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2120 END IF CLOSE (21) CALL Prompt_for_Real('How long should the symbols be, in points?',s1h_interp_points,s1h_interp_points) WRITE (*,"(/' There will be ',I7,' interpolated stresses plotted if they are not thinned.')") numel 2121 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('What thinning factor ( >=1 ) do you want?',stress_thinner,stress_thinner) IF (stress_thinner < 1) THEN WRITE(*,"(' Error: Please enter a positive integer!')") GO TO 2121 END IF IF (stress_thinner > 1) THEN WRITE(string10,"(I10)") stress_thinner CALL Add_Title('(1/'//TRIM(ADJUSTL(string10))//') of Interpolated Stress Directions') ELSE ! == 1 CALL Add_Title('Interpolated Stress Directions') END IF CALL Add_Title(stress_feg_file) DO i = 1, numel uvec1(1:3) = (node_uvec(1:3, nodes(1,i)) + & & node_uvec(1:3, nodes(2,i)) + & & node_uvec(1:3, nodes(3,i))) / 3. CALL Make_Uvec (uvec1, uvec) ! center of element center(1:3,i) = uvec(1:3) END DO CALL Thin_on_Sphere (center, numel, stress_thinner, selected) CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Program RESTORE attempts to interpolate stress to all elements, & & but only uses interpolated stresses whose 90%-confidence bounds are& & +-45 deg. or less. (One neighboring stress datum is not enough for this.)& & Shall this plot be limited to only those results?',only_stressed,only_stressed) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on stresses interpolated by Restore....')") CALL Begin_Group ! foreground-bounded background-colored wedges for 90% confidence limits CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') radians = (0.4 * s1h_interp_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator) / mp_radius_meters DO i = 1, numel IF (((only_stressed).AND.(s1h_known(i))) .OR. & & ((.NOT.only_stressed).AND.(s1h_azim_radians(i) /= 0.0))) THEN IF (selected(i)) THEN del_az_for_90pc = s1h_sigma_radians(i) * 1.645 uvec(1:3) = center(1:3,i) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec) CALL Turn_To (s1h_azim_radians(i)+del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) CALL Turn_To (s1h_azim_radians(i)-del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Small_to_L45(uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec) CALL Turn_To (s1h_azim_radians(i)+Pi+del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec1) CALL Turn_To (s1h_azim_radians(i)+Pi-del_az_for_90pc, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Small_to_L45(uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! selected(i) END IF ! s1h_known(i) END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group ! end of 90%-confidence limits for interpolated stresses CALL Begin_Group ! interpolated stress indicator bar IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('mid_blue__') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('gray______') END IF CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = MAX(0.5, (s1h_interp_points / 8.)), dashed = .FALSE.) radians = (0.5 * s1h_interp_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator) / mp_radius_meters DO i = 1, numel IF (((only_stressed).AND.(s1h_known(i))) .OR. & & ((.NOT.only_stressed).AND.(s1h_azim_radians(i) /= 0.0))) THEN IF (selected(i)) THEN uvec(1:3) = center(1:3,i) CALL Turn_To (s1h_azim_radians(i), uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec1) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec1) CALL Turn_To (s1h_azim_radians(i)+Pi, uvec, radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec, uvec2) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec2) CALL End_L45_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) END IF ! selected(i) END IF ! s1h_known(i) END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group ! of interpolated stress-direction bars DEALLOCATE ( node_uvec, center, selected, nodes, s1h_known, s1h_azim_radians, s1h_sigma_radians ) CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (right) THEN ! sample interpolated stress in rightlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of paleostress in legend CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Interpolated') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'stress direction,') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '90%-confidence') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 30., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'sectors:') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points + 45. ! text only ! symbol part of paleostress in legend; ! 90%-confidence bowtie has two 60-degree (+-30 deg.) sectors. CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') radius = 0.4 * s1h_interp_points ! (was 0.6 for stress data, where sigma may be small) xcp = (x1_points + x2_points)/2. ycp = y2_points - radius * 0.5 CALL New_L12_Path(1, xcp, ycp) x0p = xcp + radius * 0.866 y0p = ycp - radius * 0.5 CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) x1p = x0p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.5 y1p = y0p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 x3p = x0p y3p = ycp + radius * 0.5 x2p = x1p y2p = y3p - radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) x0p = xcp - (x0p - xcp) x1p = xcp - (x1p - xcp) x2p = x1p x3p = x0p CALL New_L12_Path(1,xcp,ycp) CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) ! end bowtie; begin symbol itself IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('mid_blue__') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('gray______') END IF CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = MAX(0.5, (s1h_interp_points / 8.)), dashed = .FALSE.) radius = 0.5 * s1h_interp_points x0p = xcp - radius x1p = xcp + radius CALL New_L12_Path(1,x0p,ycp) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + radius ! symbol only CALL End_Group ELSE IF (bottom) THEN ! sample interpolated stress in bottomlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of paleostress in bottomlegend CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Interpolated') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'stress direction,') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '90%-confidence') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 72., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'sectors:') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 72. ! text only ! symbol part of paleostress in bottomlegend; ! 90%-confidence bowtie has two 60-degree (+-30 deg.) sectors. CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + 6. CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') radius = 0.4 * s1h_interp_points ! (was 0.6 for stress data, where sigma may be small) xcp = x1_points + radius * 0.5 ycp = (y1_points + y2_points)/2. CALL New_L12_Path(1, xcp, ycp) x0p = xcp + radius * 0.5 y0p = ycp + radius * 0.866 CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) x1p = x0p - radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 y1p = y0p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.5 x3p = xcp - radius * 0.5 y3p = y0p x2p = x3p + radius * 0.5523 * 0.66667 * 0.866 y2p = y1p CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) y0p = ycp - (y0p - ycp) y1p = ycp - (y1p - ycp) y2p = y1p y3p = y0p CALL New_L12_Path(1,xcp,ycp) CALL Line_to_L12 (x0p,y0p) CALL Curve_to_L12(x1p,y1p, x2p,y2p, x3p,y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,ycp) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) ! end bowtie; begin symbol itself IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('mid_blue__') ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('gray______') END IF CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = MAX(0.5, (s1h_interp_points / 8.)), dashed = .FALSE.) radius = 0.5 * s1h_interp_points y0p = ycp - radius y1p = ycp + radius CALL New_L12_Path(1,xcp,y0p) CALL Line_to_L12(xcp,y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 6. + radius ! symbol only CALL End_Group END IF ! sample interpolated stress in bottom/right legend WRITE (*,"('+Working on stresses interpolated by Restore....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of 7 :: stresses interpolated by Restore CASE (13:15) ! strain-rates: ! 13 = total strain-rate of all elements (including faulting); ! 14 = strain-rate of non-faulting elements only ! 15 = continuum (non-faulting) part of strain-rate in faulting elements, ! and continuum (= total) strain-rate in non-faulting elements. ! Note that CASE(13) uses a xmmnn.vel file for data; ! but CASE(14:15) use values computed by Restore and ! recorded in the element list of a xxxxmmnn.feg file. 2130 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which .feg file defines the elements?',strain_feg_file,strain_feg_file) strain_feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(strain_feg_file) OPEN (UNIT = 21, FILE = strain_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') problem = (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) ! title line problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numnod problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( node_uvec(3,numnod) ) ALLOCATE ( vw(2*numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, lon, lat problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) .OR. (j /= i) CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) numel problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) ALLOCATE ( nodes(3,numel) ) ALLOCATE ( center(3,numel) ) ALLOCATE ( selected(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( faulting(numel) ) ALLOCATE ( strainrate(3, numel) ) ALLOCATE ( e3_minus_e1_persec(numel) ) DO i = 1, numel IF (choice == 13) THEN ! only read element node numbers READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i) ELSE ! choice == 14:15; read further to get continuum strainrates, faulting? READ (21, *, IOSTAT = ios) j, nodes(1,i), nodes(2,i), nodes(3,i), & & lt, r1t, r2t, strainrate(1:3, i), faulting(i) END IF problem = problem .OR. (ios /= 0) END DO ! i = 1, numel IF (problem) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Necessary information absent or defective in this file.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2130 END IF CLOSE (21) CALL Add_Title(strain_feg_file) IF (choice == 13) THEN ! must also read .vel file 2131 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .TRUE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which velocity (.vel) file should be used?',vel_file,vel_file) vel_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(vel_file) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = vel_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (22) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2131 END IF DO i = 1, 3 READ (22,"(A)") line CALL Add_Title(line) END DO ! first 3 lines of velocity file READ (22,*) (vw(i), i = 1, (2*numnod)) !This read method should work for either SHELLS or RESTORE formats. CLOSE (22) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the radius of the planet, in m?', R, R) DO l_ = 1, numel ! compute strainrates at element centers ! evaluate nodal function and derivitives at center of element uvec1(1:3) = (node_uvec(1:3, nodes(1,l_)) + & & node_uvec(1:3, nodes(2,l_)) + & & node_uvec(1:3, nodes(3,l_))) / 3. CALL Make_Uvec (uvec1, uvec) ! center of element equat = SQRT(uvec(1)**2 + uvec(2)**2) IF (equat == 0.) THEN PRINT "(' Error: center of element ',I5,' is N or S pole.')", l_ WRITE (21,"('Error: center of element ',I5,' is N or S pole.')") l_ STOP ' ' END IF theta_ = ATAN2(equat, uvec(3)) uvec1(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3, nodes(1, l_)) uvec2(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3, nodes(2, l_)) uvec3(1:3) = node_uvec(1:3, nodes(3, l_)) CALL Gjxy (l_, uvec1, & & uvec2, & & uvec3, & & uvec, G) CALL Del_Gjxy_del_thetaphi (l_, uvec1, & & uvec2, & & uvec3, & & uvec, dG) CALL E_rate(R, l_, G, dG, theta_, vw, eps_dot) strainrate(1:3, l_) = eps_dot(1:3) END DO ! l_ = 1, numel, computing total strainrates END IF ! .vel file is needed to compute total strainrates !convert to scalar measure, for histogram DO i = 1, numel IF ((choice == 14) .AND. (faulting(i))) THEN e3_minus_e1_persec(i) = 0. ELSE ! compute 3 principal values, and partition one with unique sign CALL Principal_Axes_22 (strainrate(1,i),strainrate(2,i),strainrate(3,i), & & e1h, e2h, u1theta,u1phi, u2theta,u2phi) err = -(e1h + e2h) ! Decide which principal strain(-rate) is partitioned: e1h_partitioned = (e1h /= 0.).AND.((e1h*e2h) <= 0.).AND.((e1h*err) <= 0.) e2h_partitioned = (e2h /= 0.).AND.((e2h*e1h) <= 0.).AND.((e2h*err) <= 0.) err_partitioned = (err /= 0.).AND.((err*e1h) <= 0.).AND.((err*e2h) <= 0.) ! Decide how big largest symbol is (in terms of partitioned e3-e1). big_diff = 0. IF (e1h*e2h < 0.) THEN IF (e1h_partitioned) THEN big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.*ABS(e2h)) ELSE big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.*ABS(e1h)) END IF END IF IF (e1h*err < 0.) THEN IF (e1h_partitioned) THEN big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.*ABS(err)) ELSE big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.*ABS(e1h)) END IF END IF IF (e2h*err < 0.) THEN IF (e2h_partitioned) THEN big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.*ABS(err)) ELSE big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.*ABS(e2h)) END IF END IF e3_minus_e1_persec(i) = big_diff END IF END DO WRITE (*, "(/ & & ' Available modes for plotting strain-rate are:'/ & & ' 0 : All symbols are the same size (for legibility).'/ & & ' 1 : Symbol diameter is linearly proportional to strain-rate.'/ & & ' 2 : Symbol area (diameter**2) is proportional to strain-rate.')") CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Which mode do you want?',strainrate_mode012,strainrate_mode012) IF (strainrate_mode012 == 0) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Real('What diameter should the symbols be, in points?',strainrate_diameter_points,strainrate_diameter_points) ELSE WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of non-zero differential strain-rates' & & /' (e3 - e1) across the elements (in /s):')") CALL Histogram (e3_minus_e1_persec, numel, .TRUE., maximum, minimum) IF (ref_e3_minus_e1_persec <= 0.0) ref_e3_minus_e1_persec = maximum CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the reference strain-rate, in /s?',ref_e3_minus_e1_persec,ref_e3_minus_e1_persec) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What diameter should the reference strain-rate have, in points?',strainrate_diameter_points,strainrate_diameter_points) END IF WRITE (*,"(/' There will be ',I7,' strain-rates plotted if they are not thinned.')") numel 2132 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('What thinning factor ( >=1 ) do you want?',strain_thinner,strain_thinner) IF (strain_thinner < 1) THEN WRITE(*,"(' Error: Please enter a positive integer!')") GO TO 2132 END IF IF (strain_thinner > 1) THEN WRITE(string10,"(I10)") strain_thinner CALL Add_Title('(1/'//TRIM(ADJUSTL(string10))//') of Strain-Rates') ELSE ! == 1 CALL Add_Title('Strain-Rates') END IF CALL Add_Title(stress_feg_file) DO i = 1, numel uvec1(1:3) = (node_uvec(1:3, nodes(1,i)) + & & node_uvec(1:3, nodes(2,i)) + & & node_uvec(1:3, nodes(3,i))) / 3. CALL Make_Uvec (uvec1, uvec) ! center of element center(1:3,i) = uvec(1:3) END DO CALL Thin_on_Sphere (center, numel, strain_thinner, selected) WRITE (*,"(/' Working on strain-rates....')") CALL Begin_Group ! of strain-rates CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') ! for dumbells DO i = 1, numel IF ((choice /= 14).OR.(.NOT.faulting(i))) THEN ! tensor should be plotted IF (selected(i)) THEN uvec(1:3) = center(1:3,i) CALL Strain_on_Sphere (uvec, & & strainrate(1,i), strainrate(2,i), strainrate(3,i), & & ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, strainrate_diameter_points, & & strainrate_mode012) END IF ! selected(i) END IF ! tensor should be plotted END DO ! i = 1, numel CALL End_Group ! of strain-rate tensors DEALLOCATE ( center, & & e3_minus_e1_persec, & & faulting, & & node_uvec, & & nodes, & & selected, & & strainrate, & & vw ) CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (right) THEN ! sample strain-rate in rightlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of strain-rate in legend; begin with a gap rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points ! y2 is top of next text line CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') IF (choice == 13) THEN ! "Strain-rate, as" CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Strain-rate, as') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 10. y2_points = y2_points - 10. ELSE ! "Strain-rate of" / "continuum, as" CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Strain-rate of') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'continuum, as') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 20. y2_points = y2_points - 20. END IF ! choice = 13 or 14:15. (Now, y2 still points to top of next line.) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'conjugate') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'microfaults:') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 25. ! 5 points extra for minigap y2_points = y2_points - 25. ! symbol part of paleostress in legend; CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') ! for dumbells ! vertical thrust bar on left: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, 0.8*x1_points + 0.2*x2_points, & & y2_points - 0.5*strainrate_diameter_points , & & -0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, 0., 0., & & ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, strainrate_diameter_points, & & strainrate_mode012) ! X for strike-slip in center CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, 0.5*x1_points + 0.5*x2_points, & & y2_points - 0.5*strainrate_diameter_points , & & 0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, 0., -0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, & & ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, strainrate_diameter_points, & & strainrate_mode012) ! vertical graben symbol on right: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, 0.2*x1_points + 0.8*x2_points, & & y2_points - 0.5*strainrate_diameter_points , & & 0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, 0., 0., & & ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, strainrate_diameter_points, & & strainrate_mode012) rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + strainrate_diameter_points y2_points = y2_points - strainrate_diameter_points IF (strainrate_mode012 > 0) THEN ! label with e3-e1 = # CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'E3 - E1 =') number8 = ASCII8(ref_e3_minus_e1_persec) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = TRIM(ADJUSTL(number8)) // ' /s') IF (strainrate_mode012 == 1) THEN CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '(Diameter') ELSE ! mode012 = 2 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '(Area is') END IF ! mode 1 or 2 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 30., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'proportional to') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 40. y2_points = y2_points - 40. ELSE ! all symbols are of equal size CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '(Size is') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'independent of') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 20. y2_points = y2_points - 20. END IF ! labelling with numerical strainrate, or not CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'strain-rate.)') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 10. y2_points = y2_points - 10. CALL End_Group ELSE IF (bottom) THEN ! sample strain-rate in bottomlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of strain-rate in legend; begin with a gap CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') IF (choice == 13) THEN ! "Strain-rate, as" CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Strain-rate, as') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 10. y2_points = y2_points - 10. ELSE ! "Strain-rate of" / "continuum, as" CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Strain-rate of') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'continuum, as') END IF ! choice = 13 or 14:15 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'conjugate') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) -20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'microfaults:') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 72. ! text1 only ! symbol part of paleostress in legend; CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') ! for dumbells ! vertical thrust bar on left: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, x1_points + 14., & & 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & -0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, 0., 0., & & ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, strainrate_diameter_points, & & strainrate_mode012) ! X for strike-slip in center CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, x1_points + 36., & & 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & 0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, 0., -0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, & & ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, strainrate_diameter_points, & & strainrate_mode012) ! vertical graben symbol on right: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, x1_points + 58., & & 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) , & & 0.5*ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, 0., 0., & & ref_e3_minus_e1_persec, strainrate_diameter_points, & & strainrate_mode012) bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 72. ! now, including middle symbols block x1_points = x1_points + 72. !note that x1_points now indicates right side of middle symbol block IF (strainrate_mode012 > 0) THEN ! label with e3-e1 = # CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points - 36., & & y_points = y1_points + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'E3 - E1 =') number8 = ASCII8(ref_e3_minus_e1_persec) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points - 36., & & y_points = y1_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = TRIM(ADJUSTL(number8)) // ' /s') IF (strainrate_mode012 == 1) THEN CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = '(Diameter') ELSE ! mode012 = 2 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = '(Area is') END IF ! mode 1 or 2 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = 'proportional to') ELSE ! all symbols are of equal size CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = '(Size is') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = 'independent of') END IF ! labelling with numerical strainrate, or not CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = 'strain-rate.)') CALL End_Group bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 72. ! right text block END IF ! sample strain-rate in bottom/right legend WRITE (*,"('+Working on strain-rates....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of 13:15 :: strain-rates CASE (16) ! log-of-net-principal-stretch tensor, including faulting 2160 CALL Add_Title('Natural Strain (ln(stretch)) Tensors') CALL Get_Paired_Feg_Names (old_feg_file, old_feg_pathfile, & & new_feg_file, new_feg_pathfile) !This routine has tested files by opening and comparing numnod's. 2161 CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the older file, in Ma?',t2_Ma,t2_Ma) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the geologic age of the younger file, in Ma?',t1_Ma,t1_Ma) IF (t2_Ma <= t1_Ma) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Maximum age must exceed minimum age.')") GO TO 2161 END IF IF (t1_Ma <= 0.0) THEN i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Natural Strain since ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ')' ELSE i1 = NINT(t1_Ma) i2 = NINT(t2_Ma) WRITE (c3t1, "(I3)") i1 WRITE (c3t2, "(I3)") i2 line = 'Natural Strain from ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t2)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t2_Ma)) // ') to ' // & & TRIM(ADJUSTL(c3t1)) // ' Ma (' // TRIM(Epoch(t1_Ma)) // ')' END IF CALL Add_Title(line) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = old_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,*) READ (21,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( old_node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) old_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (21,*) old_numel ALLOCATE ( old_nodes(3, old_numel) ) DO i = 1, old_numel READ (21,*) j, old_nodes(1,i), old_nodes(2,i), old_nodes(3,i) END DO CLOSE (21) OPEN(UNIT = 22, FILE = new_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (22,*) READ (22,*) numnod ALLOCATE ( new_node_uvec(3,numnod) ) DO i = 1, numnod READ (22,*) j, lon, lat CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (lon, lat, uvec1) new_node_uvec(1:3,i) = uvec1(1:3) END DO ! i = 1, numnod READ (22,*) new_numel ALLOCATE ( new_nodes(3, new_numel) ) DO i = 1, new_numel READ (22,*) j, new_nodes(1,i), new_nodes(2,i), new_nodes(3,i) END DO CLOSE (22) ALLOCATE ( strained(new_numel) ) ALLOCATE ( strain_table(15, new_numel) ) CALL FE_Strain (numnod, old_node_uvec, new_node_uvec, & & old_numel, old_nodes, & & new_numel, new_nodes, & & strained, strain_table) ! outputs refer to new_ grid ALLOCATE ( log_stretch(3, new_numel) ) ALLOCATE ( train(new_numel) ) ! (1) Convert principal strains to log_stretch's, ! and (2) find theta, phi, thetaphi components ( log_strain(1:3,1:numel) ) ! and (3) convert to scalar measure, for histogram ( train(1:numel) ) train_length = 0 ! length of list of scalars destined for Histogram DO i = 1, new_numel IF (strained(i)) THEN eps1h = strain_table(10,i) ! -0.99 < eps1h -1.0) THEN ! reasonable value log_stretch_1h = LOG(1.0 + eps1h) log_stretch_2h = LOG(1.0 + eps2h) log_stretch_rr = -(log_stretch_1h + log_stretch_2h) azim1h = deg1h / deg_per_rad ! in radians, clockwise from present N log_stretch_tt = (log_stretch_1h + log_stretch_2h)/2.0 - & &((log_stretch_2h - log_stretch_1h)/2.0) * COS(2.0 * azim1h) log_stretch_pp = (log_stretch_1h + log_stretch_2h)/2.0 + & &((log_stretch_2h - log_stretch_1h)/2.0) * COS(2.0 * azim1h) log_stretch_tp =((log_stretch_2h - log_stretch_1h)/2.0) * SIN(2.0 * azim1h) log_stretch(1,i) = log_stretch_tt log_stretch(2,i) = log_stretch_tp log_stretch(3,i) = log_stretch_pp ! Decide which principal log_stretch is partitioned: e1h_partitioned = (log_stretch_1h /= 0.).AND. & & ((log_stretch_1h * log_stretch_2h) <= 0.).AND. & & ((log_stretch_1h * log_stretch_rr) <= 0.) e2h_partitioned = (log_stretch_2h /= 0.).AND. & & ((log_stretch_2h * log_stretch_1h) <= 0.).AND. & & ((log_stretch_2h * log_stretch_rr) <= 0.) err_partitioned = (log_stretch_rr /= 0.).AND. & & ((log_stretch_rr * log_stretch_1h) <= 0.).AND. & & ((log_stretch_rr * log_stretch_2h) <= 0.) ! Decide how big largest symbol is (in terms of partitioned e3-e1). big_diff = 0.0 IF ((log_stretch_1h * log_stretch_2h) < 0.0) THEN IF (e1h_partitioned) THEN big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.0*ABS(log_stretch_2h)) ELSE big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.0*ABS(log_stretch_1h)) END IF END IF IF ((log_stretch_1h * log_stretch_rr) < 0.0) THEN IF (e1h_partitioned) THEN big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.0*ABS(log_stretch_rr)) ELSE big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.0*ABS(log_stretch_1h)) END IF END IF IF ((log_stretch_2h * log_stretch_rr) < 0.0) THEN IF (e2h_partitioned) THEN big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.0*ABS(log_stretch_rr)) ELSE big_diff = MAX(big_diff, 2.0*ABS(log_stretch_2h)) END IF END IF train_length = train_length + 1 train(train_length) = big_diff ELSE strained(i) = .FALSE. log_stretch(1:3,i) = 0.0 END IF ! eps1h is reasonable or not ELSE ! .NOT. strained(i) log_stretch(1:3,i) = 0.0 END IF ! strained(i) END DO ! i = 1, numel IF (train_length == 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Not one single element matches between these grids.')") STOP END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of non-zero differential log-stretches' & & /' (ln(s3) - ln(s1)) across the elements:')") CALL Histogram (train, train_length, .TRUE., maximum, minimum) IF (ref_lns3_minus_lns1 <= 0.0) ref_lns3_minus_lns1 = maximum CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the reference (ln(s3) - ln(s1))?',ref_lns3_minus_lns1,ref_lns3_minus_lns1) CALL Prompt_for_Real('What diameter should this reference (ln(s3) - ln(s1)) have, in points?',strain_diameter_points,strain_diameter_points) WRITE (*,"(/' There will be ',I7,' ln(stretch) tensors plotted if they are not thinned.')") new_numel 2162 CALL Prompt_for_Integer('What thinning factor ( >=1 ) do you want?',strain_thinner,strain_thinner) IF (strain_thinner < 1) THEN WRITE(*,"(' Error: Please enter a positive integer!')") GO TO 2162 END IF WRITE (*,"(/' Working on natural strain tensors....')") ALLOCATE ( center(3, new_numel) ) ALLOCATE ( selected(new_numel) ) DO i = 1, new_numel uvec1(1:3) = (new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(1,i)) + & & new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(2,i)) + & & new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(3,i))) / 3. CALL Make_Uvec (uvec1, uvec) ! center of element center(1:3,i) = uvec(1:3) END DO CALL Thin_on_Sphere (center, new_numel, strain_thinner, selected) CALL Begin_Group ! of strain (ln(stretch)) tensors CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') ! for dumbells DO i = 1, new_numel IF (strained(i).AND.selected(i)) THEN uvec(1:3) = center(1:3,i) CALL Strain_on_Sphere (uvec, & & log_stretch(1,i), log_stretch(2,i), log_stretch(3,i), & & ref_lns3_minus_lns1, strain_diameter_points, & & 1) ! plot in mode 1: diameter proportional to ln(stretch) END IF ! strained(i).AND.selected(i) END DO ! i = 1, new_numel CALL End_Group ! of strain-rate tensors !Deallocate in reverse order of allocation: LIFO) DEALLOCATE ( selected, center, train, & & log_stretch, strain_table, strained, & & new_nodes, new_node_uvec, & & old_nodes, old_node_uvec ) CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (right) THEN ! sample strain in rightlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of strain-rate in legend; begin with a gap rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + rightlegend_gap_points CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points ! y2 is top of next text line CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'Natural Strain') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '(ln(stretch))') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 20. y2_points = y2_points - 20. !Now, y2 still points to top of next line. CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'as conjugate') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'microfaults:') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 25. ! 5 points extra for minigap y2_points = y2_points - 25. ! symbol part of paleostress in legend; CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') ! for dumbells ! vertical thrust bar on left: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, 0.8*x1_points + 0.2*x2_points, & & y2_points - 0.5*strain_diameter_points , & & -0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, 0., 0., & & ref_lns3_minus_lns1, strain_diameter_points, & & 1) ! X for strike-slip in center CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, 0.5*x1_points + 0.5*x2_points, & & y2_points - 0.5*strain_diameter_points , & & 0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, 0., -0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, & & ref_lns3_minus_lns1, strain_diameter_points, & & 1) ! vertical graben symbol on right: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, 0.2*x1_points + 0.8*x2_points, & & y2_points - 0.5*strain_diameter_points , & & 0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, 0., 0., & & ref_lns3_minus_lns1, strain_diameter_points, & & 1) rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + strain_diameter_points y2_points = y2_points - strain_diameter_points CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'ln(s3) - ln(s1) =') number8 = ASCII8(ref_lns3_minus_lns1) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = TRIM(ADJUSTL(number8))) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = '(Diameter') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points - 30., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'proportional to') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 40. y2_points = y2_points - 40. CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = 0.5*(x1_points + x2_points), & & y_points = y2_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 1.0, & & text = 'ln(stretch).)') rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 10. y2_points = y2_points - 10. CALL End_Group ELSE IF (bottom) THEN ! sample strain in bottomlegend CALL Begin_Group ! text part of strain in legend; begin with a gap CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Natural Strain') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = '(ln(stretch))') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'as conjugate') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) -20., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'microfaults:') bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 72. ! text1 only ! symbol part of strain in legend; CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') ! for dumbells ! vertical thrust bar on left: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, x1_points + 14., & & 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & -0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, 0., 0., & & ref_lns3_minus_lns1, strain_diameter_points, & & 1) ! X for strike-slip in center CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, x1_points + 36., & & 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & 0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, 0., -0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, & & ref_lns3_minus_lns1, strain_diameter_points, & & 1) ! vertical graben symbol on right: CALL Strain_in_Plane (1, x1_points + 58., & & 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) , & & 0.5*ref_lns3_minus_lns1, 0., 0., & & ref_lns3_minus_lns1, strain_diameter_points, & & 1) bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 72. ! now, including middle symbols block x1_points = x1_points + 72. !note that x1_points now indicates right side of middle symbol block CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points - 36., & & y_points = y1_points + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'ln(s3) - ln(s1) =') number8 = ASCII8(ref_lns3_minus_lns1) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points - 36., & & y_points = y1_points, & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = TRIM(ADJUSTL(number8))) CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) + 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = '(Diameter') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points), & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = 'proportional to') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, & & x_points = x1_points + 36., & & y_points = 0.5*(y1_points + y2_points) - 10., & & angle_radians = 0., & & font_points = 10, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.5, & & text = 'ln(stretch).)') CALL End_Group bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 72. ! right text block END IF ! sample strain in bottom/right legend WRITE (*,"('+Working on natural strain tensors....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of 16 :: log-of-net-principal-stretch tensors CASE (17) ! balanced cross-sections, with restored lengths CALL Add_Title('Restored Lengths of Balanced Cross-Sections') 2170 CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .TRUE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .FALSE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) CALL Prompt_for_String('Which cross-section dataset should be plotted?',cdat_file,cdat_file) cdat_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(cdat_file) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = cdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: File not found.')") CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line GOTO 2170 END IF CALL Add_Title(cdat_file) READ (21,"(A)") c_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") c_dat_titles cdat_count = 0 size_cdat: DO ! reading cross-section data, to determine number of sections READ (21, c_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c47, & & w_end_lon, w_end_lat, e_end_lon, e_end_lat, & & c5, km_now, km_was, km_sigma, t2, t1 IF (ios == -1) EXIT size_cdat ! EOF cdat_count = cdat_count + 1 !Try to read two "+" lines to see if this file has model output: c1 = 'A' READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below IF (c1 == '+') THEN ! try again, for second + line READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below END IF got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN cdat_stars1: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t3, t4, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT cdat_stars1 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! lengthening rate and goal ELSE ! c1 /= '*'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT cdat_stars1 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO cdat_stars1 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not END DO size_cdat CLOSE (21) ALLOCATE ( extension_km(cdat_count) ) OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = cdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,"(A)") c_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") c_dat_titles cdat_count = 0 ! sic; using as index one more time got_any_stars = .FALSE. ! may be set T below; controls contents of legend, & prompting for model_limit_Ma scan_cdat: DO ! reading cross-section data, to display extensions in km READ (21, c_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c47, & & w_end_lon, w_end_lat, e_end_lon, e_end_lat, & & c5, km_now, km_was, km_sigma, t2, t1 IF (ios == -1) EXIT scan_cdat ! EOF cdat_count = cdat_count + 1 extension_km(cdat_count) = km_now - km_was !Try to read two "+" lines to see if this file has model output: c1 = 'A' READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below IF (c1 == '+') THEN ! try again, for second '+' line READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below END IF got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN got_any_stars = .TRUE. cdat_stars2: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t3, t4, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT cdat_stars2 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! lengthening rate and goal ELSE ! c1 /= '*'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT cdat_stars2 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO cdat_stars2 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not END DO scan_cdat CLOSE (21) WRITE (*,"(/' Here is the distribution of cross-section extensions, in km:')") CALL Histogram (extension_km, cdat_count, .FALSE., maximum, minimum) DEALLOCATE (extension_km) IF (got_any_stars) THEN CALL Prompt_for_Real('What is the maximum age (in Ma) that this model reached?', model_limit_Ma, model_limit_Ma) END IF ! got_any_stars WRITE (*,"(/' Working on restored lengths of balanced cross-sections....')") CALL Begin_Group ! of all balanced cross-section symbols OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = cdat_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') READ (21,"(A)") c_dat_format READ (21,"(A)") c_dat_titles read_cdat: DO ! reading cross-section data, to end of file READ (21, c_dat_format, IOSTAT = ios) c47, & & w_end_lon, w_end_lat, e_end_lon, e_end_lat, & & c5, km_now, km_was, km_sigma, t2, t1 IF (ios == -1) EXIT read_cdat ! EOF t_Ma = t2 ! only maximum age will be plotted CALL LonLat_2_Uvec( w_end_lon, w_end_lat, w_uvec) ! west end CALL LonLat_2_Uvec( e_end_lon, e_end_lat, e_uvec) ! east end !Try to read two "+" lines to see if this file has model output: c1 = 'A' READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below IF (c1 == '+') THEN ! try again, for second '+' line READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) c1 ! restored position will not be used IF (ios == -1) c1 = ' ' ! EOF marker, to be used below END IF got_stars = (c1 == '+') IF (got_stars) THEN model = 0.0 cdat_stars3: DO READ (21, "(A1,2F8.3,F10.4)", IOSTAT = ios) c1, t3, t4, rate IF (ios == -1) EXIT cdat_stars3 ! EOF IF (c1 == '*') THEN ! extension rate and goal model = model + rate * (t4 - t3) !model is the net extension, in km (Ma * mm/a = km) ELSE ! c1 /= '*'; have overshot BACKSPACE(21) EXIT cdat_stars3 END IF ! c1 is or is not '*' END DO cdat_stars3 ELSE ! got_stars = F; no model output in this file IF (c1 /= ' ') BACKSPACE (21) ! so next datum can be read in next time through loop END IF ! got_stars, or not km_model = km_now - model ! since "model" is integrated extension in model !HERE is where we plot the balanced cross-section symbol: CALL Begin_Group ! for one cross-section symbol section_width_points = 12.0 ! ADJUST here the fatness of section lines section_width_radians = section_width_points * 3.528E-4 * mp_scale_denominator / mp_radius_meters !Plot mid_blue (gray) bar with tapered end to show restored length !(note: Line of section is plotted LATER, so it will be on top.) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'mid_blue__') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 0.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, MAX(0.0,(km_was - 2.0 * km_sigma)/km_now), 0.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, MAX(0.0,(km_was - km_sigma)/km_now), 0.08, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, km_was/km_now, 0.25, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, (km_was + km_sigma)/km_now, 0.42, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, (km_was + 2.0 * km_sigma)/km_now, 0.5, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, (km_was + km_sigma)/km_now, 0.58, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, km_was/km_now, 0.75, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, MAX(0.0,(km_was - km_sigma)/km_now), 0.92, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, MAX(0.0,(km_was - 2.0 * km_sigma)/km_now), 1.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 1.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 0.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) !label end of mid_blue (gray) bar with age in Ma WRITE (c3, "(I3)") NINT(t_Ma) c3 = ADJUSTL(c3) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, (km_was + 2.0 * km_sigma)/km_now, 0.5, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 0.5, section_width_radians, uvec1) rotate_radians = Pi_over_2 - Relative_Compass(uvec, uvec1) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L5_Text (uvec = uvec, angle_radians = rotate_radians, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = 0.3, & & text = TRIM(c3)) !plot present section location with |__________C0001___________| CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 3.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, -1.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 0.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 1.0, 0.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 1.0, -1.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.5, 0.0, section_width_radians, uvec) rotate_radians = Pi_over_2 - Relative_Compass(uvec, e_uvec) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L5_Text (uvec = uvec, angle_radians = rotate_radians, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction =-0.4, & & text = c5) IF (got_stars) THEN !Plot green (background) bar to show restored length per model CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 1.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL New_L45_Path(5, uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, km_model/km_now, 1.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, km_model/km_now, 2.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 2.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 1.0, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL Great_to_L45(uvec) CALL End_L45_Path (close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) !label end of green (background) model bar with lesser of section age or model limit, in Ma WRITE (c3, "(I3)") NINT(MIN(t_Ma, model_limit_Ma)) c3 = ADJUSTL(c3) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, km_model/km_now, 1.5, section_width_radians, uvec) CALL By_Ribbon(e_uvec, w_uvec, 0.0, 1.5, section_width_radians, uvec1) rotate_radians = Pi_over_2 - Relative_Compass(uvec, uvec1) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L5_Text (uvec = uvec, angle_radians = rotate_radians, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.2, ud_fraction = 0.3, & & text = TRIM(c3)) END IF ! got_stars; model prediction available for this section CALL End_Group ! for one cross-section symbol END DO read_cdat CALL End_Group ! of all balanced cross-section symbols CALL Chooser (bottom, right) IF (bottom) THEN ! bottom legend for balanced cross-sections CALL Begin_Group ! for bottom vertical-axis rotation legend CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) x1_points = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points ycp = (y1_points + y2_points) / 2.0 y4p = y2_points - 7.0 y3p = y4p - section_width_points y2p = y3p - section_width_points y1p = y2p - section_width_points x1p = x1_points + 185.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y3p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = 'Cross-section location and index:') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = 'Geologic restoration, to age in Ma:') IF (got_any_stars) THEN CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = 'Model restoration, to age in Ma:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) x1p = x1_points + 215.0 ! limits of green bar x2p = x1_points + 290.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.2, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = '85') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x1p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! got_any_stars; one or more model predictions are plotted !sample blue bar with tapered end on left x1p = x1_points + 205.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x1p, y_points = y2p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = '99') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'mid_blue__') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, (0.50 * y2p + 0.50 * y3p)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 3.0), (0.58 * y2p + 0.42 * y3p)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 6.0), (0.75 * y2p + 0.25 * y3p)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 9.0), (0.92 * y2p + 0.08 * y3p)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 12.0), y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2p, y3p) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 12.0), y3p) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 9.0), (0.92 * y3p + 0.08 * y2p)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 6.0), (0.75 * y3p + 0.25 * y2p)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((x1p + 3.0), (0.58 * y3p + 0.42 * y2p)) CALL Line_to_L12 (x1p, (0.50 * y2p + 0.50 * y3p)) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) !sample section line and index CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 3.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') x1p = x1_points + 236.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y4p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(x2p, y3p) CALL Line_to_L12(x2p, y4p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = (x1p + x2p)/2.0, y_points = y3p, angle_radians = 0.0, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = -0.4, & & text = 'C0017') CALL End_Group ! of bottom vertical-axis rotation legend bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 291.0 + bottomlegend_gap_points ELSE IF (right) THEN ! right legend for balanced cross-sections CALL Begin_Group ! for right vertical-axis rotation legend CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) y2_points = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points xcp = (x1_points + x2_points) / 2.0 x1p = xcp - 1.5 * section_width_points x2p = xcp - 0.5 * section_width_points x3p = xcp + 0.5 * section_width_points x4p = xcp + 1.5 * section_width_points y1p = y2_points - 108.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = 'Cross-section location and index:') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x3p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = 'Geologic restoration, to age in Ma:') IF (got_any_stars) THEN CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x4p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = 'Model restoration, to age in Ma:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) y1p = y2_points - 77.0 ! limits of green bar y2p = y2_points - 3.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x4p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.2, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = '85') IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'background') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, x4p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x4p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x3p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x3p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x4p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END IF ! got_any_stars; one or more model predictions are plotted !sample blue bar with tapered end on left y1p = y2_points - 87.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x3p, y_points = y1p, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 1.0, ud_fraction = -0.2, & & text = '99') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.5, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'mid_blue__') ELSE CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'gray______') END IF CALL New_L12_Path(1, (0.50 * x3p + 0.50 * x2p), y1p) CALL Line_to_L12 ((0.58 * x3p + 0.42 * x2p), (y1p + 3.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((0.75 * x3p + 0.25 * x2p), (y1p + 6.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((0.92 * x3p + 0.08 * x2p), (y1p + 9.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 (x3p, (y1p + 12.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 (x3p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12 (x2p, (y1p + 12.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((0.92 * x2p + 0.08 * x3p), (y1p + 9.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((0.75 * x2p + 0.25 * x3p), (y1p + 6.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((0.58 * x2p + 0.42 * x3p), (y1p + 3.0)) CALL Line_to_L12 ((0.50 * x2p + 0.50 * x3p), y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) !sample section line and index CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 3.0, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') y1p = y2_points - 56.0 CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x2p, y1p) CALL Line_to_L12(x2p, y2p) CALL Line_to_L12(x1p, y2p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = x2p, y_points = (y1p + y2p) / 2.0, angle_radians = Pi_over_2, & & font_points = 12, lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = -0.4, & & text = 'C0017') CALL End_Group ! of right legend for balanced cross-sections rightlegend_used_points = rightlegend_used_points + 291.0 + rightlegend_gap_points END IF ! bottom or right legend for balanced cross-sections WRITE (*,"('+Working on restored length of balanced cross-sections....DONE.')") CALL BEEPQQ (frequency = 440, duration = 250) ! end of 17: balanced cross-sections, with restored lengths END SELECT ! (choice) = overlay type WRITE (*,"(' ')") suggest_logical = overlay_count < old_overlay_count CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want additional overlays?',suggest_logical,do_more_overlays) IF (do_more_overlays) GOTO 2000 END IF ! do overlay !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !Graticule of parallels and meridians CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .TRUE., on_points = 2., off_points = 9.) CALL Set_Stroke_Color (color_name = 'foreground') WRITE (*,"(' ')") CALL Prompt_for_Integer('How many minutes apart are parallels and meridians?',minutes,minutes) CALL Graticule (minutes) CALL LonLat_Frame (minutes) !Titles at top of map IF (ai_toptitles_reserved) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ')") mt_flashby = .FALSE. ! Do NOT flash by the prompts for titles, if there is space! CALL Prompt_for_Logical('Do you want to add a title to this map?',.TRUE.,add_titles) IF (add_titles) THEN CALL Add_Title(top_line_memo) CALL Add_Title(bottom_line_memo) 900 WRITE (*,"(/' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") WRITE (*,"(' SOME SUGGESTED TITLE OPTIONS')") WRITE (*,"(' (culled from files opened for this map)')") WRITE (*,"(/' 0 :: ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE TO TYPE!')") DO i = 1, title_count WRITE (*,"(' ',I2,' :: ',A)") i, TRIM(titles(i)) END DO ! i = 1, title_count WRITE (*,"(' ----------------------------------------------------------------------')") CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Which option do you want for the upper line?',0,title_choice) IF ((title_choice < 0).OR.(title_choice > title_count)) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Please choose a number from the list.')") GOTO 900 END IF ! illegal choice IF (title_choice == 0) THEN CALL Prompt_for_String('Enter top title (or one space for none)',' ',top_line) top_line_memo = top_line ELSE ! selection from list top_line = TRIM(titles(title_choice)) END IF CALL Prompt_for_Integer('Which option do you want for the lower line?',0,title_choice) IF ((title_choice < 0).OR.(title_choice > title_count)) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Please choose a number from the list.')") GOTO 900 END IF ! illegal choice IF (title_choice == 0) THEN CALL Prompt_for_String('Enter sub-title (or one space for none)',' ',bottom_line) bottom_line_memo = bottom_line ELSE ! selection from list bottom_line = TRIM(titles(title_choice)) END IF CALL Top_Titles (top_line, & & bottom_line) END IF ! add_titles END IF ! ai_toptitles_reserved CALL End_Page !-------------------------SAVE CHOICES FOR NEXT TIME!---------------- OPEN (UNIT = 11, FILE = 'RetroMap2.ini') WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(path_in) WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(path_out) WRITE (11,"(I12,' = mosaic_count')") mosaic_count WRITE (11,"(10I4,' = mosaic_choice')") mosaic_choice ! whole array WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(polygons_basemap_file) WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(grd1_file) WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(grd2_file) WRITE (11,"(I12,' = bitmap_color_mode')") bitmap_color_mode WRITE (11,"(L12,' = shaded_relief')") shaded_relief WRITE (11,"(I12,' = bitmap_shading_mode')") bitmap_shading_mode WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = intensity')") intensity WRITE (11,"(A12,' = grid_units')") TRIM(grid_units) WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = grid_interval')") grid_interval WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = grid_midvalue')") grid_midvalue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = grid_lowblue')") grid_lowblue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = skip_0_contour')") skip_0_contour WRITE (11,"(I12,' = element_scalar_method')") element_scalar_method WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(element_scalar_feg_file) WRITE (11,"(A12,' = element_scalar_units')") element_scalar_units WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = element_scalar_interval')") element_scalar_interval WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = element_scalar_midvalue')") element_scalar_midvalue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = element_scalar_lowblue')") element_scalar_lowblue WRITE (11,"(I12,' = element_scalar_zeromode')") element_scalar_zeromode WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(node_scalar_feg_file) WRITE (11,"(I12,' = node_scalar_method')") node_scalar_method WRITE (11,"(I12,' = node_scalar_choice')") node_scalar_choice WRITE (11,"(A12,' = node_scalar_units')") node_scalar_units WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = node_scalar_interval')") node_scalar_interval WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = node_scalar_midvalue')") node_scalar_midvalue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = node_scalar_lowblue')") node_scalar_lowblue WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(feg_file) WRITE (11,"(I12,' = velocity_method')") velocity_method WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = velocity_interval')") velocity_interval WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = velocity_midvalue')") velocity_midvalue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = velocity_lowblue')") velocity_lowblue WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(old_feg_file) WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(new_feg_file) WRITE (11,"(I12,' = distance_method')") distance_method WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = distance_km_interval')") distance_km_interval WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = distance_km_midvalue')") distance_km_midvalue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = distance_km_lowblue')") distance_km_lowblue WRITE (11,"(I12,' = rotation_method')") rotation_method WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = rotation_degrees_interval')") rotation_degrees_interval WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = rotation_degrees_midvalue')") rotation_degrees_midvalue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = rotation_degrees_lowblue')") rotation_degrees_lowblue WRITE (11,"(I12,' = ln_area_method')") ln_area_method WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = ln_area_interval')") ln_area_interval WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = ln_area_midvalue')") ln_area_midvalue WRITE (11,"(L12,' = ln_area_lowblue')") ln_area_lowblue !GPBend WRITE (11,"(I12,' = overlay_count')") overlay_count WRITE (11,"(10I4,' = overlay_choice')") overlay_choice ! whole array WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(lines_basemap_file) WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(traces_file) WRITE (11,"(F12.1,' = tick_points')") tick_points WRITE (11,"(F12.1,' = node_radius_points')") node_radius_points WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(vel_file) WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = velocity_Ma')") velocity_Ma WRITE (11,"(I12,' = vector_thinner')") vector_thinner WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(fdat_file) WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = t_Ma')") t_Ma WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = dv_scale_mma')") dv_scale_mma WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = dv_scale_points')") dv_scale_points WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = du_scale_km')") du_scale_km WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = du_scale_points')") du_scale_points WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(pdat_file) WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = paleolatitude_factor')") paleolatitude_factor WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(sdat_file) WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = t1_Ma')") t1_Ma WRITE (11,"(F12.3,' = t2_Ma')") t2_Ma WRITE (11,"(F12.1,' = s1_size_points')") s1_size_points WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(stress_feg_file) WRITE (11,"(F12.1,' = s1h_interp_points')") s1h_interp_points WRITE (11,"(I12,' = stress_thinner')") stress_thinner WRITE (11,"(L12,' = only_stressed')") only_stressed WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(strain_feg_file) WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.4,' = R, radius of planet, in m')") R WRITE (11,"(I12,' = strainrate_mode012')") strainrate_mode012 WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.2,' = ref_e3_minus_e1_persec')") ref_e3_minus_e1_persec WRITE (11,"(F12.1,' = strainrate_diameter_points')") strainrate_diameter_points WRITE (11,"(I12,' = strain_thinner')") strain_thinner WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.2,' = ref_lns3_minus_lns1')") ref_lns3_minus_lns1 WRITE (11,"(F12.1,' = strain_diameter_points')") strain_diameter_points WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(cdat_file) WRITE (11,"(1P,E12.2,' = model_limit_Ma')") model_limit_Ma WRITE (11,"(I12,' = minutes')") minutes WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(top_line_memo) WRITE (11,"(A)") TRIM(bottom_line_memo) CLOSE (11) CONTAINS ! member subprograms SUBROUTINE Add_Title(line) ! Adds "line" to global array "titles" and bumps global "title_count" ! if "line" is non-blank and also is novel. CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(IN) :: line CHARACTER*132 :: copy LOGICAL :: blank, novel INTEGER :: i blank = LEN_TRIM(line) <= 0 IF (.NOT.blank) THEN copy = ADJUSTL(TRIM(line)) novel = .TRUE. IF (title_count > 0) THEN DO i = 1, title_count IF (TRIM(copy) == TRIM(titles(i))) novel = .FALSE. END DO ! i = 1, title_count END IF ! have stored titles already IF (novel) THEN title_count = MIN(20, title_count + 1) titles(title_count) = TRIM(copy) END IF ! novel END IF ! not blank END SUBROUTINE Add_Title SUBROUTINE By_Ribbon(uvec1, uvec2, s, left, width_radians, uvec) !returns a single point on sphere (uvec) based on two !different points defining a directed line (uvec1 --> uvec2), !and internal (dimensionless) coordinate s, and !an orthogonal left-right offset of "left" !(in steps of width_radians) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: uvec1, uvec2 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: s, left, width_radians REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT) :: uvec REAL :: forward_azimuth, left_azimuth, right_azimuth REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: inline_uvec, omega_uvec CALL GreatCircle_Point (from_uvec = uvec1, to_uvec = uvec2, s = s, & ! inputs & point_uvec = inline_uvec, azimuth_radians = forward_azimuth) ! outputs IF (left >= 0.0) THEN left_azimuth = forward_azimuth - Pi_over_2 CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = left_azimuth, & & base_uvec = inline_uvec, & & far_radians = left * width_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec) ELSE right_azimuth = forward_azimuth + Pi_over_2 CALL Turn_To (azimuth_radians = right_azimuth, & & base_uvec = inline_uvec, & & far_radians = -left * width_radians, & ! inputs & omega_uvec = omega_uvec, result_uvec = uvec) END IF END SUBROUTINE By_Ribbon SUBROUTINE Chooser(bottom, right) ! Decides whether there is more margin space at "bottom" or "right". ! Will return both = F if NOT (ai_bottomlegend_reserved OR ai_rightlegend_reserved). ! Refers to RetroMap2 global variables: bottomlegend_used_points, rightlegend_used_points. LOGICAL, INTENT(out) :: bottom, right REAL :: bottomlegend_free_points, rightlegend_free_points, & & x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points bottom = ai_bottomlegend_reserved right = ai_rightlegend_reserved IF (bottom.AND.right) THEN ! must choose one CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) bottomlegend_free_points = x2_points - x1_points - bottomlegend_used_points CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) rightlegend_free_points = y2_points - y1_points - rightlegend_used_points IF (rightlegend_free_points >= bottomlegend_free_points) THEN right = .TRUE. bottom = .FALSE. ELSE right = .FALSE. bottom = .TRUE. END IF END IF ! choice is needed END SUBROUTINE Chooser SUBROUTINE E_rate(R, l_, G, dG, theta_, vw, eps_dot) ! evaluate strain-rate REAL, INTENT(IN) :: R ! radius of planet, in m INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: l_ ! element number REAL, DIMENSION(3,2,2) :: G ! nodal functions @ selected point REAL, DIMENSION(3,2,2,2):: dG ! derivitives of nodal functions REAL, INTENT(IN) :: theta_ ! colatitude, radians REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: vw REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT) :: eps_dot INTEGER :: iv, iw, j REAL :: cott, csct, prefix eps_dot = 0. ! (1..3) cott = 1. / TAN(theta_) csct = 1. / SIN(theta_) prefix = 1./R DO j = 1, 3 iv = 2 * nodes(j, l_) - 1 ! global index array iw = iv + 1 ! epsilon_dot_sub_theta_theta eps_dot(1) = eps_dot(1) + & & vw(iv) * prefix * dG(j,1,1,1) + & & vw(iw) * prefix * dG(j,2,1,1) ! epsilon_dot_sub_theta_phi eps_dot(2) = eps_dot(2) + & & vw(iv) * prefix * 0.5 * (csct * dG(j,1,1,2) + dG(j,1,2,1) - cott * G(j,1,2)) + & & vw(iw) * prefix * 0.5 * (csct * dG(j,2,1,2) + dG(j,2,2,1) - cott * G(j,2,2)) ! epsilon_dot_sub_phi_phi eps_dot(3) = eps_dot(3) + & & vw(iv) * prefix * (csct * dG(j,1,2,2) + cott * G(j,1,1)) + & & vw(iw) * prefix * (csct * dG(j,2,2,2) + cott * G(j,2,1)) END DO ! 3 local nodes END SUBROUTINE E_rate CHARACTER*40 FUNCTION Epoch (t_Ma) ! Selects the name of the epoch containing t_Ma before present ! per Geological Society of America's DNAG 1998 geologic time scale. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: t_Ma ! age, in millions of years INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ntime = 20 CHARACTER*40, DIMENSION(ntime) :: epoch_name INTEGER :: i REAL, DIMENSION(ntime) :: ttop DATA epoch_name/'Holocene ',& & 'Pleistocene ',& & 'Late Pliocene ',& & 'Early Pliocene ',& & 'Late Miocene ',& & 'Middle Miocene ',& & 'Early Miocene ',& & 'Late Oligocene ',& & 'Early Oligocene ',& & 'Late Eocene ',& & 'Middle Eocene ',& & 'Early Eocene ',& & 'Late Paleocene ',& & 'Early Paleocene ',& & 'Late Cretaceous: Maastrichtian ',& & 'Late Cretaceous: Campanian ',& & 'Late Cretaceous: Santonian ',& & 'Late Cretaceous: Coniacian ',& & 'Late Cretaceous: Turonian ',& & 'Late Cretaceous: Cenomanian '/ DATA ttop/0.01, 1.8, 3.6, 5.3, 11.2, 16.4, & & 23.8, 28.5, 33.7, 37.0, 49.0, 54.8, & & 61.0, 65.0, 78.3, 83.5, 85.8, 89.0, 93.5, 99.0/ IF (ABS(t_Ma) < 0.001) THEN Epoch = 'Present' ELSE IF (t_Ma < 0.0) THEN Epoch = 'Future' ELSE IF (t_Ma > ttop(ntime)) THEN Epoch = '?' ELSE DO i = 1, ntime IF (t_Ma <= ttop(i)) THEN Epoch = epoch_name(i) RETURN END IF END DO END IF END FUNCTION Epoch SUBROUTINE Fault_Key_Bottom (bottomlegend_gap_points, bottomlegend_used_points, tick_points) ! Plots 6 sample fault traces in bottom legend, ! in color (if ai_using_color) or b/w, with tick size tick_points; ! then adds to bottomlegend_used_points to record size of block. ! Note that these 6 samples are not grouped; you may wish to do ! this externally. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: bottomlegend_used_points REAL, INTENT(IN) :: bottomlegend_gap_points, tick_points INTEGER :: fp = 12 ! font points REAL :: x1_points, x2_points, xc, xl, xr, & & y1, y1_points, y2, y2_points, y3 IF (.NOT.ai_bottomlegend_reserved) THEN WRITE (*,"(' Error: Fault_Key_Bottom requires ai_bottomlegend_reserved = T')") CALL Traceback END IF CALL Report_BottomLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) !center of first block: xc = x1_points + bottomlegend_used_points + bottomlegend_gap_points + 36. !left and right limits of fault traces xl = xc - 22.0 xr = xc + 22.0 !baselines of 3 lines of text/fault trace: y3 = y1_points + MAX(2.0, tick_points) y2 = y3 + MAX(1.0*fp, 0.4*fp + tick_points) y1 = y2 + fp CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') ! will remain, if .NOT. ai_using_color ! thrust plate (P): dark_blue_, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y1, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Low-angle') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y2, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'thrust plate:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('dark_blue_') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'dark_blue_') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, y3) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, y3) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = y3, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'P', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! high-angle thrust (T): mid_blue__, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') xc = xc + 72.0 xl = xc - 22.0 xr = xc + 22.0 CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y1, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'High-angle') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y2, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'thrust:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('mid_blue__') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'mid_blue__') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, y3) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, y3) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = y3, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'T', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! dextral (R): green_____, xc = xc + 72.0 xl = xc - 22.0 xr = xc + 22.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y2, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Dextral:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('green_____') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, y3) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, y3) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = y3, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'R', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! sinistral (L): brown_____, xc = xc + 72.0 xl = xc - 22.0 xr = xc + 22.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y2, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Sinistral:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('brown_____') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'brown_____') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, y3) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, y3) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = y3, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'L', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! high-angle Normal (N): bronze____, xc = xc + 72.0 xl = xc - 22.0 xr = xc + 22.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y1, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'High-angle') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y2, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'normal:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('bronze____') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'bronze____') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, y3) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, y3) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = y3, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'N', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! low-angle Detachment (D): red_______, xc = xc + 72.0 xl = xc - 22.0 xr = xc + 22.0 CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y1, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'Low-angle') CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = y2, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.0, & & text = 'normal:') CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('red_______') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, y3) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, y3) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = y3, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'D', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! wrap-up: adjust bottomlegend_used_points bottomlegend_used_points = bottomlegend_used_points + 420.0 END SUBROUTINE Fault_Key_Bottom SUBROUTINE Fault_Key_Right (rightlegend_gap_points, rightlegend_used_points, tick_points) ! Plots 6 sample fault traces in right legend, ! in color (if ai_using_color) or b/w, with tick size tick_points; ! then adds to rightlegend_used_points to record size of block. ! Note that these 6 samples are not grouped; you may wish to do ! this externally. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: rightlegend_used_points REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rightlegend_gap_points, tick_points INTEGER :: fp = 12 ! font points REAL :: x1_points, x2_points, xc, xl, xr, y1_points, y2_points, yc IF (.NOT.ai_rightlegend_reserved) THEN WRITE (*,"(' Error: Fault_Key_Right requires ai_rightlegend_reserved = T')") CALL Traceback END IF CALL Report_RightLegend_Frame (x1_points, x2_points, y1_points, y2_points) yc = y2_points - rightlegend_used_points - rightlegend_gap_points xc = (x1_points + x2_points) / 2 xl = 0.8*x1_points + 0.2*x2_points xr = 0.2*x1_points + 0.8*x2_points CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('foreground') ! will remain, if .NOT. ai_using_color ! thrust plate (P): dark_blue_, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') yc = yc - 0.4*fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'Low-angle') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'thrust plate:') yc = yc - MAX(1.0*fp, 0.4*fp + tick_points) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('dark_blue_') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'dark_blue_') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, yc) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, yc) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = yc, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'P', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! high-angle thrust (T): mid_blue__, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'High-angle') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'thrust:') yc = yc - MAX(1.0*fp, 0.4*fp + tick_points) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('mid_blue__') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'mid_blue__') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, yc) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, yc) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = yc, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'T', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! dextral (R): green_____, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'Dextral:') yc = yc - MAX(1.0*fp, 0.4*fp + tick_points) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('green_____') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'green_____') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, yc) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, yc) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = yc, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'R', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) yc = yc - tick_points ! sinistral (L): brown_____, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'Sinistral:') yc = yc - MAX(1.0*fp, 0.4*fp + tick_points) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('brown_____') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'brown_____') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, yc) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, yc) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = yc, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'L', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) yc = yc - tick_points ! high-angle Normal (N): bronze____, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'High-angle') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'normal:') yc = yc - MAX(1.0*fp, 0.4*fp + tick_points) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('bronze____') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'bronze____') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, yc) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, yc) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = yc, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'N', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! low-angle Detachment (D): red_______, CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'foreground') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'Low-angle') yc = yc - fp CALL L12_Text (level = 1, x_points = xc, y_points = yc, & & angle_radians = 0., font_points = fp, & & lr_fraction = 0.5, ud_fraction = 0.4, & & text = 'normal:') yc = yc - MAX(1.0*fp, 0.4*fp + tick_points) CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 1.0, dashed = .FALSE.) IF (ai_using_color) THEN CALL Set_Stroke_Color ('red_______') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (.FALSE., 'red_______') END IF CALL New_L12_Path (1, xl, yc) CALL Line_to_L12 (xr, yc) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) CALL DipTick_in_Plane (level = 1, x = xc, y = yc, dip_angle_radians = Pi/2., & & style_byte = 'D', size_points = tick_points, offset_points = 0.5) ! wrap-up: adjust rightlegend_used_points rightlegend_used_points = y2_points - yc + 0.5 END SUBROUTINE Fault_Key_Right SUBROUTINE Fault_Traces (trace_choice, & ! NOTE: following parameters only needed for trace_choice >0: & width_array, dw_scale_amount, dw_scale_points, sense) ! optional parameters ! Draws fault traces on an open page, in 3 groups: ! (1) dip ticks (allowing for deletion; changes of color ! and/or pen width are not practical due to the mixture ! of stroked-but-unfilled with filled-but-unstroked kinds; ! (2) traces (allowing for width change if trace_choice = 1, ! or shadowing in either case); ! (3) text labels. ! Different variants are plotted according to "trace_choice" = ! 0 :: plot all traces with equal width, annotate with id number. ! In this case, slip sense is from byte in f.dig. ! 1 :: plot traces with width proportional to "width_array"; ! scaled using parameters "dw_scale_amount" and "dw_scale_points"; ! annotate with value (rounded to two significant digits). ! In this case, slip sense is from array "sense". ! The following variables must be pre-declared, and values ! defined, in the calling program: ! CHARACTER*(*) :: traces_pathfile ! [path\]name of F.DIG file. ! REAL :: tick_points ! desired size of dip ticks, in points ! LOGICAL :: ai_using_color ! from Adobe_Illustrator module data. ! REAL :: mp_radius_meters, mp_scale_denominator ! from Map_Projections module data. IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: trace_choice REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: width_array REAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: dw_scale_points, dw_scale_amount CHARACTER*1, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: sense CHARACTER*1 :: dip_byte, f_byte, one_byte CHARACTER*10 :: color_name, label CHARACTER*80 :: line INTEGER :: count, fault_number, & & i, i1, i2, internal_ios, ios, longest, nsteps LOGICAL :: plotting REAL :: angle, dip_azimuth_radians, goal_radians, & & lat, lon, lr_fraction, nudge_radians, offset_points, & & r1, r2, step_radians, & & trace_points, trace_radians, ud_fraction, width, & & x1_meters, x2_meters, x1_points, x2_points, & & y1_meters, y2_meters, y1_points, y2_points REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: tvec, uvec1, uvec2, uvec3 REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: one_trace !Read through and determine length of longest trace OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = traces_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') longest = 0 count = 0 DO READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios /= 0) EXIT BACKSPACE (21) ! instead of READ(line,*,...) which is BUGGY! READ (21, *, IOSTAT = internal_ios) lon, lat IF (internal_ios == 0) THEN ! read lon, lat OK count = count + 1 longest = MAX(longest,count) ELSE ! encountered ***END or title lines count = 0 END IF END DO CLOSE (21) ALLOCATE ( one_trace(2,longest) ) ! First group will have dip ticks only. OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = traces_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') CALL Begin_Group ! group of all dip ticks count = 0 DO ! reading lines of traces file READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios /= 0) EXIT BACKSPACE (21) ! instead of READ(line,*,...) which is BUGGY! READ (21, "(A1,I4,A1)", IOSTAT = internal_ios) f_byte, i, one_byte IF ((internal_ios == 0).AND.((f_byte == 'F').OR.(f_byte == 'f'))) THEN fault_number = i IF (trace_choice == 0) THEN dip_byte = one_byte ELSE dip_byte = sense(i) ! may have reversed! END IF SELECT CASE (trace_choice) CASE (0) plotting = .TRUE. CASE (1) width = width_array(fault_number) * dw_scale_points / dw_scale_amount plotting = (width >= 0.1) ! to avoid orphan dip-ticks after trace dissapears in slide/print! END SELECT ELSE ! line was not a title BACKSPACE (21) ! instead of READ(line,*,...) which is BUGGY! READ (21, *, IOSTAT = internal_ios) lon, lat IF (internal_ios == 0) THEN ! read lon, lat OK count = count + 1 one_trace(1,count) = lon one_trace(2,count) = lat ELSE ! encountered ***END OF SEGMENT***; ! finished reading a trace IF (plotting.AND.(count > 1)) THEN ! got a trace to plot!!! SELECT CASE (trace_choice) CASE (0) ! constant width offset_points = 0.8 ! 40% of 2.0 points CASE (1) ! width prop. to trace_mma(fault_number) offset_points = 0.5 * width_array(fault_number) * dw_scale_points / dw_scale_amount END SELECT IF (ai_using_color) THEN IF ((dip_byte == 'L').OR.(dip_byte == 'l')) THEN color_name = 'brown_____' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'T').OR.(dip_byte == 't')) THEN color_name = 'mid_blue__' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'P').OR.(dip_byte == 'p')) THEN color_name = 'dark_blue_' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'D').OR.(dip_byte == 'd')) THEN color_name = 'red_______' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'R').OR.(dip_byte == 'r')) THEN color_name = 'green_____' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'N').OR.(dip_byte == 'n')) THEN color_name = 'bronze____' ELSE ! any unexpected code color_name = 'foreground' END IF CALL Set_Stroke_Color (color_name) ELSE color_name = 'foreground' CALL Set_Stroke_Color (color_name) END IF ! ai_using_color or not trace_radians = 0.0 CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(one_trace(1,1),one_trace(2,1),uvec1) DO i = 2, count CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(one_trace(1,i),one_trace(2,i),uvec2) tvec = uvec2 - uvec1 trace_radians = trace_radians + Length(tvec) uvec1 = uvec2 ! preparing to loop END DO trace_points = trace_radians * (mp_radius_meters/mp_scale_denominator) * 39.37 * 72. IF ((trace_points >= (2. * tick_points)).AND.(tick_points > 0.0)) THEN ! long enough trace to plot a dip tick on CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = 0.75, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (use_pattern = .FALSE., color_name = color_name) nsteps = MAX(2,NINT(trace_points/(4.*tick_points))) step_radians = 1.001 * trace_radians / nsteps CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(one_trace(1,1),one_trace(2,1),uvec1) trace_radians = 0. goal_radians = step_radians DO i = 2, count CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(one_trace(1,i),one_trace(2,i),uvec2) tvec = uvec2 - uvec1 nudge_radians = Length(tvec) trace_radians = trace_radians + nudge_radians IF (trace_radians > goal_radians) THEN tvec = 0.5*(uvec1 + uvec2) !place mid-segment to reduce chance of misalignment CALL Make_Uvec(tvec, uvec3) dip_azimuth_radians = Relative_Compass(uvec1,uvec2) - Pi_over_2 CALL DipTick_on_Sphere (uvec = uvec3, & & dip_azimuth_radians = dip_azimuth_radians, & & style_byte = dip_byte, & & size_points = tick_points, & & offset_points = offset_points) goal_radians = goal_radians + step_radians END IF ! plotted a tick uvec1 = uvec2 ! preparing to loop END DO END IF ! long enough trace to plot on END IF ! got a trace to plot!!! count = 0 END IF ! hit end of segment END IF ! line was not a title END DO ! reading line of traces file CALL End_Group ! of all dip ticks CLOSE(21) ! Second group will have fault traces only. OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = traces_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') CALL Begin_Group ! group of all fault traces count = 0 DO ! reading lines of traces file READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios /= 0) EXIT BACKSPACE (21) ! instead of READ(line,*,...) which is BUGGY! READ (21, "(A1,I4,A1)", IOSTAT = internal_ios) f_byte, i, one_byte IF ((internal_ios == 0).AND.((f_byte == 'F').OR.(f_byte == 'f'))) THEN fault_number = i IF (trace_choice == 0) THEN dip_byte = one_byte ELSE dip_byte = sense(i) END IF SELECT CASE (trace_choice) CASE (0) plotting = .TRUE. CASE (1) plotting = (width_array(fault_number) > 0.0) END SELECT ELSE ! line was not a title BACKSPACE (21) ! instead of READ(line,*,...) which is BUGGY! READ (21, *, IOSTAT = internal_ios) lon, lat IF (internal_ios == 0) THEN ! read lon, lat OK count = count + 1 one_trace(1,count) = lon one_trace(2,count) = lat ELSE ! encountered ***END OF SEGMENT***; ! finished reading a trace IF (plotting.AND.(count > 1)) THEN ! got a trace to plot!!! SELECT CASE (trace_choice) CASE (0) ! constant width width = 2.0 ! points CASE (1) ! width prop. to trace_mma(fault_number) width = width_array(fault_number) * dw_scale_points / dw_scale_amount END SELECT IF (ai_using_color) THEN IF ((dip_byte == 'L').OR.(dip_byte == 'l')) THEN color_name = 'brown_____' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'T').OR.(dip_byte == 't')) THEN color_name = 'mid_blue__' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'P').OR.(dip_byte == 'p')) THEN color_name = 'dark_blue_' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'D').OR.(dip_byte == 'd')) THEN color_name = 'red_______' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'R').OR.(dip_byte == 'r')) THEN color_name = 'green_____' ELSE IF ((dip_byte == 'N').OR.(dip_byte == 'n')) THEN color_name = 'bronze____' ELSE ! any unexpected code color_name = 'foreground' END IF CALL Set_Stroke_Color (color_name) ELSE CALL Set_Stroke_Color (color_name = 'foreground') END IF ! ai_using_color or not CALL Set_Line_Style (width_points = width, dashed = .FALSE.) CALL New_L67_Path (7,one_trace(1,1),one_trace(2,1)) DO i = 2, count CALL Great_to_L67(one_trace(1,i),one_trace(2,i)) END DO CALL End_L67_Path(close = .FALSE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .FALSE.) END IF ! got a trace to plot!!! count = 0 END IF ! hit end of segment END IF ! line was not a title END DO ! reading line of traces file CALL End_Group ! of fault traces CLOSE(21) ! Third group will have text labels. OPEN(UNIT = 21, FILE = traces_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios, PAD = 'YES') CALL Set_Fill_or_Pattern (use_pattern = .FALSE., color_name = 'foreground') CALL Begin_Group ! group of text labels count = 0 DO ! reading lines of traces file READ (21, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) line IF (ios /= 0) EXIT BACKSPACE (21) ! instead of READ(line,*,...) which is BUGGY! READ (21, "(A1,I4,A1)", IOSTAT = internal_ios) f_byte, i, one_byte IF ((internal_ios == 0).AND.((f_byte == 'F').OR.(f_byte == 'f'))) THEN fault_number = i IF (trace_choice == 0) THEN dip_byte = one_byte ELSE dip_byte = sense(i) END IF SELECT CASE (trace_choice) CASE (0) plotting = .TRUE. CASE (1) width = width_array(fault_number) * dw_scale_points / dw_scale_amount plotting = (width >= 0.1) !to avoid orphan text after the trace dissapears in slide/print! END SELECT ELSE ! line was not a title BACKSPACE (21) ! instead of READ(line,*,...) which is BUGGY! READ (21, *, IOSTAT = internal_ios) lon, lat IF (internal_ios == 0) THEN ! read lon, lat OK count = count + 1 one_trace(1,count) = lon one_trace(2,count) = lat ELSE ! encountered ***END OF SEGMENT***; ! finished reading a trace IF (plotting.AND.(count > 1)) THEN ! got a trace to plot!!! CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (one_trace(1,1),one_trace(2,1),uvec1) CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (one_trace(1,count),one_trace(2,count),uvec2) tvec = uvec2 - uvec1 IF (Length(tvec) > 0.0) THEN SELECT CASE (trace_choice) CASE (0) ! label with id number WRITE (label,"(I10)") fault_number label = ADJUSTL(label) r1 = one_trace(1,1) r2 = one_trace(2,1) angle = Pi_over_2 - Relative_Compass (uvec1, uvec2) lr_fraction = 0.0 ud_fraction = 1.0 CALL L67_Text (level = 7, & & r1 = r1, r2 = r2, & & angle_radians = angle, from_east = .TRUE., & & font_points = 8, & & lr_fraction = lr_fraction, ud_fraction = ud_fraction, & & text = TRIM(label)) CASE (1) ! label with mm/a label = ADJUSTL(ASCII8(width_array(fault_number))) offset_points = 0.5 * width_array(fault_number) * dw_scale_points / dw_scale_amount !because of the need for this offset, use level 2 text. i1 = Int_Below(count/2.) i2 = i1 + 1 CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (one_trace(1,i1),one_trace(2,i1),uvec1) CALL LonLat_2_Uvec (one_trace(1,i2),one_trace(2,i2),uvec2) CALL Project (uvec = uvec1, x = x1_meters, y = y1_meters) CALL Project (uvec = uvec2, x = x2_meters, y = y2_meters) CALL Meters_2_Points (x1_meters,y1_meters, x1_points,y1_points) CALL Meters_2_Points (x2_meters,y2_meters, x2_points,y2_points) ! angle is of text baseline, counterclockwise from right, radians angle = Atan2f((y1_points - y2_points),(x1_points - x2_points)) r1 = 0.5 * (x1_points + x2_points) - offset_points * SIN(angle) r2 = 0.5 * (y1_points + y2_points) + offset_points * COS(angle) lr_fraction = 0.5 ud_fraction = -0.2 CALL L12_Text (level = 2, & & x_points = r1, y_points = r2, & & angle_radians = angle, & & font_points = 8, & & lr_fraction = lr_fraction, ud_fraction = ud_fraction, & & text = TRIM(label)) END SELECT END IF ! trace has different 1st, last points END IF ! got a trace to plot!!! count = 0 END IF ! hit end of segment END IF ! line was not a title END DO ! reading line of traces file CALL End_Group ! of text labels CLOSE(21) DEALLOCATE ( one_trace ) END SUBROUTINE Fault_Traces SUBROUTINE FE_Strain (numnod, old_node_uvec, new_node_uvec, & ! numel is same for both grids! & old_numel, old_nodes, & & new_numel, new_nodes, & & strained, strain_table) ! these outputs refer to new_ grid ! Computes strains and rotations of 3-node spherical-shell ! finite elements which have moved on a planet, ! using node positions from two finite element grid (.feg) ! files with (preferably) the same topology (or AT LEAST the same ! number of nodes, and SOME elements not redefined!) ! Derived from PROGRAM FEStrain.f90, which has more documentation. USE Numerical_Libraries, ONLY: EVCRG ! Digital Visual Fortran version of International Mathematics Subroutine Library; ! using only EVCRG: eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a real matrix ! USE MSIMSL ! Microsoft version of International Mathematics Subroutine Library; ! using only EVCRG: eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a real matrix IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: numnod, old_numel, new_numel INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: old_nodes, new_nodes REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: old_node_uvec, new_node_uvec LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT) :: strained ! could results be computed? REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(OUT) :: strain_table REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: a ! temporary vector REAL :: a0_, a1_ ! element areas REAL :: angle ! see comment below REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: aperp ! perp. to sc_pole REAL :: arc_radians ! temp., in rads REAL, DIMENSION(0:1,3) :: az_rad ! azimuths from center0 in rads REAL :: azim ! temp., in rads cw from N REAL :: azim1h ! see Glossary below REAL :: azim2h ! see Glossary below REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: b ! temporary vector REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: bvec ! = scm * aperp REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: c ! temporary vector REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: center0, center1 ! element centers REAL :: cott ! 1./TAN(theta) REAL :: csct ! 1./SIN(theta) REAL :: deg1h, deg2h ! e1h, e2h azimuths in deg. REAL, DIMENSION(3,2,2,2) :: dG ! derivitives of nodal functions REAL, PARAMETER :: deg_per_rad = 180./3.14159 REAL :: dilat ! dilatation = a0_/a1_ - 1. REAL :: diver ! divergence of displacement COMPLEX, DIMENSION(3) :: eigenvalues COMPLEX, DIMENSION(3,3) :: eigenvectors INTEGER :: element ! see Glossary below REAL :: epp REAL :: eps1h ! see Glossary below REAL :: eps2h ! see Glossary below REAL :: epsrr ! see Glossary below REAL :: equat REAL :: etp REAL :: ett REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: far ! from center to nodes REAL, DIMENSION(3,2,2) :: G ! nodal functions REAL :: gc_lat ! see Glossary below REAL :: gc_lon ! see Glossary below REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: gc_pole ! great circle pole REAL :: gca ! great circle arc, rads REAL, DIMENSION(3,3) :: gcm ! rotation matrix for great circle REAL :: half_R2 ! R**2/2. INTEGER :: i, j ! temporary REAL :: lat ! E. latitude in deg. REAL :: lat_now ! see Glossary below REAL :: lon ! E. longitude in deg. REAL :: lon_now ! see Glossary below REAL, DIMENSION(3,3) :: lrm ! rotation matrix for vertical-axis REAL :: moved ! see Glossary below INTEGER :: new_n1, new_n2, new_n3 ! defines element in new grid INTEGER :: old_i ! element in old grid, corresponding to i in new INTEGER :: old_n1, old_n2, old_n3 ! defines element in old grid REAL :: R ! radius of planet, in m CHARACTER(80) :: results ! output filename REAL :: rot ! addit. vert.-ax rot. mixed w strain REAL :: sc_lat ! see Glossary below REAL :: sc_lon ! see Glossary below REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: sc_pole ! pole of small circle REAL, DIMENSION(3,3) :: scm ! rotation matrix for small-circle REAL :: shear ! radius of Mohr's circle REAL :: spin ! final rotation, in rads ccw REAL :: swing ! turn about small circle pole, rads REAL :: swung ! see Glossary below REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: t ! temporary vector REAL :: theta REAL :: turn1, turn2, turn3 ! approx. rotation after gc move REAL :: turned ! see Glossary below REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: uvec REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: v, w ! components of nodal displacement INTEGER :: which REAL, DIMENSION(3,3) :: xyzt ! 3 nodes, rotated !----------------------------------------------- strain_table = 0.0 ! whole array; in case .NOT.strained(i) all_elements: DO i = 1, new_numel ! results reported for new_ grid new_n1 = new_nodes(1, i) new_n2 = new_nodes(2, i) new_n3 = new_nodes(3, i) strained(i) = .FALSE. ! (until a matching element is found) find_mate: DO j = 1, old_numel old_n1 = old_nodes(1, j) old_n2 = old_nodes(2, j) old_n3 = old_nodes(3, j) IF ((old_n1 == new_n1).AND.(old_n2 == new_n2).AND.(old_n3 == new_n3)) THEN old_i = j strained(i) = .TRUE. ! (unless disproven below, by folding) EXIT find_mate END IF ! match found END DO find_mate ! j = 1, old_numel; looking for a match IF (.NOT.strained(i)) CYCLE all_elements ! compute element area, assuming unit sphere ! first, old grid: a = old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n2) - old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n1) b = old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n3) - old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n2) CALL Cross (a, b, c) t = old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n1) + old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n2) + old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n3) IF (DOT_PRODUCT(t, c) > 0.0) THEN a1_ = Magnitude(c) * 0.5 ELSE strained(i) = .FALSE. CYCLE all_elements END IF ! then, new (present-day?) grid: a = new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n2) - new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n1) b = new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n3) - new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n2) CALL Cross (a, b, c) t = new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n1) + new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n2) + new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n3) IF (DOT_PRODUCT(t, c) > 0.0) THEN a0_ = Magnitude(c) * 0.5 ELSE strained(i) = .FALSE. CYCLE all_elements END IF ! element center locations: CALL Make_Uvec ((new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n1) + new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n2) + new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n3))/3., center0) CALL Make_Uvec ((old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n1) + old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n2) + old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n3))/3., center1) ! great circle movement: CALL Cross (center1, center0, uvec) IF (Magnitude(uvec) > 0.0) THEN CALL Make_Uvec (uvec, gc_pole) gca = Arc (center1, center0) ELSE gca = 0.0 END IF ! nonzero movement gcm = Rot_matrix(gc_pole, gca) ! bring ancient element to present center xyzt(1:3, 1) = MATMUL ( gcm, old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n1) ) xyzt(1:3, 2) = MATMUL ( gcm, old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n2) ) xyzt(1:3, 3) = MATMUL ( gcm, old_node_uvec(1:3, old_n3) ) ! approximate rotation after great-circle translation: az_rad(0, 1) = Compass(center0, new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n1)) az_rad(0, 2) = Compass(center0, new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n2)) az_rad(0, 3) = Compass(center0, new_node_uvec(1:3, new_n3)) az_rad(1, 1) = Compass(center0, xyzt(1:3, 1)) az_rad(1, 2) = Compass(center0, xyzt(1:3, 2)) az_rad(1, 3) = Compass(center0, xyzt(1:3, 3)) turn1 = -( az_rad(0,1) - az_rad(1,1) ) turn2 = -( az_rad(0,2) - az_rad(1,2) ) turn2 = Same_cycle(turn2, turn1) turn3 = -( az_rad(0,3) - az_rad(1,3) ) turn3 = Same_cycle(turn3, turn1) far(1) = (Arc(center0, new_node_uvec(1:3,new_n1)) + & & Arc(center0, xyzt(1:3,1)) )/2. far(2) = (Arc(center0, new_node_uvec(1:3,new_n2)) + & & Arc(center0, xyzt(1:3,2)) )/2. far(3) = (Arc(center0, new_node_uvec(1:3,new_n3)) + & & Arc(center0, xyzt(1:3,3)) )/2. spin = ( far(1)*turn1 + far(2)*turn2 + far(3)*turn3 )/ & & ( far(1) + far(2) + far(3) ) lrm = Rot_matrix(center0, spin) ! turn ancient element about center0 to approximately match present one xyzt(1:3, 1) = MATMUL ( lrm, xyzt(1:3, 1) ) xyzt(1:3, 2) = MATMUL ( lrm, xyzt(1:3, 2) ) xyzt(1:3, 3) = MATMUL ( lrm, xyzt(1:3, 3) ) ! find small remaining displacement (mostly from strain) DO j = 1, 3 arc_radians = Arc ( xyzt(1:3, j), new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(j, i)) ) IF (arc_radians > 0.0) THEN azim = Compass ( xyzt(1:3,j), new_node_uvec(1:3, new_nodes(j, i)) ) ELSE azim = 0.0 END IF v(j) = -arc_radians * COS(azim) w(j) = arc_radians * SIN(azim) END DO ! compute strains and additional rotation from nodal functions and derivitives CALL Gjxy (i, xyzt(1:3,1), xyzt(1:3,2), xyzt(1:3,3), center0, G) CALL Del_Gjxy_del_thetaphi (i, xyzt(1:3,1), xyzt(1:3,2), xyzt(1:3,3), center0, dG) equat = SQRT(center0(1)**2 + center0(2)**2) theta = ATAN2(equat, center0(3)) csct = 1./SIN(theta) cott = 1./TAN(theta) ett = 0. epp = 0. etp = 0. rot = 0. DO j = 1, 3 ! sum over 3 nodes in element ett = ett + v(j) * dG(j,1,1,1) + w(j) * dG(j,2,1,1) epp = epp + csct * (v(j) * dG(j,1,2,2) + w(j) * dG(j,2,2,2)) + & & cott * (v(j) * G(j,1,1) + w(j) * G(j,2,1)) etp = etp + 0.5 * ( csct * (v(j) * dG(j,1,1,2) + w(j) * dG(j,2,1,2)) + & & (v(j) * dG(j,1,2,1) + w(j) * dG(j,2,2,1)) - & & cott * (v(j) * G(j,1,2) + w(j) * G(j,2,2)) ) rot = rot + 0.5 * ( cott * (v(j) * G(j,1,2) + w(j) * G(j,2,2)) + & & (v(j) * dG(j,1,2,1) + w(j) * dG(j,2,2,1)) - & & csct * (v(j) * dG(j,1,1,2) + w(j) * dG(j,2,1,2)) ) END DO ! adjust rotation for any more that was found spin = spin + rot lrm = Rot_matrix (center0, spin) ! find small-circle rotation equivalent scm = MATMUL( lrm, gcm ) CALL EVCRG (3, scm, 3, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, 3) ! Compute all of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real matrix. ! Usage ! CALL EVCRG (N, A, LDA, EVAL, EVEC, LDEVEC) ! Arguments ! N = Order of the matrix. (Input) ! A = Floating-point array containing the matrix. (Input) ! LDA = Leading dimension of A exactly as specified in the dimension statement of the calling program. (Input) ! EVAL = Complex array of size N containing the eigenvalues of A in decreasing order of magnitude. (Output) ! EVEC = Complex array containing the matrix of eigenvectors. (Output) ! The J-th eigenvector, corresponding to EVAL(J), is stored in the J-th column. Each vector is normalized to have ! Euclidean length equal to the value one. ! LDEVEC = Leading dimension of EVEC exactly as specified in the dimension statement of the calling program. (Input) which = 0 DO j = 1, 3 IF ((CABS(eigenvalues(j)) > 0.99) .AND. (CABS(eigenvalues(j)) < 1.01)) THEN IF (ABS(AIMAG(eigenvalues(j))) < 0.01) THEN which = j END IF END IF END DO IF (which == 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' Error: No eigenvalue == 1. for scm in element ',I6)") i CALL Traceback END IF sc_pole(1) = REAL(eigenvectors(1, which)) sc_pole(2) = REAL(eigenvectors(2, which)) sc_pole(3) = REAL(eigenvectors(3, which)) CALL Make_Uvec (sc_pole, sc_pole) ! just for safety equat = SQRT(sc_pole(1)**2 + sc_pole(2)**2) IF (equat > 0.) THEN CALL Cross (sc_pole, (/ 0., 0., 1. /), uvec) CALL Make_Uvec (uvec, aperp) ELSE aperp = (/ 1., 0., 0. /) END IF bvec = MATMUL ( scm, aperp ) CALL Cross (aperp, bvec, uvec) swing = ATAN2(DOT_PRODUCT(uvec, sc_pole), DOT_PRODUCT(aperp, bvec )) ! find principal strains diver = ett + epp shear = SQRT(etp**2 + 0.25 * (ett - epp)**2) eps1h = 0.5 * diver - shear eps2h = 0.5 * diver + shear epsrr = - diver angle = 0.5 * ATAN2(-etp, (epp - ett)/2.) ! Note that internal variable angle is direction of eps1h ! measured counterclockwise from +x (+theta, or South). ! correct for additional rotation mixed with strain: angle = angle + rot ! define azimuths of principal axes azim1h = 3.14159 - angle IF (azim1h < 0.) azim1h = azim1h + 3.14159 IF (azim1h < 0.) azim1h = azim1h + 3.14159 IF (azim1h >= 3.14159) azim1h = azim1h - 3.14159 IF (azim1h >= 3.14159) azim1h = azim1h - 3.14159 azim2h = azim1h + 3.14159/2. IF (azim2h < 0.) azim2h = azim2h + 3.14159 IF (azim2h < 0.) azim2h = azim2h + 3.14159 IF (azim2h >= 3.14159) azim2h = azim2h - 3.14159 IF (azim2h >= 3.14159) azim2h = azim2h - 3.14159 ! dilatation dilat = (a0_ / a1_) - 1. ! format for output element = i CALL Uvec_2_LonLat(center0, lon_now, lat_now) moved = deg_per_rad * gca CALL Uvec_2_LonLat(gc_pole, gc_lon, gc_lat) turned = deg_per_rad * Same_cycle(spin, 0.) swung = deg_per_rad * swing CALL Uvec_2_LonLat(sc_pole, sc_lon, sc_lat) IF (swung < 0.) THEN sc_lon = sc_lon + 180. IF (sc_lon > 180.) sc_lon = sc_lon - 360. sc_lat = -sc_lat swung = -swung END IF deg1h = azim1h * deg_per_rad deg2h = azim2h * deg_per_rad strain_table( 1, i) = lon_now strain_table( 2, i) = lat_now strain_table( 3, i) = moved strain_table( 4, i) = gc_lon strain_table( 5, i) = gc_lat strain_table( 6, i) = turned strain_table( 7, i) = swung strain_table( 8, i) = sc_lon strain_table( 9, i) = sc_lat strain_table(10, i) = eps1h strain_table(11, i) = eps2h strain_table(12, i) = dilat strain_table(13, i) = epsrr strain_table(14, i) = deg1h strain_table(15, i) = deg2h END DO all_elements ! i = 1, new_elements END SUBROUTINE FE_Strain SUBROUTINE File_List(basemap, & & gridded_data, & & traces, & & offsets, & & sections, & & paleomag, & & stress, & & fegrid, & & velocity) ! Reports a list (on default device) of filenames of the ! (ONE!) type requested. ! Uses GETFILEINFOQQ of module DFLIB.F90 ! (DIGITAL Visual Fortran 5.0). IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: basemap, gridded_data, traces, offsets, sections, & & paleomag, stress, fegrid, velocity CHARACTER*1 :: first_letter CHARACTER*70 :: line = ' ', old_name CHARACTER*255 :: files INTEGER :: count, full_to, handle, old_result, result LOGICAL :: duplicate ! TYPE file$info ! this type as defined in DFLIB.F90 ! INTEGER(4) creation ! INTEGER(4) lastwrite ! INTEGER(4) lastaccess ! INTEGER(4) length ! INTEGER(4) permit ! CHARACTER(255) name ! END TYPE file$info TYPE (FILE$INFO) info ! this type as defined in DFLIB.F90 path_in = TRIM(path_in) ! initialized as = global value 10 count = 0 IF (basemap) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be basemap files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & '*.DIG' ! (must filter later to exclude F*.DIG) ELSE IF (gridded_data) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be gridded data (.grd) files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & '*.GRD' ELSE IF (traces) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be fault-trace files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & 'F*.DIG' ELSE IF (offsets) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be fault-offset files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & 'F*.DAT' ELSE IF (sections) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be balanced cross-section files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & 'C*.DAT' ELSE IF (paleomag) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be paleomagnetic files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & 'P*.DAT' ELSE IF (stress) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be paleostress files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & 'S*.DAT' ELSE IF (fegrid) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be FE grid files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & '*.FEG' ELSE IF (velocity) THEN WRITE (*,"(/' The following appear to be velocity files:')") files = TRIM(path_in) // & ! defined in RetroMap2 above & '*.VEL' ELSE RETURN ! no files of any kind are wanted! END IF full_to = 0 ! keeps trace of use of line handle = FILE$FIRST ! flag constant, defined in DFLIB as -1 old_result = -999 old_name = 'undefined' all_files: DO result = GETFILEINFOQQ (TRIM(files), info, handle) !check for duplicate return of last file (a bug in GETFILEINFOQQ): IF (result >= 1) THEN duplicate = (result == old_result) .AND. ( == TRIM(old_name)) old_name = ELSE duplicate = .FALSE. old_name = ' ' END IF old_result = result !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IF (handle == FILE$ERROR) RETURN ! defined in DFLIB as -3 IF ((result == 0).OR.duplicate) THEN ! no (new) matching files found IF (full_to > 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line) RETURN ELSE IF (count == 0) THEN WRITE (*,"(' No such files in the input directory;')") WRITE (*,"(' Press any key to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") line STOP ' ' ELSE ! count > 0, but line empty RETURN END IF END IF first_letter = IF (basemap.AND.((first_letter == 'F').OR.(first_letter == 'f'))) THEN IF (handle == FILE$LAST) THEN RETURN ELSE CYCLE all_files END IF END IF !If we've gotten this far, we have a qualified file! count = count + 1 IF ((full_to + 2 + result) > 70) THEN ! line would overflow WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line) full_to = 0 line = ' ' line = full_to = result ELSE ! line can accept this name IF (full_to == 0) THEN ! no leading spaces line = full_to = result ELSE ! use 2 leading spaces line = TRIM(line) // ' ' // full_to = full_to + 2 + result END IF END IF IF (handle == FILE$LAST) THEN IF (full_to > 0) WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line) RETURN END IF END DO all_files END SUBROUTINE File_List SUBROUTINE Get_Paired_Feg_Names (old_feg_file, old_feg_pathfile, & & new_feg_file, new_feg_pathfile) !Prompts user to identify 2 .feg files that are topologically !identical, although of different ages (and, one is strained !with respect to the other). IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(OUT) :: old_feg_file, old_feg_pathfile, & & new_feg_file, new_feg_pathfile INTEGER :: ios, new_numnod, old_numnod WRITE (*,"(/' To make this plot, you should supply the names of two .feg files')") WRITE (*,"( ' which are TOPOLOGICALLY IDENTICAL; that is, one is a strained')") WRITE (*,"( ' version of the other. There should be one-to-one correspondance')") WRITE (*,"( ' of nodes and elements between the two grids.')") WRITE (*,"( ' There MUST be equal numbers of nodes in these two grids.')") WRITE (*,"( ' If the nodes correspond, but some elements do not,')") WRITE (*,"( ' then you will only be able to make a complete plot of displacement;')") WRITE (*,"( ' any plot of strain or rotation will show missing elements.')") CALL File_List(basemap = .FALSE., & & gridded_data = .FALSE., & & traces = .FALSE., & & offsets = .FALSE., & & sections = .FALSE., & & paleomag = .FALSE., & & stress = .FALSE., & & fegrid = .TRUE., & & velocity = .FALSE.) 10 CALL Prompt_for_String('Which .feg file is the OLDER one in this pair?',old_feg_file,old_feg_file) old_feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(old_feg_file) OPEN (UNIT = 71, FILE = old_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios) IF (ios == 0) THEN READ (71,*) READ (71,*) old_numnod CLOSE (71) ELSE WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Not a valid file (in the chosen source directory). Try again.')") GOTO 10 END IF 20 CALL Prompt_for_String('Which .feg file is the YOUNGER one in this pair?',new_feg_file,new_feg_file) new_feg_pathfile = TRIM(path_in)//TRIM(new_feg_file) OPEN (UNIT = 71, FILE = new_feg_pathfile, STATUS = 'OLD', IOSTAT = ios) IF (ios == 0) THEN READ (71,*) READ (71,*) new_numnod CLOSE (71) ELSE WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Not a valid file (in the chosen source directory). Try again.')") GOTO 20 END IF IF (old_numnod /= new_numnod) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Files have different numbers of nodes.')") GOTO 10 END IF END SUBROUTINE Get_Paired_Feg_Names SUBROUTINE Histogram (real_list, list_length, skip_zeros, maximum, minimum) ! Puts a printer-plot on the default device, no more than ! (n15 + 2) rows tall by n70 bytes wide, showing the range and ! distribution of values within real_list. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: real_list INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: list_length LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: skip_zeros REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: maximum, minimum INTEGER, PARAMETER :: n15 = 15, n70 = 70 REAL, PARAMETER :: Huge = 9.99E37 CHARACTER*8 :: number8 CHARACTER*(n70) :: line INTEGER :: highest, i, j, length, zero_index INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: counters REAL :: dx, factor IF (list_length < 1) RETURN IF (skip_zeros) THEN maximum = -Huge minimum = +Huge DO i = 2, list_length IF (real_list(i) /= 0.0) THEN maximum = MAX(maximum, real_list(i)) minimum = MIN(minimum, real_list(i)) END IF END DO ELSE maximum = real_list(1) minimum = maximum DO i = 2, list_length maximum = MAX(maximum, real_list(i)) minimum = MIN(minimum, real_list(i)) END DO END IF dx = (maximum - minimum) / (n70 - 1) IF (dx == 0.0) dx = 1.00 ! avoid divide-by-zero ALLOCATE ( counters(n70) ) counters = 0 ! whole array DO i = 1, list_length IF (skip_zeros) THEN IF (real_list(i) /= 0.0) THEN j = 1 + Int_Below((real_list(i) - minimum) / dx) counters(j) = counters(j) + 1 END IF ELSE j = 1 + Int_Below((real_list(i) - minimum) / dx) counters(j) = counters(j) + 1 END IF END DO highest = 0 DO j = 1, n70 highest = MAX(highest,counters(j)) END DO factor = (1. * n15) / (1. * highest) DO i = n15, 1, -1 ! rows, from top to bottom line = ' ' DO j = 1, n70 ! columns !In bottom row only, put "." to show non-zero contents: IF (i == 1) THEN ! bottom row IF (counters(j) > 0) line(j:j) = '.' END IF IF (NINT(factor * counters(j)) >= i) line(j:j) = '*' END DO ! columns WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") TRIM(line) END DO ! rows line = REPEAT('-',n70) WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") line number8 = ASCII8(minimum) line = TRIM(ADJUSTL(number8)) number8 = ASCII8(maximum) number8 = ADJUSTL(number8) length = LEN_TRIM(number8) line((n70 - length + 1):n70) = TRIM(number8) !Add 0 if it occurs in line, not too close to either end IF (maximum > minimum) THEN zero_index = 1 + NINT(-minimum * (n70-1) / (maximum - minimum)) IF ((zero_index > 9).AND.(zero_index < (n70 - 8))) line(zero_index:zero_index) = '0' END IF WRITE (*,"(' ',A)") line DEALLOCATE ( counters ) END SUBROUTINE Histogram SUBROUTINE Read_Sdat (free_unit, recording) ! Reads s.dat files, possibly with + and $ lines. ! Set up as a SUBR to avoid multiple copies. ! Most long-term variables are global, except: ! free_unit = Fortran device # to use for OPEN, READ, CLOSE ! recording = whether to fill arrays (or just count data)? IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: free_unit LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: recording CHARACTER*5 :: c5 CHARACTER*6 :: c6 CHARACTER*30 :: c30, c30a INTEGER :: i, line REAL :: r1, r2, t1, t2, x1, x2 REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: tv, tvi, tvo !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IF (.NOT.recording) THEN OPEN (UNIT = free_unit, FILE = sdat_pathfile, STATUS = "OLD", ACTION = "READ", & & PAD = "YES") READ (free_unit, "(A)") s_dat_format READ (free_unit, "(A)") s_dat_titles ! Skim file and count number of data lines s_dat_count = 0 get_stress_lines: DO READ (free_unit, "(A)", IOSTAT = read_status) c134 IF (read_status == 0) THEN ! read was successful IF ((c134(1:1) /= '+') .AND. & (c134(1:1) /= '*') .AND. & (c134(1:1) /= '&') .AND. & (c134(1:1) /= '$')) THEN s_dat_count = s_dat_count + 1 END IF ELSE ! reached end of file EXIT get_stress_lines END IF END DO get_stress_lines CLOSE (UNIT = free_unit) ! (will be re-read) ELSE ! recording OPEN (UNIT = free_unit, FILE = sdat_pathfile, STATUS = "OLD", ACTION = "READ", & & PAD = "YES") ; line = 0 READ (free_unit,*) ; line = line + 1 READ (free_unit,*) ; line = line + 1 read_s_dat: DO i = 1, s_dat_count READ (free_unit, s_dat_format) c30, c30a, c5, x1, x2, r1, r2, t2, t1, c6; line = line + 1 ! s_ref (c30) and s_loc (c30a) are not stored. s_code(i) = c5 CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(x1, x2, tv) s_site_now(1:3, 1, i) = tv ! possibly overwritten below s_azim_now(i) = r1 / deg_per_rad ! possibly overwritten below CALL Step_aside(tv, s_azim_now(i), tvo) s_site_now(1:3, 2, i) = tvo IF (r2 <= 0.) THEN WRITE (*,"(' ERROR: Nonpositive sigma_ in sdat_file')") CALL Traceback END IF s_sigma_(i) = r2 / deg_per_rad IF (t2 <= t1) THEN PRINT "(' Error in line ',I6,' of'/' ',A/' ',F10.2,' is <= ',F10.2)", & & line, TRIM(sdat_pathfile), t2, t1 STOP ' ' ENDIF s_t_max(i) = t2 * s_per_Ma s_t_min(i) = t1 * s_per_Ma s_stage(i) = (c6(1:1) == 'S') .OR. (c6(1:1) == 's') !read the + line (if present), but use only if "restored" READ (free_unit,"(A)", IOSTAT = read_status) c134 IF (read_status /= 0) EXIT read_s_dat if (c134(1:1) == '+') THEN c134 = c134(2:134) // ' ' READ (c134,*) x1, x2 IF (restored) THEN CALL LonLat_2_Uvec(x1, x2, tv) s_site_now(1:3, 1, i) = tv END IF ELSE BACKSPACE(free_unit) END IF !read the $ line (if present), but use only if "restored". READ (free_unit,"(A)", IOSTAT = read_status) c134 IF (read_status /= 0) EXIT read_s_dat if (c134(1:1) == '$') THEN c134 = c134(2:134) // ' ' READ (c134,*) t1 IF (restored) THEN s_azim_now(i) = t1 / deg_per_rad tvi = s_site_now(1:3, 1, i) CALL Step_aside(tvi, s_azim_now(i), tvo) s_site_now(1:3, 2, i) = tvo END IF ELSE BACKSPACE(free_unit) END IF END DO read_s_dat CLOSE (UNIT = free_unit) ! close s_dat END IF ! recording or not END SUBROUTINE Read_Sdat FUNCTION Rot_matrix (pole, turn) REAL, DIMENSION(3,3) :: Rot_matrix REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: pole ! Cartesian unit vector REAL, INTENT(IN) :: turn ! radians, ccw about pole REAL :: cosa, onem, sina, x, y, z x = pole(1) y = pole(2) z = pole(3) cosa = COS(turn) sina = SIN(turn) onem = 1. - cosa Rot_matrix(1,1) = cosa + x * x * onem Rot_matrix(1,2) = -z * sina + x * y * onem Rot_matrix(1,3) = y * sina + x * z * onem Rot_matrix(2,1) = z * sina + y * x * onem Rot_matrix(2,2) = cosa + y * y * onem Rot_matrix(2,3) = -x * sina + y * z * onem Rot_matrix(3,1) = -y * sina + z * x * onem Rot_matrix(3,2) = x * sina + z * y * onem Rot_matrix(3,3) = cosa + z * z * onem END FUNCTION Rot_matrix REAL FUNCTION Same_cycle(rads, reference) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: rads, reference ! returns result "rads" +- 2n * Pi such that ABS( Same_cycle - reference) <= Pi REAL :: dx, dy dx = COS(rads - reference) dy = SIN(rads - reference) Same_cycle = reference + ATAN2 (dy, dx) END FUNCTION Same_cycle SUBROUTINE Step_aside (b_, gamma_, new_vec) REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: b_ REAL, INTENT(IN) :: gamma_ REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT) :: new_vec ! gives position (Cartesian unit vector) close to b_, ! but displaced toward gamma_ (in radians, clockwise from N) REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: offset, Phi, Theta, v1 REAL :: radians = 0.002 ! offset ~13 km on Earth CALL Local_Phi (b_, Phi) CALL Local_Theta(b_, Theta) offset = Phi * SIN(gamma_) - Theta * COS(gamma_) v1 = b_ + (offset * radians) CALL Make_Uvec(v1, new_vec) END SUBROUTINE Step_aside SUBROUTINE Wedge_on_L1(x1p, y1p, radius_points, azimuth0, azimuth1) ! Creates a pie-wedge path on L1, with vertex at (x1p, y1p) points, ! with radius of radius_points, from azimuth0 to azimuth1 !(both in degrees, measured clockwise from top). ! Used to reduce length of legend code for vertical-axis rotations ! Note that it may NOT work well if ABS(azimuth1 - azimuth0) > 90.0 IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x1p, y1p, radius_points, azimuth0, azimuth1 REAL :: lever_points, xap, xbp, xep, x2p, yap, ybp, yep, y2p CALL New_L12_Path(1, x1p, y1p) x2p = x1p + radius_points * SIN(azimuth1 * radians_per_degree) y2p = y1p + radius_points * COS(azimuth1 * radians_per_degree) CALL Line_To_L12(x2p, y2p) xep = x1p + radius_points * SIN(azimuth0 * radians_per_degree) ! goal of curveto yep = y1p + radius_points * COS(azimuth0 * radians_per_degree) lever_points = 0.35 * radius_points * (azimuth1 - azimuth0) * radians_per_degree xap = x2p - lever_points * COS(azimuth1 * radians_per_degree) ! lever for start of curve yap = y2p + lever_points * SIN(azimuth1 * radians_per_degree) xbp = xep + lever_points * COS(azimuth0 * radians_per_degree) ! lever for end point ybp = yep - lever_points * SIN(azimuth0 * radians_per_degree) CALL Curve_To_L12(xap,yap, xbp,ybp, xep,yep) CALL Line_To_L12(x1p, y1p) CALL End_L12_Path(close = .TRUE., stroke = .TRUE., fill = .TRUE.) END SUBROUTINE Wedge_on_L1 END PROGRAM RetroMap2