These two programs provide graphic support (visualization) for thin-shell neotectonic (dynamic) modeling with Shells.
Each can plot the finite element grid (.feg) files produced by OrbWeaver or OrbWin and then filled with nodal data by OrbData, as well as the dynamic solutions (v_____.out files) obtained from Shells. However, neither program uses a graphical user interface, or displays any graphics. Instead, each program runs with a primitive text-console interface that works exactly the same way on any type of computer system. The output is one or more .ai files, each of which holds one Adobe Illustrator page expressed as PostScript commands in simple ASCII text. Adobe Illustrator is then used to view, edit, annotate, and print the maps. (Adobe Illustrator v.7+ can also produce .eps (encapsulated PostScript) files for use in papers, or .gif or .jpeg/.jpg or .tiff/.tif bitmap files for Internet use and for slides.)
Both programs require a "frame" .ai file which holds the standard Adobe Illustrator macros and the standard colors and shading patterns used in maps. This frame file must be available for copying at run time, and should not be altered.