MODULE DTriangular ! is a translation from MatLab code to Fortran 90 code of the ! "TDdispHS" analytic solution for displacements ("disp") due to a ! triangular dislocation ("TD") patch, of uniform Burgers vector, ! in an elastic halfspace ("HS"). ! The original solution is by Nikkhoo & Walter [2015, Geophys. J. Int.]. ! The translation is by Peter Bird, UCLA, 2016.10, for use in ! versions 5+ of NeoKinema (etc.). ! Note that in the MatLab original, the coordinates X, Y, Z of the ! test point can be arrays. However, in this Fortran90 version, the ! test point is a single point and thus X, Y, Z are scalar REAL*8 variables. ! In this file, the original MatLab code lines are commented-out, ! and each is followed by its Fortran90 equivalent. USE DSphere ! by Peter Bird, in file DSphere.f90 USE, INTRINSIC :: IEEE_ARITHMETIC ! ONLY used to support setting (and reading) NaN flags in REAL*8 variables. ! However, it is better to avoid any test points which touch the triangle, ! so that these special flags (or numerical abends) are avoided. IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Gore(R_m, P1_uvec, P2_uvec, P3_uvec, P1_depth_m, P2_depth_m, P3_depth_m, & ! inputs & Ds, Ss, Ts, Poisson, & ! inputs & test_uvec, test_depth_m, & ! inputs & uSouth, uEast, uRadial) ! outputs !This subprogram was added 2016.10 by Peter Bird, for integrating TDdispHS into !Fortran 90 main programs (like NeoKinema) which use spherical coordinates. !It translates between the (external) spherical-Earth coordinates (expressed by !unit vectors from the center of the sphere, toward surface points with coordinates: ! x-component: from center of Earth toward (0E, 0N); ! y-component: from center of Earth toward (90E, 0N); ! z-component: from center of Earth toward (?E, 90N) !and the (internal) flat-Earth (x = East, y = North, z = Up) coordinates of TDdispHS. !Specifically: R_m is the radius of the spherical planet, in meters. !P1_uvec(1:3), P2_uvec(1:3), P3_uvec(1:3) are the coordinates of the whole-Earth unit vectors ! pointing to the surface points above the 3 vertices of the triangular dislocation; !P1_depth_m, P2_depth_m, P3_depth_m are the depths (in meters) of these 3 triangle vertices ! relative to the free surface (i.e., either land surface or sea-floor); !Ds, Ss, and Ts are the 3 components of the Burger's (slip or slip-rate) vector of the ! dislocation, in either m (for slip) or m/s (for slip-rate), using the same breakdown ! into components as in TDdispHS: Ds = dip-slip (thrust-faulting positive); ! Ss = strike-slip (sinistral or left-lateral positive); ! Ts = tensile "slip" (opening; dike or sill intrusion positive). !Poisson is the Poisson ratio of the elastic halfspace (usually 0.25; no more than 0.50; no less than 0.0) !Output displacement (or displacement-rate) components uSouth, uEast, and uRadial (positive up) ! are the solution at test point expressed by surface location test_uvec and ! depth from the free-surface test_depth_m. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: R_m REAL*8, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: P1_uvec, P2_uvec, P3_uvec REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: P1_depth_m, P2_depth_m, P3_depth_m, Ds, Ss, Ts, Poisson REAL*8, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: test_uvec REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: test_depth_m REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: uSouth, uEast, uRadial REAL*8 :: P1_uvec_norm, P2_uvec_norm, P3_uvec_norm, Q1_depth_m, Q2_depth_m, Q3_depth_m, test_uvec_norm, ue, un, uv, X, Y, Z REAL*8, DIMENSION(3) :: P1_xyz, P2_xyz, P3_xyz, P2mP1, P3mP2, phi_uvec, Q1_uvec, Q2_uvec, Q3_uvec, Q2mQ1, Q3mQ1, theta_uvec, tvec LOGICAL :: correct !Reject any unreasonable inputs immediately: IF (R_m < 1000.0D0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, R_m of ',ES10.2,' is unreasonably small.')") R_m !CALL Pause() STOP END IF P1_uvec_norm = DLength(P1_uvec) IF ((P1_uvec_norm < 0.9999D0).OR.(P1_uvec_norm > 1.0001)) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, P1_uvec must have length of 1.0D0.')") !CALL Pause() STOP END IF P2_uvec_norm = DLength(P2_uvec) IF ((P2_uvec_norm < 0.9999D0).OR.(P2_uvec_norm > 1.0001)) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, P2_uvec must have length of 1.0D0.')") !CALL Pause() STOP END IF P3_uvec_norm = DLength(P3_uvec) IF ((P3_uvec_norm < 0.9999D0).OR.(P3_uvec_norm > 1.0001)) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, P3_uvec must have length of 1.0D0.')") !CALL Pause() STOP END IF IF (P1_depth_m < 0.0D0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, P1_depth_m must be non-negative.',ES10.2,' is illegal.')") P1_depth_m !CALL Pause() STOP END IF IF (P2_depth_m < 0.0D0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, P2_depth_m must be non-negative.',ES10.2,' is illegal.')") P2_depth_m !CALL Pause() STOP END IF IF (P3_depth_m < 0.0D0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, P3_depth_m must be non-negative.',ES10.2,' is illegal.')") P3_depth_m !CALL Pause() STOP END IF IF ((Poisson < 0.0D0).OR.(Poisson > 0.50D0)) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, Poisson ratio of ',F12.4,' is outside the physical range of 0.0 to 0.5.')") Poisson !CALL Pause() STOP END IF test_uvec_norm = DLength(test_uvec) IF ((test_uvec_norm < 0.9999D0).OR.(test_uvec_norm > 1.0001)) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, test_uvec must have length of 1.0D0.')") !CALL Pause() STOP END IF IF (test_depth_m < 0.0D0) THEN WRITE (*, "(' In Gore, test_depth_m must be non-negative.',ES10.2,' is illegal.')") test_depth_m !CALL Pause() STOP END IF !Test whether the triangle outline P1 --> P2 --> P3 runs counterclockwise !(as seen from outside the Earth, looking down)? !If not, reverse the names P2 and P3 to make this true. P2mP1 = P2_uvec - P1_uvec ! (vector subtraction, using all 3 components) P3mP2 = P3_uvec - P2_uvec CALL DCross(P2mP1, P3mP2, tvec) ! In the vector sense, tvec = (P2 - P1) x (P3 - P2). correct = (DDot(tvec, P1_uvec) > 0.0D0) ! "Correct" when this test vector points in the local "up" direction. IF (correct) THEN Q1_uvec = P1_uvec ! changing names P-->Q (only), without changing values Q2_uvec = P2_uvec Q3_uvec = P3_uvec Q1_depth_m = P1_depth_m Q2_depth_m = P2_depth_m Q3_depth_m = P3_depth_m ELSE ! .NOT.correct Q1_uvec = P1_uvec Q2_uvec = P3_uvec ! note the swap here Q3_uvec = P2_uvec ! ditto Q1_depth_m = P1_depth_m Q2_depth_m = P3_depth_m ! note the swap here Q3_depth_m = P2_depth_m ! ditto END IF Q2mQ1 = Q2_uvec - Q1_uvec Q3mQ1 = Q3_uvec - Q1_uvec !Establish the surface point (on the free surface) above vertex Q1 (== P1) as the origin of local flat-Earth Cartesian coordinates: P1_xyz = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, -Q1_depth_m /) CALL DLocal_Theta(Q1_uvec, theta_uvec) ! unit vector (in global coordinates) that points locally South CALL DLocal_Phi(Q1_uvec, phi_uvec) ! unit vector (in global coordinates) that points locally East P2_xyz = (/ DDot(R_m * Q2mQ1, phi_uvec), -DDot(R_m * Q2mQ1, theta_uvec), -Q2_depth_m /) P3_xyz = (/ DDot(R_m * Q3mQ1, phi_uvec), -DDot(R_m * Q3mQ1, theta_uvec), -Q3_depth_m /) X = DDot(R_m * (test_uvec - Q1_uvec), phi_uvec) Y = -DDot(R_m * (test_uvec - Q1_uvec), theta_uvec) Z = -test_depth_m !One and only call to the Nikkhoo & Walter [2015] package: CALL TDdispHS(X, Y, Z, P1_xyz, P2_xyz, P3_xyz, Ss, Ds, Ts, Poisson, & ! inputs & ue, un, uv) ! outputs !Convert output displacement (or displacement-rate) from local flat-Earth Cartesian coordinates !to spherical-but-localized (theta = locally-South, phi = locally-East, radial = locally-up) coordinates: uSouth = -un uEast = ue uRadial = uv END SUBROUTINE Gore !THIS IS THE MAIN Nikkhoo & Walter [2015] SUBPROGRAM WHICH WILL BE CALLED FROM OUTSIDE THE MODULE: !function [ue,un,uv]=TDdispHS(X,Y,Z,P1,P2,P3,Ss,Ds,Ts,nu) SUBROUTINE TDdispHS(X, Y, Z, P1, P2, P3, Ss, Ds, Ts, nu, & ! inputs & ue, un, uv) ! outputs !% TDdispHS !% Calculates displacements associated with a triangular dislocation in an !% elastic half-space. !% !% TD: Triangular Dislocation !% EFCS: Earth-Fixed Coordinate System !% TDCS: Triangular Dislocation Coordinate System !% ADCS: Angular Dislocation Coordinate System !% !% INPUTS !% X, Y and Z: !% Coordinates of calculation points in EFCS (East, North, Up). X, Y and Z !% must have the same size. !Note: The comment above that X, Y, and Z "must have the same size" means that ! in the MatLab version, each of these is allowed to be an array of dimension 0, 1, 2, or 3, ! thus permitting the simultaneous computation of displacements at many test points ! with a single function call to TDdispHS. !HOWEVER, in this Fortran version X, Y, and Z are only allowed to be simple scalars (real numbers) ! giving the 3 coordinates of a single observation point. To obtain results for other ! observation/test points, CALL TDdispHS from within a Fortran DO loop (or nested DO loops). IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: X, Y, Z !% P1,P2 and P3: !% Coordinates of TD vertices in EFCS. REAL*8, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: P1, P2, P3 !% Ss, Ds and Ts: !% TD slip vector components (Strike-slip, Dip-slip, Tensile-slip). REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Ss, Ds, Ts !% nu: !% Poisson's ratio. REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: nu !% OUTPUTS !% ue, un and uv: !% Calculated displacement vector components in EFCS. ue, un and uv have !% the same units (e.g., m, or m/s) as Ss, Ds and Ts in the inputs. REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: ue, un, uv REAL*8, DIMENSION(3) :: P1_image, P2_image, P3_image REAL*8 :: ueMS, unMS, uvMS REAL*8 :: ueFSC, unFSC, uvFSC REAL*8 :: ueIS, unIS, uvIS !% Example: Calculate and plot the first component of displacement vector !% on a regular grid. !% !% [X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(-3:.02:3,-3:.02:3,-5); !% [ue,un,uv] = TDdispHS(X,Y,Z,[-1 0 0],[1 -1 -1],[0 1.5 -2],-1,2,3,.25); !% h = surf(X,Y,reshape(ue,size(X)),'edgecolor','none'); !% view(2) !% axis equal !% axis tight !% set(gcf,'renderer','painters') ! !% Reference journal article: !% Nikkhoo M. and Walter T.R., 2015. Triangular dislocation: An analytical, !% artefact-free solution. !% Submitted to Geophysical Journal International ! !% Copyright (c) 2014 Mehdi Nikkhoo !% !% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a !% copy of this software and associated documentation files !% (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including !% without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, !% distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit !% persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the !% following conditions: !% !% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included !% in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. !% !% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS !% OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF !% MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN !% NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, !% DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR !% OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE !% USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ! !% I appreciate any comments or bug reports. ! !% Mehdi Nikkhoo !% created: 2013.1.24 !% Last modified: 2014.7.30 !% !% VolcanoTectonics Research Group !% Section 2.1, Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanoes !% Department 2, Physics of the Earth !% Helmholtz Centre Potsdam !% German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) !% !% email: !% !% ! !if any(Z>0 | P1(3)>0 | P2(3)>0 | P3(3)>0) ! error('Half-space solution: Z coordinates must be negative!') !end IF ((Z > 0.0D0).OR.(P1(3) > 0.0D0).OR.(P2(3) > 0.0D0).OR.(P3(3) > 0.0D0)) THEN WRITE (*, "(' ERROR: Entering TDdispHS, all z-coordinates (Z, P1(3), P2(3), P3(3)) must be non-positive.')") !CALL Pause() STOP END IF !X = X(:); !Y = Y(:); !Z = Z(:); !These MatLab statements reshape X, Y, Z into column vectors, regardless of their original size and shape. !(Each could be a single point, a row of points, and planar grid of points, or a 3-D grid of points.) !P1 = P1(:); !P2 = P2(:); !P3 = P3(:); !N.B. These MatLab statements reshape input vectors P1, P2, P3 to be column vectors, ! in case they were accidentally input as row vectors. ! !% Calculate main dislocation contribution to displacements ![ueMS,unMS,uvMS] = TDdispFS(X,Y,Z,P1,P2,P3,Ss,Ds,Ts,nu); CALL TDdispFS(X, Y, Z, P1, P2, P3, Ss, Ds, Ts, nu, & ! inputs & ueMS, unMS, uvMS) ! outputs !% Calculate harmonic function contribution to displacements ![ueFSC,unFSC,uvFSC] = TDdisp_HarFunc(X,Y,Z,P1,P2,P3,Ss,Ds,Ts,nu); CALL TDdisp_HarFunc(X, Y, Z, P1, P2, P3, Ss, Ds, Ts, nu, & ! inputs & ueFSC, unFSC, uvFSC) ! outputs !% Calculate image dislocation contribution to displacements !P1(3) = -P1(3); !P2(3) = -P2(3); !P3(3) = -P3(3); !N.B. I do not approve of changing input parameters ! (and with Fortran 90 "INTENT(IN)" this will not be allowed). ! Therefore, I take copies, and operate on the copies: P1_image(1) = P1(1); P1_image(2) = P1(2); P1_image(3) = -P1(3) P2_image(1) = P2(1); P2_image(2) = P2(2); P2_image(3) = -P2(3) P3_image(1) = P3(1); P3_image(2) = P3(2); P3_image(3) = -P3(3) ![ueIS,unIS,uvIS] = TDdispFS(X,Y,Z,P1,P2,P3,Ss,Ds,Ts,nu); CALL TDdispFS(X, Y, Z, P1_image, P2_image, P3_image, Ss, Ds, Ts, nu, & ! inputs & ueIS, unIS, uvIS) ! outputs !if P1(3)==0 && P2(3)==0 && P3(3)==0 ! uvIS = -uvIS; !end IF ((P1(3) == 0.0D0).AND.(P2(3) == 0.0D0).AND.(P3(3) == 0.0D0)) THEN uvIS = -uvIS END IF !% Calculate the complete displacement vector components in EFCS !ue = ueMS+ueIS+ueFSC; !un = unMS+unIS+unFSC; !uv = uvMS+uvIS+uvFSC; ue = ueMS + ueIS + ueFSC un = unMS + unIS + unFSC uv = uvMS + uvIS + uvFSC !if P1(3)==0 && P2(3)==0 && P3(3)==0 ! ue = -ue; ! un = -un; ! uv = -uv; IF ((P1(3) == 0.0D0).AND.(P2(3) == 0.0D0).AND.(P3(3) == 0.0D0)) THEN ue = -ue un = -un uv = -uv END IF !end END SUBROUTINE TDdispHS !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !function [ue,un,uv]=TDdispFS(X,Y,Z,P1,P2,P3,Ss,Ds,Ts,nu) SUBROUTINE TDdispFS(X, Y, Z, P1, P2, P3, Ss, Ds, Ts, nu, & ! inputs & ue, un, uv) ! outputs !% TDdispFS !% Calculates displacements associated with a triangular dislocation in an !% elastic full-space. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: X, Y, Z ! <==== In my version, these are scalars, ! and (X, Y, Z) is the single observation point. ! However, in the MatLab version, these are (potentially very long) column vectors, ! with values rearranged from 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D arrays! REAL*8, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: P1, P2, P3 ! The three vertices of the triangular dislocation. REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: Ss, Ds, Ts ! 3 components of Burger's vector: Strike-slip, Dip-slip, Tensile-slip REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: nu REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: ue, un, uv ! 3 components of displacement at the observation point (East, North, Vertical/Up). INTEGER :: Trimode LOGICAL :: casepLog, casenLog, casezLog REAL*8 :: A, B, C, bx, by, bz, Fi, na, nb, nc, & & u, u1Tn, u2Tn, u3Tn, u1Tp, u2Tp, u3Tp, v, v1Tn, v2Tn, v3Tn, v1Tp, v2Tp, v3Tp, w, w1Tn, w2Tn, w3Tn, w1Tp, w2Tp, w3Tp, & & x_, xn, xp, y_, yn, yp, z_, zn, zp REAL*8, DIMENSION(3) :: a_, b_, c_ ! N.B. "_" = "lower-case" (because Fortran is NOT case-sensitive). REAL*8, DIMENSION(3) :: e12, e13, e23, eY, eZ, P2mP1, P3mP1, p_1, p_2, p_3, Vnorm, Vstrike, Vdip REAL*8, DIMENSION(3, 3) :: At, matrix3x3 !bx = Ts; % Tensile-slip !by = Ss; % Strike-slip !bz = Ds; % Dip-slip bx = Ts by = Ss bz = Ds !% Calculate unit strike, dip and normal to TD vectors: For a horizontal TD !% as an exception, if the normal vector points upward, the strike and dip !% vectors point Northward and Westward, whereas if the normal vector points !% downward, the strike and dip vectors point Southward and Westward, !% respectively. !Vnorm = cross(P2-P1,P3-P1); !Vnorm = Vnorm/norm(Vnorm); P2mP1 = P2 - P1 ! for components (1:3) P3mP1 = P3 - P1 CALL DCross(P2mP1, P3mP1, Vnorm) ! N.B. Vnorm is actually not normalized yet; see next line: CALL DMake_Uvec(Vnorm, Vnorm) !eY = [0 1 0]'; !eZ = [0 0 1]'; !Vstrike = cross(eZ,Vnorm); eY = (/ 0.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0 /) eZ = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0 /) CALL DCross(eZ, Vnorm, Vstrike) !if norm(Vstrike)==0 ! Vstrike = eY*Vnorm(3); ! % For horizontal elements in case of half-space calculation!!! ! % Correct the strike vector of image dislocation only ! if P1(3)>0 ! Vstrike = -Vstrike; ! end !end !Vstrike = Vstrike/norm(Vstrike); !Vdip = cross(Vnorm,Vstrike); IF (DLength(Vstrike) == 0.0D0) THEN Vstrike = eY * Vnorm(3) IF (P1(3) > 0.0D0) THEN Vstrike = -Vstrike END IF END IF CALL DMake_Uvec(Vstrike, Vstrike) CALL DCross(Vnorm, Vstrike, Vdip) !% Transform coordinates and slip vector components from EFCS into TDCS !p1 = zeros(3,1); !p2 = zeros(3,1); !p3 = zeros(3,1); p_1 = 0.0D0 ! "_" = "lower-case" p_2 = 0.0D0 ! N.B. p_1..3 previously specified as REAL*8, DIMENSION(3). (However, Fortran does not distinguish between row-vectors and column-vectors.) p_3 = 0.0D0 ! N.B. Two of these 3 statements are not actually necessary, due to code below. However, "p_2 = 0.0D0" is necessary because this will not be set below. !At = [Vnorm Vstrike Vdip]'; At(1, 1:3) = Vnorm(1:3) At(2, 1:3) = Vstrike(1:3) At(3, 1:3) = Vdip(1:3) !N.B. The MatLab line has an apostrophe after the brackets, indicating a transpose. ![x,y,z] = CoordTrans(X'-P2(1),Y'-P2(2),Z'-P2(3),At); !N.B. The apostrophes in the MatLab line above convert (very long?) column vectors into (very long?) row vectors for each of X, Y, Z. CALL CoordTrans(X-P2(1), Y-P2(2), Z-P2(3), At, & ! inputs & x_, y_, z_) ! outputs !However, in my Fortran version, each of X, Y, Z is a simple REAL*8 scalar; together, they represent a single observation point. !Therefore x_, y_, and z_ are also simple scalars. ![p1(1),p1(2),p1(3)] = CoordTrans(P1(1)-P2(1),P1(2)-P2(2),P1(3)-P2(3),At); ![p3(1),p3(2),p3(3)] = CoordTrans(P3(1)-P2(1),P3(2)-P2(2),P3(3)-P2(3),At); CALL CoordTrans(P1(1)-P2(1), P1(2)-P2(2), P1(3)-P2(3), At, & ! inputs & p_1(1), p_1(2), p_1(3)) ! outputs CALL CoordTrans(P3(1)-P2(1), P3(2)-P2(2), P3(3)-P2(3), At, & ! inputs & p_3(1), p_3(2), p_3(3)) ! outputs !% Calculate the unit vectors along TD sides in TDCS !e12 = (p2-p1)/norm(p2-p1); !e13 = (p3-p1)/norm(p3-p1); !e23 = (p3-p2)/norm(p3-p2); e12 = p_2 - p_1; CALL DMake_Uvec(e12, e12) e13 = p_3 - p_1; CALL DMake_Uvec(e13, e13) e23 = p_3 - p_2; CALL DMake_Uvec(e23, e23) !% Calculate the TD angles !A = acos(e12'*e13); !B = acos(-e12'*e23); !C = acos(e23'*e13); A = ACOS(DDot(e12, e13)) B = ACOS(DDot(-e12, e23)) C = ACOS(DDot(e23, e13)) !% Determine the best artefact-free configuration for each calculation point !Trimode = trimodefinder(y,z,x,p1(2:3),p2(2:3),p3(2:3)); CALL trimodefinder(y_, z_, x_, p_1(2:3), p_2(2:3), p_3(2:3), & ! inputs & Trimode) ! output !N.B. In the MatLab original, Trimode is an array of numbers the same size/shape as x_ (or y_ or z_); ! however, in my Fortran version, it is a single scalar integer. !casepLog = Trimode==1; !casenLog = Trimode==-1; !casezLog = Trimode==0; casepLog = (Trimode == 1) ! Note that Fortran .TRUE. and .FALSE. are not necessarily represented the same way as MatLab 1 and 0 ! casenLog = (Trimode == -1) casezLog = (Trimode == 0) !N.B. In the MatLab original, casepLog, casenLog, & casexLog all have the same size/shape as Trimode, which ! is the same size/shape as x_ (or y_ or z_). ! However, in my Fortran version there is only a single observation point, and so each of these ! logical variables is a single T/F value. !xp = x(casepLog); !yp = y(casepLog); !zp = z(casepLog); !xn = x(casenLog); !yn = y(casenLog); !zn = z(casenLog); !N.B. The statements above use "logical indexing" in MatLab. The result is to select all the elements of the ! array for which the matching logical element is true, and arrange them into a smaller column vector! ! Therefore, these statements divide the lists of observation points into 2 smaller column vectors. ! In my Fortran code, there is only a single observation point, so only ONE of (xp, yp, zp) OR (xn, yn, zn) ! will be a meaningful vector that will be used in computation! IF (casepLog) THEN xp = x_ yp = y_ zp = z_ END IF IF (casenLog) THEN xn = x_ yn = y_ zn = z_ END IF !% Configuration I !if nnz(casepLog)~=0 ! % Calculate first angular dislocation contribution ! [u1Tp,v1Tp,w1Tp] = TDSetupD(xp,yp,zp,A,bx,by,bz,nu,p1,-e13); ! % Calculate second angular dislocation contribution ! [u2Tp,v2Tp,w2Tp] = TDSetupD(xp,yp,zp,B,bx,by,bz,nu,p2,e12); ! % Calculate third angular dislocation contribution ! [u3Tp,v3Tp,w3Tp] = TDSetupD(xp,yp,zp,C,bx,by,bz,nu,p3,e23); !end IF (casepLog) THEN CALL TDSetupD(xp, yp, zp, A, bx, by, bz, nu, p_1, -e13, & ! inputs & u1Tp, v1Tp, w1Tp) CALL TDSetupD(xp, yp, zp, B, bx, by, bz, nu, p_2, e12, & ! inputs & u2Tp, v2Tp, w2Tp) CALL TDSetupD(xp, yp, zp, C, bx, by, bz, nu, p_3, e23, & ! inputs & u3Tp, v3Tp, w3Tp) END IF !% Configuration II !if nnz(casenLog)~=0 ! % Calculate first angular dislocation contribution ! [u1Tn,v1Tn,w1Tn] = TDSetupD(xn,yn,zn,A,bx,by,bz,nu,p1,e13); ! % Calculate second angular dislocation contribution ! [u2Tn,v2Tn,w2Tn] = TDSetupD(xn,yn,zn,B,bx,by,bz,nu,p2,-e12); ! % Calculate third angular dislocation contribution ! [u3Tn,v3Tn,w3Tn] = TDSetupD(xn,yn,zn,C,bx,by,bz,nu,p3,-e23); !end IF (caseNLog) THEN CALL TDSetupD(xn, yn, zn, A, bx, by, bz, nu, p_1, e13, & ! inputs & u1Tn, v1Tn, w1Tn) CALL TDSetupD(xn, yn, zn, B, bx, by, bz, nu, p_2, -e12, & ! inputs & u2Tn, v2Tn, w2Tn) CALL TDSetupD(xn, yn, zn, C, bx, by, bz, nu, p_3, -e23, & ! inputs & u3Tn, v3Tn, w3Tn) END IF !% Calculate the "incomplete" displacement vector components in TDCS !if nnz(casepLog)~=0 ! u(casepLog,1) = u1Tp+u2Tp+u3Tp; ! v(casepLog,1) = v1Tp+v2Tp+v3Tp; ! w(casepLog,1) = w1Tp+w2Tp+w3Tp; !end !if nnz(casenLog)~=0 ! u(casenLog,1) = u1Tn+u2Tn+u3Tn; ! v(casenLog,1) = v1Tn+v2Tn+v3Tn; ! w(casenLog,1) = w1Tn+w2Tn+w3Tn; !end !if nnz(casezLog)~=0 ! u(casezLog,1) = nan; ! v(casezLog,1) = nan; ! w(casezLog,1) = nan; !end IF (casepLog) THEN u = u1Tp + u2Tp + u3Tp; v = v1Tp + v2Tp + v3Tp w = w1Tp + w2Tp + w3Tp END IF IF (casenLog) THEN u = u1Tn + u2Tn + u3Tn v = v1Tn + v2Tn + v3Tn w = w1Tn + w2Tn + w3Tn END IF IF (casezLog) THEN u = IEEE_VALUE(u, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) v = IEEE_VALUE(v, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) w = IEEE_VALUE(w, IEEE_QUIET_NAN) END IF !% Calculate the Burgers' function contribution corresponding to the TD !a = [-x p1(2)-y p1(3)-z]; !b = [-x -y -z]; !c = [-x p3(2)-y p3(3)-z]; !na = sqrt(sum(a.^2,2)); !nb = sqrt(sum(b.^2,2)); !nc = sqrt(sum(c.^2,2)); a_ = (/ -x_, p_1(2)-y_, p_1(3)-z_ /) b_ = (/ -x_, -y_, -z_ /) c_ = (/ -x_, p_3(2)-y_, p_3(3)-z_ /) !MatLab manual: "If A is a matrix, then sum(A,2) is a column vector containing the sum of each row." !However, in this Fortran version, a_, b_, c_ have only one row each, so every sum( ,2) is a scalar. na = DLength(a_) nb = DLength(b_) nc = DLength(c_) !Fi = -2*atan2((a(:,1).*(b(:,2).*c(:,3)-b(:,3).*c(:,2))-... ! a(:,2).*(b(:,1).*c(:,3)-b(:,3).*c(:,1))+... ! a(:,3).*(b(:,1).*c(:,2)-b(:,2).*c(:,1))),... ! (na.*nb.*nc+sum(a.*b,2).*nc+sum(a.*c,2).*nb+sum(b.*c,2).*na))/4/pi; !N.B. The MatLab function atan2() works just like Fortran ATAN2; the first argument is y and the second is x. ! Also note that a_, b_, c_ have only one row each in this Fortran version. Fi = -2.0D0 * ATAN2((a_(1)*(b_(2)*c_(3) - b_(3)*c_(2)) - & & a_(2)*(b_(1)*c_(3) - b_(3)*c_(1)) + & & a_(3)*(b_(1)*c_(2) - b_(2)*c_(1))), & ! This concludes the "y" argument. & (na*nb*nc + DDot(a_, b_)*nc + DDot(a_, c_)*nb + DDot(b_, c_)*na)) & ! This concludes the "x" argument. & / 4.0D0 / 3.14159265358979D0; !% Calculate the complete displacement vector components in TDCS !u = bx.*Fi+u; !v = by.*Fi+v; !w = bz.*Fi+w; u = bx * Fi + u v = by * Fi + v w = bz * Fi + w !where all variables in the 3 lines above are simple scalars. !% Transform the complete displacement vector components from TDCS into EFCS ![ue,un,uv] = CoordTrans(u,v,w,[Vnorm Vstrike Vdip]); matrix3x3(1:3, 1) = Vnorm(1:3) matrix3x3(1:3, 2) = Vstrike(1:3) matrix3x3(1:3, 3) = Vdip CALL CoordTrans(u, v, w, matrix3x3, & ! inputs & ue, un, uv) ! outputs END SUBROUTINE TDdispFS !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !function [ue,un,uv]=TDdisp_HarFunc(X,Y,Z,P1,P2,P3,Ss,Ds,Ts,nu) SUBROUTINE TDdisp_HarFunc(X, Y, Z, P1, P2, P3, Ss, Ds, Ts, nu, & ! inputs & ue, un, uv) ! outputs !% TDdisp_HarFunc calculates the harmonic function contribution to the !% displacements associated with a triangular dislocation in a half-space. !% The function cancels the surface normal tractions induced by the main and !% image dislocations. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: X, Y, Z, Ss, Ds, Ts, nu REAL*8, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: P1, P2, P3 REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: ue, un, uv REAL*8 :: bx, by, bz, bXcap, bYcap, bZcap, & ! "cap" = "capital" (because Fortran is not case-sensitive) & u1, u2, u3, v1, v2, v3, w1, w2, w3 REAL*8, DIMENSION(3) :: eY, eZ, P2mP1, P3mP1, Vdip, Vnorm, Vstrike ! "cap" = "capital" (because Fortran is not case-sensitive) REAL*8, DIMENSION(3, 3) :: A !bx = Ts; % Tensile-slip !by = Ss; % Strike-slip !bz = Ds; % Dip-slip bx = Ts by = Ss bz = Ds !% Calculate unit strike, dip, and normal-to-TD vectors: For a horizontal TD, !% as an exception, if the normal vector points upward, the strike and dip !% vectors point Northward and Westward, whereas if the normal vector points !% downward, the strike and dip vectors point Southward and Westward, !% respectively. !Vnorm = cross(P2-P1,P3-P1); !Vnorm = Vnorm/norm(Vnorm); P2mP1 = P2 - P1 ! all 3 components P3mP1 = P3 - P1 CALL DCross(P2mP1, P3mP1, Vnorm) ! but, this still needs to be normalized: CALL DMake_Uvec(Vnorm, Vnorm) !eY = [0 1 0]'; !eZ = [0 0 1]'; !Vstrike = cross(eZ,Vnorm); eY = (/ 0.0D0, 1.0D0, 0.0D0 /) eZ = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0 /) CALL DCross(eZ, Vnorm, Vstrike) !if norm(Vstrike)==0 ! Vstrike = eY*Vnorm(3); !end !Vstrike = Vstrike/norm(Vstrike); !Vdip = cross(Vnorm,Vstrike); IF (DLength(Vstrike) == 0.0D0) THEN Vstrike = eY * Vnorm(3) END IF CALL DMake_Uvec(Vstrike, Vstrike) CALL DCross(Vnorm, Vstrike, Vdip) ! (apparently, no normalization is needed here) !% Transform slip vector components from TDCS into EFCS !A = [Vnorm Vstrike Vdip]; ![bX,bY,bZ] = CoordTrans(bx,by,bz,A); A(1:3, 1) = Vnorm(1:3) A(1:3, 2) = Vstrike(1:3) A(1:3, 3) = Vdip(1:3) CALL CoordTrans(bx, by, bz, A, & ! inputs & bXcap, bYcap, bZcap) ! outputs !% Calculate contribution of angular dislocation pair on each TD side ![u1,v1,w1] = AngSetupFSC(X,Y,Z,bX,bY,bZ,P1,P2,nu); % Side P1P2 ![u2,v2,w2] = AngSetupFSC(X,Y,Z,bX,bY,bZ,P2,P3,nu); % Side P2P3 ![u3,v3,w3] = AngSetupFSC(X,Y,Z,bX,bY,bZ,P3,P1,nu); % Side P3P1 CALL AngSetupFSC(X, Y, Z, bXcap, bYcap, bZcap, P1, P2, nu, & ! inputs & u1, v1, w1) ! outputs CALL AngSetupFSC(X, Y, Z, bXcap, bYcap, bZcap, P2, P3, nu, & ! inputs & u2, v2, w2) ! outputs CALL AngSetupFSC(X, Y, Z, bXcap, bYcap, bZcap, P3, P1, nu, & ! inputs & u3, v3, w3) ! outputs !% Calculate total harmonic function contribution to displacements !ue = u1+u2+u3; !un = v1+v2+v3; !uv = w1+w2+w3; ue = u1 + u2 + u3 un = v1 + v2 + v3 uv = w1 + w2 + w3 END SUBROUTINE TDdisp_HarFunc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !function [X1,X2,X3]=CoordTrans(x1,x2,x3,A) SUBROUTINE CoordTrans(x1, x2, x3, A, & ! inputs & Xcap1, Xcap2, Xcap3) ! outputs !% CoordTrans transforms the coordinates of the vectors, from !% x1x2x3 coordinate system to X1X2X3 coordinate system. "A" is the !% transformation matrix, whose columns e1,e2 and e3 are the unit base !% vectors of the x1x2x3. The coordinates of e1,e2 and e3 in A must be given !% in X1X2X3. The transpose of A (i.e., A') will transform the coordinates !% from X1X2X3 into x1x2x3. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: x1, x2, x3 REAL*8, DIMENSION(3, 3) :: A REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: Xcap1, Xcap2, Xcap3 ! N.B. "cap" = "capital" added because Fortran does not distinguish upper- from lower-case. !x1 = x1(:); !x2 = x2(:); !x3 = x3(:); !N.B. The lines above re-arrange the input vectors (lists of points to be transformed) into column vectors. !However, in my Fortran version there will only be one point transformed per CALL, so x1, x2, x3 are simple scalars. !r = A*[x1';x2';x3']; !X1 = r(1,:)'; !X2 = r(2,:)'; !X3 = r(3,:)'; Xcap1 = A(1, 1) * x1 + A(1, 2) * x2 + A(1, 3) * x3 Xcap2 = A(2, 1) * x1 + A(2, 2) * x2 + A(2, 3) * x3 Xcap3 = A(3, 1) * x1 + A(3, 2) * x2 + A(3, 3) * x3 END SUBROUTINE CoordTrans !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !function [trimode]=trimodefinder(x,y,z,p1,p2,p3) SUBROUTINE trimodefinder(x, y, z, p1, p2, p3, & ! inputs & trimode) ! output !% trimodefinder calculates the normalized barycentric coordinates of !% the points with respect to the TD vertices and specifies the appropriate !% artefact-free configuration of the angular dislocations for the !% calculations. The input matrices x, y and z share the same size and !% correspond to the y, z and x coordinates in the TDCS, respectively. p1, !% p2 and p3 are two-component matrices representing the y and z coordinates !% of the TD vertices in the TDCS, respectively. !% The components of the output (trimode) corresponding to each calculation !% points, are 1 for the first configuration, -1 for the second !% configuration and 0 for the calculation point that lie on the TD sides. !An important distinction is that this Fortran version of the code only !operates on one single test point; thus, x, y, z are simple scalars, never arrays. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: x, y, z REAL*8, DIMENSION(2), INTENT(IN) :: p1, p2, p3 INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: trimode REAL*8 :: a, b, c !x = x(:); !y = y(:); !z = z(:); !The MatLab lines above convert the x, y, and z arrays to (long?) column vectors. !However, in this Fortran version, x, y, and z are simple scalar coordinates of a single test point. !Therefore, the output "trimode" will also be a simple integer scalar, not an array. !a = ((p2(2)-p3(2)).*(x-p3(1))+(p3(1)-p2(1)).*(y-p3(2)))./... ! ((p2(2)-p3(2)).*(p1(1)-p3(1))+(p3(1)-p2(1)).*(p1(2)-p3(2))); !b = ((p3(2)-p1(2)).*(x-p3(1))+(p1(1)-p3(1)).*(y-p3(2)))./... ! ((p2(2)-p3(2)).*(p1(1)-p3(1))+(p3(1)-p2(1)).*(p1(2)-p3(2))); !c = 1-a-b; a = ((p2(2)-p3(2))*(x-p3(1))+(p3(1)-p2(1))*(y-p3(2)))/ & & ((p2(2)-p3(2))*(p1(1)-p3(1))+(p3(1)-p2(1))*(p1(2)-p3(2))) b = ((p3(2)-p1(2))*(x-p3(1))+(p1(1)-p3(1))*(y-p3(2)))/ & & ((p2(2)-p3(2))*(p1(1)-p3(1))+(p3(1)-p2(1))*(p1(2)-p3(2))) c = 1.0D0 - a - b; !trimode = ones(length(x),1); !trimode(a<=0 & b>c & c>a) = -1; !trimode(b<=0 & c>a & a>b) = -1; !trimode(c<=0 & a>b & b>c) = -1; !trimode(a==0 & b>=0 & c>=0) = 0; !trimode(a>=0 & b==0 & c>=0) = 0; !trimode(a>=0 & b>=0 & c==0) = 0; !trimode(trimode==0 & z~=0) = 1; trimode = 1 IF ((a <= 0.0D0) .AND. (b > c) .AND. (c > a)) trimode = -1 IF ((b <= 0.0D0) .AND. (c > a) .AND. (a > b)) trimode = -1 IF ((c <= 0.0D0) .AND. (a > b) .AND. (b > c)) trimode = -1 IF ((a == 0.0D0) .AND. (b >= 0.0D0) .AND. (c >= 0.0D0)) trimode = 0 IF ((a >= 0.0D0) .AND. (b == 0.0D0) .AND. (c >= 0.0D0)) trimode = 0 IF ((a >= 0.0D0) .AND. (b >= 0.0D0) .AND. (c == 0.0D0)) trimode = 0 IF ((trimode == 0) .AND. (z /= 0.0D0)) trimode = 1 END SUBROUTINE trimodefinder !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !function [u,v,w]=TDSetupD(x,y,z,alpha,bx,by,bz,nu,TriVertex,SideVec) SUBROUTINE TDSetupD(x, y, z, alpha, bx, by, bz, nu, TriVertex, SideVec, & ! inputs & u, v, w) ! outputs !% TDSetupD transforms coordinates of the calculation points as well as !% slip vector components from ADCS into TDCS. It then calculates the !% displacements in ADCS and transforms them into TDCS. !In this Fortran version, only a single test point (x, y, z) is transformed; !we do not allow x, y, or z to be an array (as in the MatLab version). IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: alpha, bx, by, bz, nu, x, y, z REAL*8, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: SideVec, TriVertex REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: u, v, w REAL*8 :: by1, bz1, v0, w0, y1, z1 REAL*8, DIMENSION(2) :: r1, r2, r3 REAL*8, DIMENSION(2, 2) :: A !% Transformation matrix !A = [[SideVec(3);-SideVec(2)] SideVec(2:3)]'; A(1, 1) = SideVec(3) A(1, 2) = -SideVec(2) A(2, 1) = SideVec(2) A(2, 2) = SideVec(3) !% Transform coordinates of the calculation points from TDCS into ADCS !r1 = A*[y'-TriVertex(2);z'-TriVertex(3)]; !y1 = r1(1,:)'; !z1 = r1(2,:)'; r1(1) = A(1, 1) * (y - TriVertex(2)) + A(1, 2) * (z -TriVertex(3)) r1(2) = A(2, 1) * (y - TriVertex(2)) + A(2, 2) * (z -TriVertex(3)) y1 = r1(1) z1 = r1(2) !% Transform the in-plane slip vector components from TDCS into ADCS !r2 = A*[by;bz]; !by1 = r2(1,:)'; !bz1 = r2(2,:)'; r2(1) = A(1, 1) * by + A(1, 2) * bz r2(2) = A(2, 1) * by + A(2, 2) * bz by1 = r2(1) bz1 = r2(2) !% Calculate displacements associated with an angular dislocation in ADCS ![u,v0,w0] = AngDisDisp(x,y1,z1,-pi+alpha,bx,by1,bz1,nu); CALL AngDisDisp(x, y1, z1, -3.14159265358979D0+alpha, bx, by1, bz1, nu, & ! inputs & u, v0, w0) ! outputs !% Transform displacements from ADCS into TDCS !r3 = A'*[v0';w0']; !v = r3(1,:)'; !w = r3(2,:)'; r3(1) = A(1, 1) * v0 + A(2, 1) * w0 r3(2) = A(1, 2) * v0 + A(2, 2) * w0 v = r3(1) w = r3(2) END SUBROUTINE TDSetupD !--------------------------------------------------------------- !function [ue,un,uv]=AngSetupFSC(X,Y,Z,bX,bY,bZ,PA,PB,nu) SUBROUTINE AngSetupFSC(X, Y, Z, bX, bY, bZ, PA, PB, nu, & ! inputs & ue, un, uv) ! outputs !% AngSetupFSC calculates the Free Surface Correction to displacements !% associated with angular dislocation pair on each TD side. !N.B. This difference between the MatLab original and this Fortran version is ! that here X, Y, and Z are scalars (not arrays), so only one observation point ! is processed by this subprogram, and only a single vector (ue, un, uv) ! is returned. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: bX, bY, bZ, nu, X, Y, Z REAL*8, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(IN) :: PA, PB REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: ue, un, uv REAL*8 :: b1, b2, b3, beta, v1, v1A, v1B, v2, v2A, v2B, v3, v3A, v3B, y1A, y1AB, y1B, y2A, y2AB, y2B, y3A, y3AB, y3B REAL*8, DIMENSION(3) :: ey1, ey2, ey3, eZ, SideVec, SideUvec REAL*8, DIMENSION(3, 3) :: A, Atranspose REAL*8, PARAMETER :: eps = 1.0D-15 ! a crude approximation of the MatLab "eps" constant. LOGICAL :: I !% Calculate TD side vector and the angle of the angular dislocation pair !SideVec = PB-PA; !eZ = [0 0 1]'; !beta = acos(-SideVec'*eZ/norm(SideVec)); SideVec = PB - PA ! all 3 components CALL DMake_Uvec(SideVec, SideUvec) eZ = (/ 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0 /) beta = ACOS(DDot(-SideUvec, eZ)) !if abs(beta)=0; I = ((beta * y1A) >= 0.0D0) ! % Configuration I ! [v1A(I),v2A(I),v3A(I)] = AngDisDispFSC(y1A(I),y2A(I),y3A(I),... ! -pi+beta,b1,b2,b3,nu,-PA(3)); ! [v1B(I),v2B(I),v3B(I)] = AngDisDispFSC(y1B(I),y2B(I),y3B(I),... ! -pi+beta,b1,b2,b3,nu,-PB(3)); ! % Configuration II ! [v1A(~I),v2A(~I),v3A(~I)] = AngDisDispFSC(y1A(~I),y2A(~I),y3A(~I),... ! beta,b1,b2,b3,nu,-PA(3)); ! [v1B(~I),v2B(~I),v3B(~I)] = AngDisDispFSC(y1B(~I),y2B(~I),y3B(~I),... ! beta,b1,b2,b3,nu,-PB(3)); IF (I) THEN CALL AngDisDispFSC(y1A, y2A, y3A, -3.14159265358979D0+beta, b1, b2, b3, nu, -PA(3), & ! inputs & v1A, v2A, v3A) ! outputs CALL AngDisDispFSC(y1B, y2B, y3B, -3.14159265358979D0+beta, b1, b2, b3, nu, -PB(3), & ! inputs & v1B, v2B, v3B) ! outputs ELSE ! (~I), or .NOT.I CALL AngDisDispFSC(y1A, y2A, y3A, beta, b1, b2, b3, nu, -PA(3), & ! inputs & v1A, v2A, v3A) ! outputs CALL AngDisDispFSC(y1B, y2B, y3B, beta, b1, b2, b3, nu, -PB(3), & ! inputs & v1B, v2B, v3B) ! outputs END IF ! % Calculate total Free Surface Correction to displacements in ADCS ! v1 = v1B-v1A; ! v2 = v2B-v2A; ! v3 = v3B-v3A; v1 = v1B - v1A v2 = v2B - v2A v3 = v3B - v3A ! % Transform total Free Surface Correction to displacements from ADCS ! % to EFCS ! [ue,un,uv] = CoordTrans(v1,v2,v3,A'); Atranspose = TRANSPOSE(A) CALL CoordTrans(v1, v2, v3, Atranspose, & ! inputs & ue, un, uv) ! outputs !end END IF END SUBROUTINE AngSetupFSC !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !function [u,v,w]=AngDisDisp(x,y,z,alpha,bx,by,bz,nu) SUBROUTINE AngDisDisp(x, y, z, alpha, bx, by, bz, nu, & ! inputs & u, v, w) ! outputs !% AngDisDisp calculates the "incomplete" displacements (without the !% Burgers' function contribution) associated with an angular dislocation in !% an elastic full-space. !Note that the orginal MatLab version allows x, y, and z to be arrays of test points !(in 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D); however, in this Fortran version there is only a single !test point at (x, y, z), and each of these is a simple REAL*8 scalar number. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, PARAMETER :: pi = 3.14159265358979D0 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: x, y, z, alpha, bx, by, bz, nu REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: u, v, w REAL*8 :: cosA, eta, r, sinA, ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz, zz, zeta !cosA = cos(alpha); !sinA = sin(alpha); !eta = y*cosA-z*sinA; !zeta = y*sinA+z*cosA; !r = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2); cosA = COS(alpha) sinA = SIN(alpha) eta = y * cosA - z * sinA zeta = y * sinA + z * cosA r = SQRT(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) !% Avoid complex results for the logarithmic terms !zeta(zeta>r) = r(zeta>r); !z(z>r) = r(z>r); IF (zeta > r) zeta = r !In Fortran, we have to avoid changing an input argument of type INTENT(IN), so I substitute a copy: zz. IF (z > r) THEN zz = r ! apply the limit ELSE zz = z ! just copy the value, without any change END IF !ux = bx/8/pi/(1-nu)*(x.*y./r./(r-z)-x.*eta./r./(r-zeta)); !vx = bx/8/pi/(1-nu)*(eta*sinA./(r-zeta)-y.*eta./r./(r-zeta)+... ! y.^2./r./(r-z)+(1-2*nu)*(cosA*log(r-zeta)-log(r-z))); !wx = bx/8/pi/(1-nu)*(eta*cosA./(r-zeta)-y./r-eta.*z./r./(r-zeta)-... ! (1-2*nu)*sinA*log(r-zeta)); ux = bx/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * (x*y/r/(r-zz)-x*eta/r/(r-zeta)) vx = bx/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * (eta*sinA/(r-zeta)-y*eta/r/(r-zeta) + & & y**2/r/(r-zz) + (1.0D0-2.0D0*nu) * (cosA*log(r-zeta)-log(r-zz))) wx = bx/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * (eta*cosA/(r-zeta)-y/r-eta*zz/r/(r-zeta)- & & (1.0D0-2.0D0*nu) * sinA * log(r-zeta)); !uy = by/8/pi/(1-nu)*(x.^2*cosA./r./(r-zeta)-x.^2./r./(r-z)-... ! (1-2*nu)*(cosA*log(r-zeta)-log(r-z))); !vy = by*x/8/pi/(1-nu).*(y.*cosA./r./(r-zeta)-... ! sinA*cosA./(r-zeta)-y./r./(r-z)); !wy = by*x/8/pi/(1-nu).*(z*cosA./r./(r-zeta)-cosA^2./(r-zeta)+1./r); uy = by/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * (x**2*cosA/r/(r-zeta) - x**2/r/(r-zz) - & & (1.0D0-2.0D0*nu) * (cosA*log(r-zeta) - log(r-zz))) vy = by*x/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * (y*cosA/r/(r-zeta) - & & sinA*cosA/(r-zeta) - y/r/(r-zz)) wy = by*x/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * (zz*cosA/r/(r-zeta) - cosA**2/(r-zeta)+1.0D0/r) !uz = bz*sinA/8/pi/(1-nu).*((1-2*nu)*log(r-zeta)-x.^2./r./(r-zeta)); !vz = bz*x*sinA/8/pi/(1-nu).*(sinA./(r-zeta)-y./r./(r-zeta)); !wz = bz*x*sinA/8/pi/(1-nu).*(cosA./(r-zeta)-z./r./(r-zeta)); uz = bz*sinA/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * ((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*log(r-zeta)-x**2/r/(r-zeta)) vz = bz*x*sinA/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu) * (sinA/(r-zeta)-y/r/(r-zeta)) wz = bz*x*sinA/8.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*(cosA/(r-zeta)-zz/r/(r-zeta)) !u = ux+uy+uz; !v = vx+vy+vz; !w = wx+wy+wz; u = ux + uy + uz v = vx + vy + vz w = wx + wy + wz END SUBROUTINE AngDisDisp !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !function [v1 v2 v3] = AngDisDispFSC(y1,y2,y3,beta,b1,b2,b3,nu,a) SUBROUTINE AngDisDispFSC(y1, y2, y3, beta, b1, b2, b3, nu, a, & ! inputs & v1, v2, v3) ! outputs !% AngDisDispFSC calculates the harmonic function contribution to the !% displacements associated with an angular dislocation in an elastic !% half-space. !Note that the orginal MatLab version allows y1, y2, and y3 to be arrays of test points !(in 0-D, 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D); however, in this Fortran version there is only a single !test point at (y1, y2, y3), and each of these is a simple REAL*8 scalar number. IMPLICIT NONE REAL*8, PARAMETER :: pi = 3.14159265358979D0 REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: y1, y2, y3, beta, b1, b2, b3, nu, a REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: v1, v2, v3 REAL*8 :: cosB, cotB, Fib, r2b, rb, sinB, & & v1cb1, v1cb2, v1cb3, v2cb1, v2cb2, v2cb3, v3cb1, v3cb2, v3cb3, & & y3b, z1b, z3b !sinB = sin(beta); !cosB = cos(beta); !cotB = cot(beta); !y3b = y3+2*a; !z1b = y1*cosB+y3b*sinB; !z3b = -y1*sinB+y3b*cosB; !r2b = y1.^2+y2.^2+y3b.^2; !rb = sqrt(r2b); sinB = SIN(beta) cosB = COS(beta) cotB = 1.00D0 / TAN(beta) y3b = y3 + 2.0D0 * a z1b = y1 * cosB + y3b * sinB z3b = -y1 * sinB + y3b * cosB r2b = y1**2 + y2**2 + y3b**2 rb = SQRT(r2b) !Fib = 2*atan(-y2./(-(rb+y3b)*cot(beta/2)+y1)); % The Burgers' function Fib = 2.0D0 * ATAN(-y2 / (-(rb + y3b) / TAN(beta / 2.0D0) + y1)) ! The Burgers' function !v1cb1 = b1/4/pi/(1-nu)*(-2*(1-nu)*(1-2*nu)*Fib*cotB.^2+(1-2*nu)*y2./... ! (rb+y3b).*((1-2*nu-a./rb)*cotB-y1./(rb+y3b).*(nu+a./rb))+(1-2*nu).*... ! y2.*cosB*cotB./(rb+z3b).*(cosB+a./rb)+a*y2.*(y3b-a)*cotB./rb.^3+y2.*... ! (y3b-a)./(rb.*(rb+y3b)).*(-(1-2*nu)*cotB+y1./(rb+y3b).*(2*nu+a./rb)+... ! a*y1./rb.^2)+y2.*(y3b-a)./(rb.*(rb+z3b)).*(cosB./(rb+z3b).*((rb*... ! cosB+y3b).*((1-2*nu)*cosB-a./rb).*cotB+2*(1-nu)*(rb*sinB-y1)*cosB)-... ! a.*y3b*cosB*cotB./rb.^2)); v1cb1 = b1/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*(-2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*Fib*cotB**2+(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*y2/ & & (rb+y3b)*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu-a/rb)*cotB-y1/(rb+y3b)*(nu+a/rb))+(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)* & & y2*cosB*cotB/(rb+z3b)*(cosB+a/rb)+a*y2*(y3b-a)*cotB/rb**3+y2* & & (y3b-a)/(rb*(rb+y3b))*(-(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*cotB+y1/(rb+y3b)*(2.0D0*nu+a/rb)+ & & a*y1/rb**2)+y2*(y3b-a)/(rb*(rb+z3b))*(cosB/(rb+z3b)*((rb* & & cosB+y3b)*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*cosB-a/rb)*cotB+2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*(rb*sinB-y1)*cosB)- & & a*y3b*cosB*cotB/rb**2)); !v2cb1 = b1/4/pi/(1-nu)*((1-2*nu)*((2*(1-nu)*cotB^2-nu)*log(rb+y3b)-(2*... ! (1-nu)*cotB^2+1-2*nu)*cosB*log(rb+z3b))-(1-2*nu)./(rb+y3b).*(y1*... ! cotB.*(1-2*nu-a./rb)+nu*y3b-a+y2.^2./(rb+y3b).*(nu+a./rb))-(1-2*... ! nu).*z1b*cotB./(rb+z3b).*(cosB+a./rb)-a*y1.*(y3b-a)*cotB./rb.^3+... ! (y3b-a)./(rb+y3b).*(-2*nu+1./rb.*((1-2*nu).*y1*cotB-a)+y2.^2./(rb.*... ! (rb+y3b)).*(2*nu+a./rb)+a*y2.^2./rb.^3)+(y3b-a)./(rb+z3b).*(cosB^2-... ! 1./rb.*((1-2*nu).*z1b*cotB+a*cosB)+a*y3b.*z1b*cotB./rb.^3-1./(rb.*... ! (rb+z3b)).*(y2.^2*cosB^2-a*z1b*cotB./rb.*(rb*cosB+y3b)))); v2cb1 = b1/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*((2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*cotB**2-nu)*log(rb+y3b)-(2.0D0* & & (1.0D0-nu)*cotB**2+1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*cosB*log(rb+z3b))-(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)/(rb+y3b)*(y1* & & cotB*(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu-a/rb)+nu*y3b-a+y2**2/(rb+y3b)*(nu+a/rb))-(1.0D0-2.0D0* & & nu)*z1b*cotB/(rb+z3b)*(cosB+a/rb)-a*y1*(y3b-a)*cotB/rb**3+ & & (y3b-a)/(rb+y3b)*(-2.0D0*nu+1.0D0/rb*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*y1*cotB-a)+y2**2/(rb* & & (rb+y3b))*(2.0D0*nu+a/rb)+a*y2**2/rb**3)+(y3b-a)/(rb+z3b)*(cosB**2- & & 1.0D0/rb*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*z1b*cotB+a*cosB)+a*y3b*z1b*cotB/rb**3-1.0D0/(rb* & & (rb+z3b))*(y2**2*cosB**2-a*z1b*cotB/rb*(rb*cosB+y3b)))) !v3cb1 = b1/4/pi/(1-nu)*(2*(1-nu)*(((1-2*nu)*Fib*cotB)+(y2./(rb+y3b).*(2*... ! nu+a./rb))-(y2*cosB./(rb+z3b).*(cosB+a./rb)))+y2.*(y3b-a)./rb.*(2*... ! nu./(rb+y3b)+a./rb.^2)+y2.*(y3b-a)*cosB./(rb.*(rb+z3b)).*(1-2*nu-... ! (rb*cosB+y3b)./(rb+z3b).*(cosB+a./rb)-a*y3b./rb.^2)); v3cb1 = b1/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*(2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*(((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*Fib*cotB)+(y2/(rb+y3b)*(2* & & nu+a/rb))-(y2*cosB/(rb+z3b)*(cosB+a/rb)))+y2*(y3b-a)/rb*(2* & & nu/(rb+y3b)+a/rb**2)+y2*(y3b-a)*cosB/(rb*(rb+z3b))*(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu- & & (rb*cosB+y3b)/(rb+z3b)*(cosB+a/rb)-a*y3b/rb**2)) !v1cb2 = b2/4/pi/(1-nu)*((1-2*nu)*((2*(1-nu)*cotB^2+nu)*log(rb+y3b)-(2*... ! (1-nu)*cotB^2+1)*cosB*log(rb+z3b))+(1-2*nu)./(rb+y3b).*(-(1-2*nu).*... ! y1*cotB+nu*y3b-a+a*y1*cotB./rb+y1.^2./(rb+y3b).*(nu+a./rb))-(1-2*... ! nu)*cotB./(rb+z3b).*(z1b*cosB-a*(rb*sinB-y1)./(rb*cosB))-a*y1.*... ! (y3b-a)*cotB./rb.^3+(y3b-a)./(rb+y3b).*(2*nu+1./rb.*((1-2*nu).*y1*... ! cotB+a)-y1.^2./(rb.*(rb+y3b)).*(2*nu+a./rb)-a*y1.^2./rb.^3)+(y3b-a)*... ! cotB./(rb+z3b).*(-cosB*sinB+a*y1.*y3b./(rb.^3*cosB)+(rb*sinB-y1)./... ! rb.*(2*(1-nu)*cosB-(rb*cosB+y3b)./(rb+z3b).*(1+a./(rb*cosB))))); v1cb2 = b2/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*((2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*cotB**2+nu)*log(rb+y3b)-(2* & & (1.0D0-nu)*cotB**2+1)*cosB*log(rb+z3b))+(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)/(rb+y3b)*(-(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)* & & y1*cotB+nu*y3b-a+a*y1*cotB/rb+y1**2/(rb+y3b)*(nu+a/rb))-(1.0D0-2.0D0* & & nu)*cotB/(rb+z3b)*(z1b*cosB-a*(rb*sinB-y1)/(rb*cosB))-a*y1* & & (y3b-a)*cotB/rb**3+(y3b-a)/(rb+y3b)*(2.0D0*nu+1.0D0/rb*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*y1* & & cotB+a)-y1**2/(rb*(rb+y3b))*(2.0D0*nu+a/rb)-a*y1**2/rb**3)+(y3b-a)* & & cotB/(rb+z3b)*(-cosB*sinB+a*y1*y3b/(rb**3*cosB)+(rb*sinB-y1)/ & & rb*(2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*cosB-(rb*cosB+y3b)/(rb+z3b)*(1.0D0+a/(rb*cosB))))) !v2cb2 = b2/4/pi/(1-nu)*(2*(1-nu)*(1-2*nu)*Fib*cotB.^2+(1-2*nu)*y2./... ! (rb+y3b).*(-(1-2*nu-a./rb)*cotB+y1./(rb+y3b).*(nu+a./rb))-(1-2*nu)*... ! y2*cotB./(rb+z3b).*(1+a./(rb*cosB))-a*y2.*(y3b-a)*cotB./rb.^3+y2.*... ! (y3b-a)./(rb.*(rb+y3b)).*((1-2*nu)*cotB-2*nu*y1./(rb+y3b)-a*y1./rb.*... ! (1./rb+1./(rb+y3b)))+y2.*(y3b-a)*cotB./(rb.*(rb+z3b)).*(-2*(1-nu)*... ! cosB+(rb*cosB+y3b)./(rb+z3b).*(1+a./(rb*cosB))+a*y3b./(rb.^2*cosB))); v2cb2 = b2/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*(2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*Fib*cotB**2+(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*y2/ & & (rb+y3b)*(-(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu-a/rb)*cotB+y1/(rb+y3b)*(nu+a/rb))-(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)* & & y2*cotB/(rb+z3b)*(1.0D0+a/(rb*cosB))-a*y2*(y3b-a)*cotB/rb**3+y2* & & (y3b-a)/(rb*(rb+y3b))*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*cotB-2.0D0*nu*y1/(rb+y3b)-a*y1/rb* & & (1.0D0/rb+1.0D0/(rb+y3b)))+y2*(y3b-a)*cotB/(rb*(rb+z3b))*(-2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)* & & cosB+(rb*cosB+y3b)/(rb+z3b)*(1.0D0+a/(rb*cosB))+a*y3b/(rb**2*cosB))) !v3cb2 = b2/4/pi/(1-nu)*(-2*(1-nu)*(1-2*nu)*cotB*(log(rb+y3b)-cosB*... ! log(rb+z3b))-2*(1-nu)*y1./(rb+y3b).*(2*nu+a./rb)+2*(1-nu)*z1b./(rb+... ! z3b).*(cosB+a./rb)+(y3b-a)./rb.*((1-2*nu)*cotB-2*nu*y1./(rb+y3b)-a*... ! y1./rb.^2)-(y3b-a)./(rb+z3b).*(cosB*sinB+(rb*cosB+y3b)*cotB./rb.*... ! (2*(1-nu)*cosB-(rb*cosB+y3b)./(rb+z3b))+a./rb.*(sinB-y3b.*z1b./... ! rb.^2-z1b.*(rb*cosB+y3b)./(rb.*(rb+z3b))))); v3cb2 = b2/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*(-2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*(1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*cotB*(log(rb+y3b)-cosB* & & log(rb+z3b))-2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*y1/(rb+y3b)*(2.0D0*nu+a/rb)+2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*z1b/(rb+ & & z3b)*(cosB+a/rb)+(y3b-a)/rb*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*cotB-2.0D0*nu*y1/(rb+y3b)-a* & & y1/rb**2)-(y3b-a)/(rb+z3b)*(cosB*sinB+(rb*cosB+y3b)*cotB/rb* & & (2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*cosB-(rb*cosB+y3b)/(rb+z3b))+a/rb*(sinB-y3b*z1b/ & & rb**2-z1b*(rb*cosB+y3b)/(rb*(rb+z3b))))) !v1cb3 = b3/4/pi/(1-nu)*((1-2*nu)*(y2./(rb+y3b).*(1+a./rb)-y2*cosB./(rb+... ! z3b).*(cosB+a./rb))-y2.*(y3b-a)./rb.*(a./rb.^2+1./(rb+y3b))+y2.*... ! (y3b-a)*cosB./(rb.*(rb+z3b)).*((rb*cosB+y3b)./(rb+z3b).*(cosB+a./... ! rb)+a.*y3b./rb.^2)); v1cb3 = b3/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*(y2/(rb+y3b)*(1+a/rb)-y2*cosB/(rb+ & & z3b)*(cosB+a/rb))-y2*(y3b-a)/rb*(a/rb**2+1.0D0/(rb+y3b))+y2* & & (y3b-a)*cosB/(rb*(rb+z3b))*((rb*cosB+y3b)/(rb+z3b)*(cosB+a/ & & rb)+a*y3b/rb**2)) !v2cb3 = b3/4/pi/(1-nu)*((1-2*nu)*(-sinB*log(rb+z3b)-y1./(rb+y3b).*(1+a./... ! rb)+z1b./(rb+z3b).*(cosB+a./rb))+y1.*(y3b-a)./rb.*(a./rb.^2+1./(rb+... ! y3b))-(y3b-a)./(rb+z3b).*(sinB*(cosB-a./rb)+z1b./rb.*(1+a.*y3b./... ! rb.^2)-1./(rb.*(rb+z3b)).*(y2.^2*cosB*sinB-a*z1b./rb.*(rb*cosB+y3b)))); v2cb3 = b3/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*((1.0D0-2.0D0*nu)*(-sinB*log(rb+z3b)-y1/(rb+y3b)*(1+a/ & & rb)+z1b/(rb+z3b)*(cosB+a/rb))+y1*(y3b-a)/rb*(a/rb**2+1.0D0/(rb+ & & y3b))-(y3b-a)/(rb+z3b)*(sinB*(cosB-a/rb)+z1b/rb*(1.0D0+a*y3b/ & & rb**2)-1.0D0/(rb*(rb+z3b))*(y2**2*cosB*sinB-a*z1b/rb*(rb*cosB+y3b)))) !v3cb3 = b3/4/pi/(1-nu)*(2*(1-nu)*Fib+2*(1-nu)*(y2*sinB./(rb+z3b).*(cosB+... ! a./rb))+y2.*(y3b-a)*sinB./(rb.*(rb+z3b)).*(1+(rb*cosB+y3b)./(rb+... ! z3b).*(cosB+a./rb)+a.*y3b./rb.^2)); v3cb3 = b3/4.0D0/pi/(1.0D0-nu)*(2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*Fib+2.0D0*(1.0D0-nu)*(y2*sinB/(rb+z3b)*(cosB+ & & a/rb))+y2*(y3b-a)*sinB/(rb*(rb+z3b))*(1.0D0+(rb*cosB+y3b)/(rb+ & & z3b)*(cosB+a/rb)+a*y3b/rb**2)) !v1 = v1cb1+v1cb2+v1cb3; !v2 = v2cb1+v2cb2+v2cb3; !v3 = v3cb1+v3cb2+v3cb3; v1 = v1cb1 + v1cb2 + v1cb3 v2 = v2cb1 + v2cb2 + v2cb3 v3 = v3cb1 + v3cb2 + v3cb3 END SUBROUTINE AngDisDispFSC END MODULE DTriangular