PROGRAM SHIFT_GSRM_for_CSEP !Applies the SHIFT (Seismic Hazard Inferred From Tectonics) !hypotheses [Bird & Liu, 2007, Seismol. Res. Lett.] !to kinematic model GSRM (Global Strain Rate Map) !of Kreemer et al. [2003, Geophys. J. Int.], !to produce a long-term (or indefinite-term, or open-window) !global forecast of shallow seismicity. ! !Converting each 2-D strain-rate tensor to seimicity involves !deciding which of the types of plate boundary studied by !Bird & Kagan [2004, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.] is "most comparable." !This is done with new logic, based on the global map of deformation !regimes presented by Kreemer et al. [2002, Geodynamics Series, v. 30] !in their Plate 2. (Tables 1 & 2 of Bird & Liu [2007] cannot be used, !as they implicitly assumed that all subduction zones and spreading ridges !and oceanic transforms would be represented by discrete faults.) ! !An important approximation necessary to the conversion is the assumption !that the (largely elastic) strain-rates measured by GPS geodesy and represented !by GSRM are not very different in map pattern from long-term permanent !strain rates. We consider the approximation adequate at the scale of this model. ! !Program SHIFT_GSRM was written by Peter Bird, UCLA, in collaboration with !Corne Kreemer and William Holt. Its final version was 1.3 of 2009.08.19. !This was the basis for the publication by Bird et al. [2010]: ! !Bird, P., C. Kreemer, and W. E. Holt [2010] !A long-term forecast of shallow seismicity based on the Global Strain Rate Map, !Seismol. Res. Lett., 81(2), 184-194, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.81.2.184. ! !The present program SHIFT_GSRM_for_CSEP applies the same logic to the same data, !but produces output in the format of the Global Testing Region experiment !at the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP). !This version was written 2011.11.28 and revised 2013.12.10 by Peter Bird at UCLA. !The 2013 revision, requested by CSEP, adds many magnitude bins at each space point. IMPLICIT NONE !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !Here are 4 empirical correction factors used to adjust the overall ! global seismicity of this model to the correct value ! (taken as 21,653 m>=5.66, z<=70 km CMT earthquakes/century, ! which is based on 6,983 in the period 1977.01.01-2009.03.31), ! and also to match the observed rate in each of 4 deformation ! regimes. These corrections are necessary because of both ! structural and kinematic differences between the GSRM model ! and the PB2002 model which was used to calibrate SHIFT. REAL, PARAMETER :: continental_factor = 1.001 ! = 821/ 820 REAL, PARAMETER :: diffuseOceanic_factor = 2.000 ! = 238/ 119 REAL, PARAMETER :: ridgeTransform_factor = 1.619 ! = 1237/ 764 REAL, PARAMETER :: subduction_factor = 3.434 ! = 4498/1310 ! Subduction_factor represents the compounded effect of 3 corrections: ! (1)Systematic underestimation of seismicity of thrust faults ! when their slip-rates are treated as continuum strain-rates ! with the continuum formula (7b) of Bird & Liu [2007], ! which was based on an equivalent fault dip of 45 degrees. ! If all thrust faults in the world had the same dip angle, ! then the theoretical value of this correction factor would be ! (1 / ( 2 * sin(dip) * cos(dip) ) ) >= 1. ! For example, the interplate shear zone in the shallow part ! of a subduction zone dips about 14 degrees, at which angle ! a correction factor of 2.13 would apply. ! (2)Bird et al. [2009?, BSSA] found that subduction zones with ! relative plate velocities V>=66 mm/a have coupled thickness and ! moment production rates which are 21% higher than the average ! for all subduction zones in their study. Since the "subduction ! zone" deformation regime of Kreemer et al. [2002] is mainly ! composed of these faster subduction zones, a correction factor ! of ~1.21 is appropriate for this effect. ! (3)Coupled thicknesses inferred by Bird & Kagan [2004; Table 5] ! were only approximate, as they depended to some extent on the ! range of years sampled. The time window considered in their study ! (1977.01.01-2002.09.30) was a time of lower subduction-zone and ! continental-thrust activity relative to the longer window now ! available (1977.01.01-2009.03.31), in which global shallow (z<=70km) ! seismicity (m>=5.66) was higher by 5.1%, apparently due to ! subduction seismicity that was higher by ~8.1%. ! Overall, subduction_factor could be estimated theoretically as about ! 2.13 * 1.21 * 1.081 = 2.79. ! However, the value entered above was determined empirically, by ! setting the global shallow earthquake production to its value ! during the time window of 1977.01.01 to 2009.03.31. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*1 :: byte, deformation_regime_byte CHARACTER*1, DIMENSION(:, :), ALLOCATABLE :: regime_grid CHARACTER*6 :: lat_c6 CHARACTER*7 :: lon_c7 CHARACTER*12 :: duration_days_c12 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: text_line_length = 160 CHARACTER*160 :: parameter_pathfile, text_line, & & tectonicAreasBirdDatPath, & & averageStrainDatPath, & & forecastStartDate, & & forecastEndDate, & & forecastDurationYears, & & minTargetMagnitude, & & forecastXmlPath INTEGER, PARAMETER :: High = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(11, 30) INTEGER :: c, c_int, c1, c1_int, c2, c2_int, columns, & & grid_columns, grid_rows, i, ios, j, jCSEP, line, m, magnitude_bins, n, & & r, r_int, r1, r1_int, r2, r2_int, rows, T5_column REAL, PARAMETER :: s_per_year = 31557600.0 ! 365.25 * 24 * 60* 60 REAL, PARAMETER :: Earth_radius_m = 6371000.0 ! 6371 km, but expressed in m REAL :: c_real, c_intreal, c1_real, c1_intreal, c2_real, c2_intreal, & & center_normal_rate, COS_latitude_radians, & & dilatation_rate, dx, dy, duration_in_REAL_years, & & exx, eyy, exy, & & e1h, e1h_OCB, e1h_ridge, e1h_transform, & & e2h, e2h_OCB, e2h_ridge, e2h_transform, & & err, err_OCB, err_ridge, err_transform, & & factor, fraction, fraction_to_E, fraction_to_S, & & grid_lat_min, grid_lat_max, grid_d_lat, & & grid_lon_min, grid_lon_max, grid_d_lon, & & lat, lat_max, lat_min, latitude, & & lon, lon_max, lon_min, longitude, & & r_real, r_intreal, r1_real, r1_intreal, r2_real, r2_intreal, & & radians_per_degree, radius_rate, second_invariant, seismicity, & & seismicity_OCB, seismicity_ridge, seismicity_transform, & & single_bin_center_magnitude, & & t_lon, threshold_magnitude, type_longitude, & & wr1c1, wr1c2, wr2c1, wr2c2 REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: magnitude_bin_threshold REAL(High) :: argument, bin_sum, desired_threshold_moment_Nm, G_function, & & high_bin, integral, integral_converted, low_bin, & & predicted_EQ_count, & & seismicity_at_GSRM_threshold REAL(High), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: moment_bin_threshold REAL(High), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: intraplate_seismicity REAL(High), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE:: seismicity_grid !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Definitions specific to deformation-zones input file ! "tectonic_areas_bird.dat" of Kreemer et al. [2002], !and to its internal representation: INTEGER :: quadrilaterals CHARACTER*2, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: quadrilateral_byte REAL, DIMENSION (:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: quadrilateral_lonlat !Note that longitude range in this dataset is 0.0~360.0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Definitions specific to GSRM input file "average_strain.dat" of Kreemer et al. [2003], !and to its internal (filled-out with zeros) representation GSRM_grid: INTEGER :: GSRM_rows, GSRM_columns ! to be computed from data below: REAL, PARAMETER:: GSRM_lat_min = -79.75, GSRM_lat_max = 79.75, GSRM_d_lat = 0.5, & & GSRM_lon_min = -179.70, GSRM_lon_max = 179.70, GSRM_d_lon = 0.6 ! in decimal degrees of East longitude & North latitude. REAL, PARAMETER:: strain_rate_units = 1.E-9 / 3.15576E7 ! "units of 10^-9/year" REAL, DIMENSION(:, :, :), ALLOCATABLE :: GSRM_grid !Note that longitude range in this dataset is from GSRM_lon_min to (GSRM_lon_min + 360.0). !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Constants to describe (uniform) seismicity of the Intraplate regions of GSRM: REAL :: GSRM_Intraplate_area = 4.3536E+14 ! m^2; from file "tectonic_areas.txt" created by ! program "tectonic_areas_2_dig_quadrilaterals.f90" ! (PB, 2009.07) run on input "tectonic_areas_bird.dat" ! supplied by Corner Kreemer, which was based on Plate 2 ! of Kreemer et al. [2002]. INTEGER :: GSRM_Intraplate_earthquakes = 189 ! from Global CMT, 1977.01.01-2009.03.31, ! for depths z <= 70 km and moment magnitudes ! m >= 5.66 (scalar moments M >= 3.47E17 N m); ! determined by running program "GSRM_subcatalogger.f90" !(PB, 2009.07) on input files "tectonic_areas_bird.dat" !(see above) and "CMT_70km_m5p66_1977-Mar2009.eqc". REAL :: GSRM_Intraplate_window_s = 32.25 * s_per_year ! see GSRM_Intraplate_earthquakes comment, above. REAL :: GSRM_Intraplate_threshold_Nm = 3.47E17 ! see GSRM_Intraplate_earthquakes comment, above. REAL :: GSRM_Intraplate_beta = 0.63 ! based on graph in spreadsheet "CMT_GSRM_I_tGr.xls" (PB, 2009.07). REAL :: GSRM_Intraplate_corner = 9.0 ! based on graph in spreadsheet "CMT_GSRM_I_tGr.xls" (PB, 2009.07). REAL :: GSRM_Intraplate_corner_Nm ! will be computed below !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !**************************************************************************************** !Definitions specific to parameters imported from Table 5 of Bird & Kagan [2004]: CHARACTER*6, DIMENSION(10) :: T5_column_header REAL :: CMT_duration_s REAL, DIMENSION(10) :: T5_CMT_pure_events, T5_CMT_pure_event_rate, & & T5_CMT_threshold_moment, & & T5_beta, & & T5_corner_magnitude, T5_corner_moment, & & T5_tGR_model_moment_rate, & & T5_length_km, T5_length_m, & & T5_mean_velocity_mmpa, T5_mean_velocity_mps, & & T5_assumed_dip_degrees, T5_assumed_dip_radians, & & T5_assumed_mu_GPa, T5_assumed_mu_Pa, & & T5_lineIntegral_Nps, & & T5_coupledThickness_km, T5_coupledThickness_m, & & T5_assumed_lithosphere_km, T5_assumed_lithosphere_m, & & T5_coupling !GPBT5 ! Empirical coefficients from selected rows of Table 5 of Bird & Kagan [2004, BSSA]: ! T5_column = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ! CRB CTF CCB OSR OSR OTF OTF OTF OCB SUB ! normal other slow medium fast T5_column_header = (/"CRB ","CTF ","CCB ","OSRnor","OSRoth","OTFslo","OTFmed","OTFfas","OCB ","SUB "/) T5_CMT_pure_events = (/ 285.9, 198.5, 259.4, 424.3, 77.0, 398.0, 406.9, 376.6, 117.7, 2052.8/) T5_CMT_threshold_moment = (/ 1.13E17, 3.5E17, 3.5E17, 1.13E17, 1.13E17, 2.0E17, 2.0E17, 2.0E17, 3.5E17, 3.5E17/) T5_beta = (/ 0.65, 0.65, 0.62, 0.92, 0.82, 0.64, 0.65, 0.73, 0.53, 0.64/) T5_corner_magnitude = (/ 7.64, 8.01, 8.46, 5.86, 7.39, 8.14, 6.55, 6.63, 8.04, 9.58/) T5_tGR_model_moment_rate = (/ 1.67E12, 3.8E12, 1.06E13, 6.7E11, 1.9E11, 6.7E12, 9.4E11, 9.0E11, 4.6E12, 2.85E14/) T5_length_km = (/ 18126., 19375., 12516., 61807., 61807., 27220., 10351., 6331., 13236., 38990./) T5_mean_velocity_mmpa = (/ 18.95, 21.54, 18.16, 46.40, 7.58, 20.68, 57.53, 97.11, 19.22, 61.48/) T5_assumed_dip_degrees = (/ 55., 73., 20., 55., 55., 73., 73., 73., 20., 14./) T5_assumed_mu_GPa = (/ 27.7, 27.7, 27.7, 25.7, 25.7, 25.7, 25.7, 25.7, 49., 49./) T5_lineIntegral_Nps = (/ 5.5E8, 4.4E8, 6.0E8, 5.0E9, 4.7E8, 5.2E8, 5.3E8, 5.5E8, 1.2E9, 1.58E10/) T5_coupledThickness_km = (/ 3.0, 8.6, 18., 0.13, 0.40, 13., 1.8, 1.6, 3.8, 18./) T5_assumed_lithosphere_km =(/ 6., 12., 13., 8., 8., 14., 14., 14., 14., 26./) T5_coupling = (/ 0.50, 0.72, 1.00, 0.016, 0.05, 0.93, 0.13, 0.11, 0.27, 0.69/) ! and, some readily-derived quantitites: radians_per_degree = 0.017453292 CMT_duration_s = 25.7474 * s_per_year ! 1977.01.01 through 2002.09.30 <== Do NOT update! Must match Bird & Kagan [2004] calibration study. DO i = 1, 10 T5_CMT_pure_event_rate(i) = T5_CMT_pure_events(i) / CMT_duration_s T5_corner_moment(i) = Moment(T5_corner_magnitude(i)) T5_length_m(i) = T5_length_km(i) * 1000.0 T5_mean_velocity_mps(i) = T5_mean_velocity_mmpa(i) * 0.001 / s_per_year T5_assumed_dip_radians(i) = T5_assumed_dip_degrees(i) * radians_per_degree T5_assumed_mu_Pa(i) = T5_assumed_mu_GPa(i) * 1.0E9 T5_coupledThickness_m(i) = T5_coupledThickness_km(i) * 1000.0 T5_assumed_lithosphere_m(i) = T5_assumed_lithosphere_km(i) * 1000.0 END DO !**************************************************************************************** GSRM_Intraplate_corner_Nm = Moment(GSRM_Intraplate_corner) !Print informative text on-screen: WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' PROGRAM SHIFT_GSRM_for_CSEP:')") WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' Applies the SHIFT (Seismic Hazard Inferred From Tectonics)')") WRITE (*, "(' hypotheses [Bird & Liu, 2007, Seismol. Res. Lett.]')") WRITE (*, "(' to kinematic model GSRM (Global Strain Rate Map)')") WRITE (*, "(' of Kreemer et al. [2003, Geophys. J. Int.],')") WRITE (*, "(' to produce a long-term (or indefinite-term, or open-window)')") WRITE (*, "(' global forecast of shallow seismicity.')") WRITE (*, "(' ')") !CALL Pause() WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' Converting each 2-D strain-rate tensor to seimicity involves')") WRITE (*, "(' deciding which of the types of plate boundary studied by')") WRITE (*, "(' Bird & Kagan [2004, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.] is ""most comparable.""')") WRITE (*, "(' This is done with new logic, based on the global map of deformation')") WRITE (*, "(' regimes presented by Kreemer et al. [2002, Geodynamics Series, v. 30]')") WRITE (*, "(' in their Plate 2. (Tables 1 & 2 of Bird & Liu [2007] cannot be used,')") WRITE (*, "(' as they implicitly assumed that all subduction zones and spreading ridges')") WRITE (*, "(' and oceanic transforms would be represented by discrete faults.)')") WRITE (*, "(' ')") !CALL Pause() WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' An important approximation necessary to the conversion is the assumption')") WRITE (*, "(' that the (largely elastic) strain-rates measured by GPS geodesy and represented')") WRITE (*, "(' by GSRM are not very different in map pattern from long-term permanent')") WRITE (*, "(' strain rates. We consider the approximation adequate at the scale of the model.')") WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' Program SHIFT_GSRM was written by Peter Bird, UCLA, in collaboration with')") WRITE (*, "(' Corne Kreemer and William Holt. Its final version was 1.3 of 2009.08.19.')") WRITE (*, "(' This was the basis for the publication by Bird et al. [2010]:')") WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' Bird, P., C. Kreemer, and W. E. Holt [2010]')") WRITE (*, "(' A long-term forecast of shallow seismicity based on the Global Strain Rate Map,')") WRITE (*, "(' Seismol. Res. Lett., 81(2), 184-194, doi: 10.1785/gssrl.81.2.184.')") WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' This program SHIFT_GSRM_for_CSEP applies the same logic to the same data,')") WRITE (*, "(' but produces output in the format of the Global Testing Region experiment')") WRITE (*, "(' at the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP).')") WRITE (*, "(' This version was written 2011.11.28 & 2013.12.10 by Peter Bird at UCLA.')") WRITE (*, "(' The 2013 revision added many magnitude bins at each space point.')") WRITE (*, "(' ')") !CALL Pause() WRITE (*, "(' ')") !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Find, read, and memorize contents of the parameter file: !(1) Find out if there is a command-line argument which might be the name of the parameter file: n = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() ! standard in Fortran 2003+ !n = 1 ! kludge for Fortran 95 testing !(2) Test the value of n: IF (n < 1) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: [/path/]filename of parameter file must follow in command line!')") CALL Pause() STOP END IF !(3) Get the text of the first command-line argument: CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT (1, parameter_pathfile) ! standard in Fortran 2003 !parameter_pathfile = "SHIFT_GSRM_parameters.dat" ! kludge for Fortran 95 testing !(4) Try to open this file, and test for success: OPEN (UNIT = 11, FILE = TRIM(parameter_pathfile), STATUS = "OLD", PAD = "YES", IOSTAT = ios) IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: [/path/]filename of parameter file in command line is invalid!')") CALL Pause() STOP END IF !(5) Read and remember parameter values: parameter_scanning: DO READ (11, "(A)", IOSTAT = ios) text_line IF (ios < 0) EXIT parameter_scanning IF (text_line(1:25) == "tectonicAreasBirdDatPath=") THEN tectonicAreasBirdDatPath = TRIM(text_line(26:text_line_length)) ELSE IF (text_line(1:21) == "averageStrainDatPath=") THEN averageStrainDatPath = TRIM(text_line(22:text_line_length)) ELSE IF (text_line(1:18) == "forecastStartDate=") THEN forecastStartDate = TRIM(text_line(19:text_line_length)) ELSE IF (text_line(1:16) == "forecastEndDate=") THEN forecastEndDate = TRIM(text_line(17:text_line_length)) ELSE IF (text_line(1:22) == "forecastDurationYears=") THEN forecastDurationYears = TRIM(text_line(23:text_line_length)) READ (forecastDurationYears, * , IOSTAT = ios) duration_in_REAL_years ELSE IF (text_line(1:19) == "minTargetMagnitude=") THEN minTargetMagnitude = TRIM(text_line(20:text_line_length)) READ (minTargetMagnitude, *, IOSTAT = ios) threshold_magnitude single_bin_center_magnitude = threshold_magnitude + 0.05 ! assuming bins 0.1 magnitude units wide ELSE IF (text_line(1:16) == "forecastXmlPath=") THEN forecastXmlPath = TRIM(text_line(17:text_line_length)) END IF END DO parameter_scanning CLOSE (UNIT = 11, DISP = "KEEP") !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Read and memorize deformation-regime cells, from "tectonic_areas_bird.dat" on UNIT = 1: !N.B. This file was the basis for Plate 2 in Kreemer et al. [2002] and was provided !by Corne Kreemer. Note that longitudes are in the range 0~360 East. WRITE (*, "(' Reading deformation regimes from ""tectonic_areas_bird.dat""...')") !First reading is just to count number of quadrilaterals: OPEN (UNIT = 1, FILE = TRIM(tectonicAreasBirdDatPath), STATUS = "OLD", IOSTAT = ios) IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Input file tectonic_areas_bird.dat was not found.')") CALL Pause() STOP END IF line = 0 quadrilaterals = 0 DefReg_indefinite: DO ! as long as there are more data in file READ (1, "(2X,A1)", IOSTAT = ios) byte line = line + 1 IF (ios < 0) EXIT DefReg_indefinite IF (byte == 'C') THEN ELSE IF (byte == 'O') THEN ELSE IF (byte == 'R') THEN ELSE IF (byte == 'S') THEN ELSE WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Bad byte ',A1' in line ',I6)") byte, line CALL Pause() STOP END IF DO j = 1, 5 READ (1, *) longitude, latitude line = line + 1 END DO quadrilaterals = quadrilaterals + 1 END DO DefReg_indefinite CLOSE(UNIT = 1, DISP = "KEEP") ALLOCATE ( quadrilateral_byte(quadrilaterals) ) ALLOCATE ( quadrilateral_lonlat(quadrilaterals, 5, 2) ) !Second reading memorizes contents: OPEN (UNIT = 1, FILE = TRIM(tectonicAreasBirdDatPath), STATUS = "OLD") line = 0 quadrilaterals = 0 DefReg_less_indefinite: DO ! as long as there are more data in file READ (1, "(2X,A1)", IOSTAT = ios) byte line = line + 1 IF (ios < 0) EXIT DefReg_less_indefinite quadrilaterals = quadrilaterals + 1 IF (byte == 'C') THEN quadrilateral_byte(quadrilaterals) = byte ELSE IF (byte == 'O') THEN quadrilateral_byte(quadrilaterals) = byte ELSE IF (byte == 'R') THEN quadrilateral_byte(quadrilaterals) = byte ELSE IF (byte == 'S') THEN quadrilateral_byte(quadrilaterals) = byte ELSE WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Bad byte ',A1' in line ',I6)") byte, line CALL Pause() STOP END IF DO j = 1, 5 READ (1, *) longitude, latitude line = line + 1 IF (j == 1) THEN type_longitude = longitude ELSE IF (longitude - type_longitude > 350.0) longitude = longitude - 360.0 IF (longitude - type_longitude > 350.0) longitude = longitude - 360.0 IF (longitude - type_longitude < -350.0) longitude = longitude + 360.0 IF (longitude - type_longitude < -350.0) longitude = longitude + 360.0 END IF quadrilateral_lonlat(quadrilaterals, j, 1) = longitude quadrilateral_lonlat(quadrilaterals, j, 2) = latitude END DO END DO DefReg_less_indefinite CLOSE(UNIT = 1, DISP = "KEEP") !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Read and memorize GSRM strain rates, from "average_strain.dat" on UNIT = 2: !N.B. This file was downloaded from in 2009.07; ! it seems to represent Model 1.2 of May 2004, according to associated page ! WRITE (*, "(' Reading strain-rates from ""average_strain.dat""...')") GSRM_rows = 1 + NINT((GSRM_lat_max - GSRM_lat_min) / GSRM_d_lat) GSRM_columns = 2 + NINT((GSRM_lon_max - GSRM_lon_min) / GSRM_d_lon) ! adding extra duplicated column on East ALLOCATE ( GSRM_grid(GSRM_rows, GSRM_columns, 3) ) GSRM_grid = 0.0 ! whole array; note that many Intraplate tensors will NOT be changed. OPEN (UNIT = 2, FILE = TRIM(averageStrainDatPath), STATUS = "OLD", IOSTAT = ios) IF (ios /= 0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Input file average_strain.dat was not found.')") CALL Pause() STOP END IF READ (2, *) ! line of column headers READ (2, *) ! blank line GSRM_indefinite: DO ! as long as more input lines are available READ (2, *, IOSTAT = ios), lat, lon, exx, eyy, exy IF (ios < 0) EXIT GSRM_indefinite ! EOF encountered exx = exx * strain_rate_units eyy = eyy * strain_rate_units exy = exy * strain_rate_units i = 1 + NINT((GSRM_lat_max - lat) / GSRM_d_lat) j = 1 + NINT((lon - GSRM_lon_min) / GSRM_d_lon) GSRM_grid(i, j, 1) = exx GSRM_grid(i, j, 2) = eyy GSRM_grid(i, j, 3) = exy END DO GSRM_indefinite CLOSE (2, DISP = "KEEP") ! average_strain.dat !Copy first column of tensors to last (redundant) column, to provide wrap-around and simplify logic: DO i = 1, GSRM_rows GSRM_grid(i, GSRM_columns, 1:3) = GSRM_grid(i, 1, 1:3) END DO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE (*, "(' ==================== End of preparatory inputs =========================')") !================================= End of preparatory inputs ========================= !================================= Begin production computation ====================== WRITE (*, "(' ==================== Begin production computation ======================')") !Define the grid of cell centers for which seismicity is to be computed. grid_lon_min = 0.05 ! degrees East grid_lon_max = 359.95 ! degrees East grid_lat_min = -89.95 ! degrees North grid_lat_max = 89.95 ! degrees North !Note that this grid refers to the centers of the CSEP cells, not their outer edges. grid_d_lon = 0.1 ! degrees. grid_d_lat = 0.1 ! degrees !Also note that program logic MUST be changed if longitude "phase" of grid is ever !shifted from the 0~360 E cycle which it now has, because then it would no longer match !the longitude range of the quadrilaterals data file! !(However, it is not too hard to shift phase to (-179.95, 179.95) during grid OUTPUT, as I will do below.) grid_rows = 1 + NINT((grid_lat_max - grid_lat_min) / grid_d_lat) grid_columns = 1 + NINT((grid_lon_max - grid_lon_min) / grid_d_lon) IF (MOD(grid_columns, 2) /= 0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: grid_columns = ',I6,' is odd; program output logic requires it to be even.')") grid_columns CALL Pause() STOP END IF magnitude_bins = 31 ! widths of 0.10, and centers at 6.00, 6.10, ..., 8,90, 9.00. Last bin to be open on high-side. ALLOCATE ( magnitude_bin_threshold(magnitude_bins) ) ALLOCATE ( moment_bin_threshold(magnitude_bins) ) ALLOCATE ( intraplate_seismicity(magnitude_bins) ) ALLOCATE ( seismicity_grid(magnitude_bins, grid_rows, grid_columns) ) seismicity_grid = 0.0 ! must be replaced, because log(0) is negative infinity and cannot be plotted by NeoKineMap. DO i = 1, magnitude_bins magnitude_bin_threshold(i) = 5.95 + (i-1) * 0.10 moment_bin_threshold(i) = Moment(magnitude_bin_threshold(i)) END DO desired_threshold_moment_Nm = Moment(threshold_magnitude) WRITE (*, "(' Threshold (minimum) scalar moment =',ES11.3,' N m')") desired_threshold_moment_Nm WRITE (*, "(' ')") WRITE (*, "(' Assigning deformation regime to all grid points...')") ALLOCATE ( regime_grid(grid_rows, grid_columns) ) regime_grid = 'I' ! unless changed below DO m = 1, quadrilaterals deformation_regime_byte = quadrilateral_byte(m) ! to be applied to all appropriate entries in regime_grid: lon_min = quadrilateral_lonlat(m, 1, 1) lon_max = lon_min lat_min = quadrilateral_lonlat(m, 1, 2) lat_max = lat_min DO n = 2, 5 lon_min = MIN(lon_min, quadrilateral_lonlat(m, n, 1)) lon_max = MAX(lon_max, quadrilateral_lonlat(m, n, 1)) lat_min = MIN(lat_min, quadrilateral_lonlat(m, n, 2)) lat_max = MAX(lat_max, quadrilateral_lonlat(m, n, 2)) END DO !left column limit (not worrying about legal range): c1_real = 1.0 + (lon_min - grid_lon_min)/grid_d_lon c1_int = NINT(c1_real) c1_intreal = 1.0 * c1_int IF (c1_real == c1_intreal) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Grid point exactly on a quadrilateral boundary. Shift grid.')") CALL Pause() STOP ELSE IF (c1_real < c1_intreal) THEN c1 = c1_int ELSE ! (c1_real > c1_intreal) c1 = c1_int + 1 END IF !right column limit (not worrying about legal range): c2_real = 1.0 + (lon_max - grid_lon_min)/grid_d_lon c2_int = NINT(c2_real) c2_intreal = 1.0 * c2_int IF (c2_real == c2_intreal) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Grid point exactly on a quadrilateral boundary. Shift grid.')") CALL Pause() STOP ELSE IF (c2_real < c2_intreal) THEN c2 = c2_int - 1 ELSE ! (c2_real > c2_intreal) c2 = c2_int END IF DO j = c1, c2 IF ((j >= 1).AND.(j <= grid_columns)) THEN ! j is in legal range !top row limit (numerically smaller; not worrying about legal range): r1_real = 1.0 + (grid_lat_max - lat_max)/grid_d_lat r1_int = NINT(r1_real) r1_intreal = 1.0 * r1_int IF (r1_real == r1_intreal) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Grid point exactly on a quadrilateral boundary. Shift grid.')") CALL Pause() STOP ELSE IF (r1_real < r1_intreal) THEN r1 = r1_int ELSE ! (r1_real > r1_intreal) r1 = r1_int + 1 END IF !bottom row limit (numerically larger; not worrying about legal range): r2_real = 1.0 + (grid_lat_max - lat_min)/grid_d_lat r2_int = NINT(r2_real) r2_intreal = 1.0 * r2_int IF (r2_real == r2_intreal) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Grid point exactly on a quadrilateral boundary. Shift grid.')") CALL Pause() STOP ELSE IF (r2_real < r2_intreal) THEN r2 = r2_int - 1 ELSE ! (r2_real > r2_intreal) r2 = r2_int END IF DO i = r1, r2 IF ((i >= 1).AND.(i <= grid_rows)) THEN ! i is in legal range !store regime information for use in next operations block: regime_grid(i, j) = deformation_regime_byte END IF ! i is in legal range END DO ! i = r1, r2 END IF ! j is in legal range, or not END DO ! j = c1, c2 END DO ! m = 1, quadrilaterals DO i = 1, grid_rows regime_grid(i, grid_columns) = regime_grid(i, 1) ! copy 1st column to last column; !last column will NOT have been properly set if longitude > 360. END DO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Precompute intraplate_seismicity (to save duplication, and to use a lower-limit): seismicity_at_GSRM_threshold = GSRM_Intraplate_earthquakes / (GSRM_Intraplate_area * 1.D0 * GSRM_Intraplate_window_s) DO m = 1, magnitude_bins argument = (GSRM_Intraplate_threshold_Nm - moment_bin_threshold(m)) / GSRM_Intraplate_corner_Nm IF (argument < -100.0D0) THEN G_function = 0.0D0 WRITE (*, "(' WARNING: argument underflow in EXP(argument): intraplate seismicity will be zero.')") CALL Pause() ELSE G_function = ((moment_bin_threshold(m) / GSRM_Intraplate_threshold_Nm)**(-GSRM_Intraplate_beta)) * & & EXP(argument) END IF intraplate_seismicity(m) = G_function * seismicity_at_GSRM_threshold END DO !N.B. This uniform value will be applied to all 'I' grid points, and will be used as a lower limit ! for the seismicity of other grid points as well. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO m = 1, magnitude_bins DO i = 1, grid_rows ! (N to S) latitude = grid_lat_max - (i-1) * grid_d_lat !WRITE (*, "(' Doing row with latitude = ',F7.3,'...')") latitude DO j = 1, grid_columns ! (W to E) longitude = grid_lon_min + (j-1) * grid_d_lon !proxy longitude which is different by +- 360 will often be needed: t_lon = longitude IF (t_lon < GSRM_lon_min) t_lon = t_lon + 360.0 IF ((t_lon - GSRM_lon_min) > 360.0) t_lon = t_lon - 360.0 !recall deformation regime, stored in previous operations block: deformation_regime_byte = regime_grid(i, j) IF (deformation_regime_byte == 'I') THEN !strain-rate will not be needed; just set it to zero for sake of tidiness: exx = 0.0; eyy = 0.0; exy = 0.0 ELSE ! must look up the strain-rate r_real = 1.0 + (GSRM_lat_max - latitude)/GSRM_d_lat r_int = NINT(r_real) c_real = 1.0 + (t_lon - GSRM_lon_min)/GSRM_d_lon ! using proxy longitude! c_int = NINT(c_real) IF ((r_int >= 1).AND.(r_int <= GSRM_rows).AND.(c_int >= 1).AND.(c_int <= GSRM_columns)) THEN exx = GSRM_grid(r_int, c_int, 1) eyy = GSRM_grid(r_int, c_int, 2) exy = GSRM_grid(r_int, c_int, 3) ELSE ! point lies outside of the GSRM grid; treat as Intraplate: exx = 0.0; eyy = 0.0; exy = 0.0 END IF ! inside or outside the GSRM grid !If strain-rate tensor is (0., 0., 0.), then set deformation_regime_byte == 'I': IF ((exx == 0.0).AND.(eyy == 0.0).AND.(exy == 0.0)) deformation_regime_byte = 'I' END IF ! Intraplate, or not !Characterize the strain-rate tensor just found: second_invariant = SQRT(exx**2 + eyy**2 + 2.0 *(exy**2)) ! (per Kreemer et al. [2002]; used in test plots) dilatation_rate = exx + eyy err = -dilatation_rate ! based on assumption of volume conservation in permanent, non-elastic strain !N.B. As strain-rates of GSRM may include large elastic parts, this is an APPROXIMATION when used here! center_normal_rate = (exx + eyy)/2.0 radius_rate = SQRT((exx - center_normal_rate)**2 + exy**2) e1h = center_normal_rate - radius_rate ! most-compressive horizontal principal value e2h = center_normal_rate + radius_rate ! most-extensional horizontal principal value !---------- Use regime-specific logic (and subprogram GSRM_continuum_seismicity) ! to find the rate of earthquakes/m^2/s above desired_threshold_moment_Nm: IF (deformation_regime_byte == 'I') THEN ! Intraplate seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = intraplate_seismicity(m) ! (precomputed above, outside these loops) ELSE IF (deformation_regime_byte == 'C') THEN ! Continental !This classification follows Table 2 of Bird & Liu [2007]: IF (err > 0.0) THEN ! thrust faulting present IF (err > (0.364 * e2h)) THEN T5_column = 3 ! CCB ELSE ! thrust faulting is minor compared to strike-slip T5_column = 2 ! CTF END IF ELSE IF (err == 0.0) THEN ! pure strike-slip T5_column = 2 ! CTF ELSE ! (err < 0.0); normal faulting present IF (err >= (0.364 * e1h)) THEN T5_column = 2 ! CTF ELSE ! (err < 0.364*e1h) T5_column = 1 ! CRB END IF END IF CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h, e2h, err, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity) ! INTENT(OUT) seismicity = seismicity * continental_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE IF (deformation_regime_byte == 'O') THEN ! Oceanic (diffuse) T5_column = 9 ! OCB CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h, e2h, err, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity) ! INTENT(OUT) seismicity = seismicity * diffuseOceanic_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE IF (deformation_regime_byte == 'R') THEN ! Ridge/transform !This classification is described in file !"methods_memo_2008_09_19.doc" under the heading "IV". !It separates a general R (ridge/transform) strain-rate tensor into 2 parts, !and computes seismicity separately for each part. IF ((e1h > 0.0).AND.(e2h > 0.0)) THEN ! spreading along both horizontal principal axes; no transforms: T5_column = 4 ! OSR normal CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h, e2h, err, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity) ! INTENT(OUT) seismicity = seismicity * ridgeTransform_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE IF (e1h == 0.0) THEN ! simple uniaxial spreading; no transforms T5_column = 4 ! OSR normal CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h, e2h, err, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity) ! INTENT(OUT) seismicity = seismicity * ridgeTransform_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE IF (((e1h * e2h) < 0.0).AND.((e1h + e2h) >= 0.0)) THEN ! mixture of spreading & transform: e1h_ridge = 0.0 ! no shortening along ridge axis e2h_ridge = e1h + e2h ! all dilatation is due to spreading err_ridge = -(e1h_ridge + e2h_ridge) ! volume conservation T5_column = 4 ! OSR normal CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h_ridge, e2h_ridge, err_ridge, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity_ridge) ! INTENT(OUT) !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e1h_transform = e1h ! all shortening is due to transform activity e2h_transform = -e1h_transform ! no dilatation due to transforms err_transform = 0.0 T5_column = 7 ! OTF medium CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h_transform, e2h_transform, err_transform, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity_transform) ! INTENT(OUT) !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seismicity = seismicity_ridge + seismicity_transform seismicity = seismicity * ridgeTransform_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE IF (((e1h * e2h) < 0.0).AND.((e1h + e2h) < 0.0)) THEN ! mixture of thrusting & transform: e1h_OCB = e1h + e2h ! all dilatation is due to thrusting e2h_OCB = 0.0 ! no change in lengths of thrust fault traces err_OCB = -(e1h_OCB + e2h_OCB) ! volume conservation T5_column = 9 ! OCB CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h_OCB, e2h_OCB, err_OCB, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity_OCB) ! INTENT(OUT) !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e2h_transform = e2h ! all extension is due to transform activity e1h_transform = -e2h_transform ! no dilatation due to transform activity err_transform = 0.0 T5_column = 7 ! OTF medium CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h_transform, e2h_transform, err_transform, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity_transform) ! INTENT(OUT) !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - seismicity = seismicity_OCB + seismicity_transform seismicity = seismicity * ridgeTransform_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE IF ((e1h < 0.0).AND.(e2h < 0.0)) THEN ! shortening in both directions; use OCB model: T5_column = 9 ! OCB CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h, e2h, err, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity) ! INTENT(OUT) seismicity = seismicity * ridgeTransform_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE ! (not expected to happen) WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Unforseen case; fix program logic. e1h = ',ES10.3,', e2h = ',ES10.3)") e1h, e2h CALL Pause() STOP END IF ELSE IF (deformation_regime_byte == 'S') THEN ! Subduction T5_column = 10 ! SUB CALL SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (moment_bin_threshold(m), & ! INTENT(IN) & e1h, e2h, err, T5_column, & ! INTENT(IN) & seismicity) ! INTENT(OUT) seismicity = seismicity * subduction_factor seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = MAX(seismicity, intraplate_seismicity(m)) ELSE ! bad byte! WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: deformation_regime_byte = ',A,' at latitude ',F7.3,', longitude ',F8.3)") deformation_regime_byte, latitude, longitude CALL Pause() STOP END IF ! selection based on deformation_regime_byte END DO ! j = 1, grid_columns (W to E) END DO ! i = 1, grid_rows (N to S) WRITE (*, "(' Global cell values complete for magnitude threshold of ',F5.2)") magnitude_bin_threshold(m) END DO ! m = 1, magnitude_bins !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Characterize this model (emphasizing total seismicity in spatial cells): COS_latitude_radians = COS(grid_lat_max * radians_per_degree) dx = grid_d_lon * COS_latitude_radians * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m dy = grid_d_lat * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m low_bin = seismicity_grid(1, 1, 1) * dx * dy * s_per_year high_bin = low_bin bin_sum = 0.0D0 DO i = 1, grid_rows latitude = grid_lat_max - (i - 1) * grid_d_lat COS_latitude_radians = COS(latitude * radians_per_degree) dx = grid_d_lon * COS_latitude_radians * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m dy = grid_d_lat * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m DO j = 1, grid_columns low_bin = MIN(low_bin, seismicity_grid(1, i, j) * dx * dy * s_per_year) high_bin = MAX(high_bin, seismicity_grid(1, i, j) * dx * dy * s_per_year) bin_sum = bin_sum + seismicity_grid(1, i, j) * dx * dy * s_per_year END DO END DO WRITE (*, *) WRITE (*, "(' Earthquakes per spacial cell vary from ',ES10.3,' to ',ES10.3,' EQs/year')") low_bin, high_bin WRITE (*, "(' and total ',ES10.3,' earthquakes per year.')") bin_sum !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Convert seismicity_grid from all-above-threshold to incremental only-those-within-bin format ! (except for last bin, m = magnitude_bins, which stays open): DO i = 1, grid_rows DO j = 1, grid_columns DO m = 1, (magnitude_bins-1) seismicity_grid(m, i, j) = seismicity_grid(m, i, j) - seismicity_grid(m+1, i, j) END DO END DO END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Output the forecast .xml: WRITE (*, "(' Writing .xml file and computing area-integral...')") OPEN (UNIT = 3, FILE = TRIM(forecastXmlPath)) ! unconditional OPEN; overwrites any existing file WRITE (3, '("")') WRITE (3, '("")') WRITE (3, '(" ")') WRITE (3, '(" SHIFT_GSRM")') WRITE (3, '(" 1.1")') ! <=== changed from 1.0 to 1.1 in 2013.12; v.1.1 includes many magnitude bins WRITE (3, '(" Bird et al. [2010, SRL]")') WRITE (3, '(" smi://org.scec/persons/Bird_Peter")') WRITE (3, '(" 2011-12-01T23:59:59Z")') WRITE (3, '(" ",A,"")') TRIM(forecastStartDate) WRITE (3, '(" ",A,"")') TRIM(forecastEndDate) WRITE (duration_days_c12, '(F12.2)') 365.25*duration_in_REAL_years duration_days_c12 = ADJUSTL(duration_days_c12) WRITE (3, '(" ",A,"")') TRIM(duration_days_c12) WRITE (3, '(" ")') WRITE (3, '(" 0.1")') WRITE (3, '(" 5.95")') WRITE (3, '(" 1")') WRITE (3, '(" ")') DO jCSEP = ((grid_columns/2)+1), (3*grid_columns/2), 1 ! (j = 1, grid_columns would be W to E, 0.05 to 359.95; but CSEP wants W to E, -179.95 to +179.95 = +180.05 to +539.95.) j = 1 + MOD((jCSEP-1), grid_columns) ! where j refers to my grid, not CSEP's. longitude = grid_lon_min + (j-1) * grid_d_lon IF (longitude > 180.0) longitude = longitude - 360.0 DO i = grid_rows, 1, -1 ! (i = 1, grid_rows would be N to S, but CSEP wants S to N) latitude = grid_lat_max - (i-1) * grid_d_lat WRITE (lat_c6, "(F6.2)") latitude lat_c6 = ADJUSTL(lat_c6) WRITE (lon_c7, "(F7.2)") longitude lon_c7 = ADJUSTL(lon_c7) WRITE (3, '(" ")') TRIM(lon_c7), TRIM(lat_c6) COS_latitude_radians = COS(latitude * radians_per_degree) dx = grid_d_lon * COS_latitude_radians * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m dy = grid_d_lat * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m DO m = 1, magnitude_bins predicted_EQ_count = seismicity_grid(m, i, j) * dx * dy * duration_in_REAL_years * s_per_year WRITE (3, '(" ",ES10.3)') predicted_EQ_count END DO WRITE (3, '(" ")') END DO ! j = 1, grid_columns (W to E) END DO ! i = 1, grid_rows (N to S) WRITE (3, '(" ")') WRITE (3, '(" ")') WRITE (3, '("")') CLOSE (UNIT = 3, DISP = "KEEP") ! file !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !Integrate seismicity over grid area: integral = 0.0D0 ! (just initializing) DO i = 1, grid_rows latitude = grid_lat_max - (i - 1) * grid_d_lat COS_latitude_radians = COS(latitude * radians_per_degree) dy = grid_d_lat * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m DO j = 1, grid_columns dx = grid_d_lon * COS_latitude_radians * radians_per_degree * Earth_radius_m DO m = 1, magnitude_bins integral = integral + seismicity_grid(m, i, j) * dx * dy END DO END DO END DO integral_converted = integral * 100.0 * s_per_year ! now, earthquakes per century WRITE (*, "(/' Area integral of seismicity =' & & /' ',ES11.4,' earthquakes/s = ',ES11.4,' earthquakes/century.')") integral, integral_converted !Signal completion of job: !================================= End production computation ====================== WRITE (*, "(' ==================== end production computation ======================')") WRITE (*, "(' Job completed.')") !CALL Pause() !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTAINS REAL FUNCTION Moment(magnitude) ! Returns scalar seismic moment in N m, per ! equation (1) of Bird & Kagan [2004; Bull. Seism. Soc. Am.]; ! originally from Hanks & Kanamori [1979; J. Geophys. Res., v. 84, p. 2348-2350]. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: magnitude moment = 10.**((1.5 * magnitude) + 9.05) END FUNCTION Moment SUBROUTINE Pause () IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*1 c1 WRITE (*,"(' Press [Enter] to continue...'\)") READ (*,"(A)") c1 END SUBROUTINE Pause SUBROUTINE SHIFT_continuum_seismicity (desired_threshold_moment_Nm, & & e1h, e2h, err, T5_column, & & seismicity) !Computes "seismicity" (# of earthquakes/m^2/s, including aftershocks) !above "desired_threshold_moment_Nm", !based on principal long-term strain rates !(e1h = most-compressive horizontal; ! e2h = least-compressive horizontal; ! err = vertical) !and choice of most comparable plate boundary expressed by !selection of column "T5_column" in the T5_{whatever} tables in !the main program above. !The only reason that this code is isolated in a subprogram !is that it is called twice for grid points in tectonic !regime "R" of the Global Strain Rate Map model, !and redundant code would be needed if this were placed in-line. !The underlying assumptions and equations are those of the SHIFT !(Seismic Hazard Inferred From Tectonics) !method of Bird & Liu [2007, Seismol. Res. Lett.]. IMPLICIT NONE !But note that arrays T5_{whatever} of main program are read: INTENT(IN). INTEGER, PARAMETER :: High = SELECTED_REAL_KIND(11, 30) REAL(High), INTENT(IN) :: desired_threshold_moment_Nm REAL, INTENT(IN) :: e1h, e2h, err INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: T5_column REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: seismicity REAL :: CMT_threshold_moment, corner_moment, e1_rate, e2_rate, e3_rate, & & M_persec_per_m2, M_persec_per_m3, & & seismicity_at_CMT_threshold, tGR_beta REAL(High) :: argument, G_function !Convert principal strain rates in continuum to seismic moment rate per unit volume, !per equation (7b) of Bird & Liu [2007]): e1_rate = MIN(e1h, e2h, err) ! always negative e3_rate = MAX(e1h, e2h, err) ! always positive e2_rate = 0.0 - e1_rate - e3_rate ! may have either sign IF (e2_rate < 0.0) THEN ! both e1_rate and e2_rate are negative; positive e3_rate is the unique axis: M_persec_per_m3 = T5_assumed_mu_Pa(T5_column) * 2.0 * e3_rate ELSE ! e2_rate >= 0.0 ; so both e2_rate and e3_rate are positive; negative e1_rate is the unique axis: M_persec_per_m3 = T5_assumed_mu_Pa(T5_column) * 2.0 * (-e1_rate) END IF !Convert moment rate per unit volume to moment rate per unit area: M_persec_per_m2 = M_persec_per_m3 * T5_coupledThickness_m(T5_column) !Determine subsampling-point value of seismicity (earthquakes/m**2/s), !per equation (4) of Bird & Liu [2007]: seismicity_at_CMT_threshold = T5_CMT_pure_event_rate(T5_column) * 1.0D0 * & & M_persec_per_m2 / T5_tGR_model_moment_rate(T5_column) !Caution: Must avoid underflow, as terms are likely to ! be roughly: 2E-7 * 3E-6 / 4E12 = 1E-25. ! Therefore, 1.0D0 is introduced into product ! to force double-precision computation ! on 32-bit computers. !Correct seismicity to desired_threshold_moment_Nm, !per equation (5) of Bird & Liu [2007]: !using the tapered Gutenberg-Richter distribution !with coefficients from Table 5 above: tGR_beta = T5_beta(T5_column) corner_moment = T5_corner_moment(T5_column) CMT_threshold_moment = T5_CMT_threshold_moment(T5_column) !G = ((desired_threshold_moment_Nm / CMT_threshold_moment)**(-beta)) * & ! & EXP((CMT_threshold_moment - desired_threshold_moment_Nm) / corner_moment) argument = (CMT_threshold_moment - desired_threshold_moment_Nm) / corner_moment IF (argument < -100.0D0) THEN G_function = 0.0D0 ELSE G_function = ((desired_threshold_moment_Nm / CMT_threshold_moment)**(-tGR_beta)) * & & EXP(argument) END IF seismicity = G_function * seismicity_at_CMT_threshold END SUBROUTINE SHIFT_continuum_seismicity END PROGRAM SHIFT_GSRM_for_CSEP