Step 38: Run Long_Term_Seismicity to get a SHIFT seismicity model?

Bird & Liu [2007] stated a pair of hypotheses for a group of seismicity-estimation methods known by the
acronym SHIFT (Seismic Hazard Inferred From Tectonics):

(1)   The long-term seismic moment rate of any tectonic fault, or any large volume of permanently deforming lithosphere,
is approximately that computed using the coupled seismogenic thickness of the most comparable type of plate boundary, and

(2)   The long-term seismicity of any tectonic fault, or any large volume of permanently deforming lithosphere,
is approximately that computed from its moment rate using the frequency-magnitude distribution of the most comparable type of plate boundary.

That is, even faults of modest length and slip-rate (which would not ever be considered “plate boundaries”) can be
approximated as plate boundaries for purposes of estimating their seismicity (per unit length, and per unit slip-rate),
provided that the seismicity of all the “classic” plate-boundary types has been calibrated using only accepted, unambiguous plate boundaries.

Previously, Bird [2003] had presented the PB2002 model of the locations of plate boundaries, recognizing 52 plates and 13 orogens.
This enabled Bird & Kagan [2004] to determine the seismicity coefficients of the 7 different classes of plate boundary, while
avoiding the complex, poorly-known orogens of Bird [2003], and using the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT)
seismic catalog which has uniform global coverage and an accurate seismic moment for each event above its threshold (m ≥ 5.7).
One important qualification to the SHIFT hypotheses was later discovered by Bird et al. [2009]:
Only certain classes of plate boundary (continental and oceanic transform faults, continental rifts, & oceanic convergent boundaries)
have seismicity in strict proportion to relative plate velocity; the other classes (subduction zones, continental convergence zones,
and mid-ocean spreading ridges) have nonlinear relations between seismicity and relative plate velocity.
This clarified that the analog plate boundaries most appropriate for relatively slow-moving faults in orogens
are the slowest subduction zones, continental convergent boundaries, and ridges (not the global averages of those 3 classes).

After this calibration was finished, it became relatively straightforward to convert fault slip-rates and permanent strain-rates
from any kinematic (or dynamic) model of neotectonics into a map of long-term-average shallow seismicity.
To date, the SHIFT method has been applied in two models of the neotectonics of California [Bird & Liu, 2007; Bird, 2009],
in two models of the southern-Europe/Mediterranean region [Howe & Bird, 2010; Carafa et al., 2017],
and in two global models [Bird et al., 2010; Bird & Kreemer, 2015]. The latter global model was also a
“parent model” component of the GEAR1 global seismicity model of Bird et al. [2015].

The utility program that converts any preferred NeoKinema model to seismicity is Long_Term_Seismicity.
It produces a rectangular grid, in (longitude, latitude) coordinates, of earthquake-rate densities (per unit area),
expressed as shallow centroids per meter-squared per second.  These values are arranged into a .grd file,
whose format is documented here.
In a slight extension of the .grd format, title lines (recording the chosen threshold magnitude)
are included in the right-hand portions of the first two records.
Also, two kinds of summary information are also included at the bottom of the file:

Ø  The spatial integral, or total shallow (z £ 70 km) seismicity rate, above threshold magnitude, of the model.

Ø  The fraction of seismicity coming from slip on modeled faults, versus the fraction coming from
permanent deformation of unfaulted(?) “continuum” or “microplate” elements.

Now, most orogens modelled with NeoKinema are not rectangular.  This presented a dilemma:

a)     Should seismicity models be limited to rectangular regions lying entirely within each NeoKinema model?  OR,

b)     Should other kinematic (or dynamic) models be used to estimate seismicity in the margins of the rectangle?

Program Long_Term_Seismicity takes the second option, (b).  In every run, it reads extra input files so that it is prepared to use:

Ø  The global PB2002 model of 52 rigid plates by Bird [2003]
(for plate-boundary locations and relative plate velocities); and/or

Ø  The preferred Shells-based global dynamic model Earth5-049 of Bird et al. [2008]
(for long-term-average permanent-strain-rates of plate interiors).

If it actually finds that the rectangular region of the requested seismicity model is entirely within the NeoKinema model,
then these alternative estimates of surface kinematics will be overwritten by kinematics from NeoKinema.

Long_Term_Seismicity also requires two global datasets that are used to decide which grid points have “oceanic” lithosphere,
and which points are “continental.”  The file ETOPO5.grd contains a digital elevation model (DEM) that was created by NOAA.
The file age_1p5.grd contains gridded ages of seafloor (based on linear magnetic anomalies) from Mueller et al. [1997, JGR].
The rule is that a grid point is “oceanic” if it has an age < 180 Ma, OR if it is under more than 2 km of water;
all other points are “continental” (even if under shallow seas).

Long_Term_Seismicity is actually very easy to use.  The user only has to specify (from the keyboard):

§  A choice of alternative (global or regional) seismicity coefficients to be applied;
(The references corresponding to these options are:
0: global or default settings: Bird & Kagan [2004]
1: western United States settings: Bird & Kagan [2004]
2: Italia settings: Carafa et al. [2017]
3: SyntheticExample: Bird & Carafa [2016] {all-continental; no global datasets})

§  A choice of output file formats (I suggest .grd);

§  The threshold magnitude (usually 5.0 or higher, on the moment-magnitude scale;
it should equal the completeness-threshold magnitude of the seismic catalog
that you intend to use for testing in the next Step);

§  The (longitude, latitude) limits of the desired map-rectangle;

§  The desired grid-spacing in degrees (e.g., 0.1° £ 11 km, or: 0.04° £ 4.4 km); and

§  The desired name for the output (e.g., LTS_*.grd) grid file.

So, in practice, the main work of running Long_Term_Seismicity is just the job of collecting the necessary input files
into one folder, which will be the active folder when this utility is started:


F-E grid used by Bird et al. [2008] to compute Shells model Earth5-049


Node velocities obtained by Bird et al. [2008] from Shells model Earth5-049


Step-wise table representation of plate-boundary locations, classes, and relative velocities, from PB2002 model of Bird [2003]


Input to your preferred NeoKinema model: digitized fault traces (& dips?)


Input to your preferred NeoKinema model: F-E grid


Output from your preferred NeoKinema modal: strain-rates in elements


Output from your preferred NeoKinema model: fault heave-rates, by element


Global topography dataset at 5’ resolution


Gridded ages of global seafloor, by Mueller et al. [1997]

As shown by the hyperlinks in the table above, all the left-justified files are available from this web site.
You only need to provide the 4 right-justified files, from your preferred NeoKinema model (“*”).

Once Long_Term_Seismicity has finished, it is very easy to plot the seismicity .grd with NeoKineMap;
just request Mosaic #10 :: logarithm of seismicity rate, from a Long_Term_Seismicity .grd fileTHEN:

The map above is Figure 20 from Bird [2009].  Obviously, the map also includes an
Overlay of type #1: North_America_states.dig.